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A Tale Of Two Oil Despots To paraphrase Euripides, those whom the modern-day gods would destroy, they first give too much oil and power. We have today two stories of oil-fueled despots in alliance. First, Iran's Ahmadinejad's economic illiteracy is coming home to roost: Ahmadinejad, with his peculiar and literal belief that he has divine backing, was not inhibited by this record of prudence. With a total oil revenue in the first two years of his presidency of $120 billion (£61billion) — more than Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani had in his eight years as President — the administration still found it necessary to deplete the emergency oil reserve fund set up by Ahmadinejad's presidential predecessor, Mohammed Khatami. According to the Iranian central bank he took $35.3 billion from the fund in his first year and $43 billion in his second year, as a new book, Ahmadinejad, by Kasra Naji, records. Emphasis mine. Presumably, this is earmarking, Tehran style. In any event, divine will or not, he may be on his way out. Meanwhile, over in the western hemisphere, Hugo is losing his support among the poor, his key constituency, as a result of high crime rates and potholes: Ninety percent of Venezuelans believe Chavez is doing too little to catch criminals, according to a report by pollster Datanalisis in the El Nacional newspaper this month. The common denominator is the black gold that provides far too much wealth and power to those unfit for it. The dictators may go away, but there's no guarantee that those who replace them will be any better as long as this moral hazard continues to exist. Ideally, nation's oil wealth and revenue would be privatized, perhaps by distributing stock to the citizenry. But that would require a real revolution, which is the last thing that these faux revolutionaries want. Posted by Rand Simberg at January 17, 2008 11:02 AMTrackBack URL for this entry:
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I am in favor of opening ANWR for oil extraction ... I do have to ponder why it is that the gov't gets a slice of the profits, the oil companies get a slice but the American people -- individual people -- do not receive any monetary compensation. Parts of our economy are as socialist as Venezuela, Russia or Iran. In Alaska, the state citizens DO receive a small share. It would be just and right to extend this concept to all American citizens for all Federal mineral extraction concessions. It would also be very good politics, because the voters would act to jealously maintain their benefit. Posted by Fred K at January 17, 2008 01:50 PMI do have to ponder why it is that the gov't gets a slice of the profits, the oil companies get a slice but the American people -- individual people -- do not receive any monetary compensation. Individual people who choose to buy stock in the oil companies do get "monetary compensation." It's not clear to me why they should get a cut just for being American individuals. That would be socialism. What I'm saying is that the countries like Iran and Venezuela that have essentially state-run oil companies should privatize them. Posted by Rand Simberg at January 17, 2008 01:56 PMIt's not clear that would do much good. The problem, IMHO, is not massive revenues from oil, it's the concentration of revenues in a single, resource dependent area. Privatizing ameliorates that somewhat, but doesn't solve the underlying problem. Posted by Annoying Old Guy at January 17, 2008 02:14 PMRand writes: What I'm saying is that the countries like Iran and Venezuela that have essentially state-run oil companies should privatize them. I concur. Posted by Fred K at January 17, 2008 04:36 PMGiving the resources to a single corporation (and the lucky folks that own it) is antithetical to capitalism. I don't think that anyone who wants to drill ANWR proposes to "give" the resources to one, or many corporations. Presumably there would be a bid for the drilling rights. The winning bidder(s) would get the rights. What's uncapitalistic about that? Posted by Rand Simberg at January 17, 2008 05:01 PMI realize that opening ANWR would increase our supply of oil without relying on foreign oil. But we still can't refine it into products we need. We need new refineries, or expanded refineries and the bunny huggers aren't going to let it happen. My next vehicle will be diesel. It may be more expensive, but it goes much further per gallon. We are also looking at a retirement place that is super efficient with solar and wind generation. I want access to the grid, but not reliance on it. I don't trust Ahm-a-nut-job, or HugeEgo Chavez or Algore, or any bunny huggers enough to bet my future on them. Posted by Steve at January 18, 2008 05:48 AMThe problem really begins with what Perez Alfonso, the founder of OPEC, called the Fred K:
Perhaps we should have a longer discussion. Federal mineral extraction contracts seem quite far removed from private property and free contracts between individuals. Probably only one winner - determined by political factors. So, winning bidder, corp "A", gives $X dollars to the Federal gov't. I don't get anything. You don't get anything. I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out why you or I should get anything, unless we are stockholders in the company(s) that win the bid. Posted by Rand Simberg at January 18, 2008 11:29 AMNorway appears to have a very prudent approach to its oil wealth, although perhaps not one a libertarian would welcome. As I understand it, the kind of kleptocratic consumption or political exploitation happening in these other countries is not happening there. Posted by Paul F. Dietz at January 22, 2008 12:30 PMPost a comment |
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