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The Loony Left
You've got to love these latest attacks on Jonah's book
Ezra...credits David Neiwert whose review is exactly the sort of shallow, cliche-ridden, attack-the-messenger stuff that I would expect Ezra to find so persuasive. More on that in a moment. But I find it hilarious that the part Ezra thought sufficiently profound to highlight was, in part, the bit where Neiwert insists that the fascist threat remains on the right and in particular that there's a threat of "totalitarianism" from "dogmatic individualists."
Apparently, to these people, words don't mean things at all.
[Early evening update]
Jonah corrects the record, via an email by Niewert (and per a comment by Duncan Young in comments). Those were Ezra's words, not his. The point remains.
Posted by Rand Simberg at January 10, 2008 12:24 PM
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Transterrestrial Musings.
Where are the left wing robots that say you have to see (in this case, read) something before you criticize it? Now we have "liberals" basing their criticism on the comments of other criticism of people who have never read it.
And before the mz/TNT/JH type claim hypocrisy. Hey, I have no issue with people not buying the book. I don't think I'll buy the book, because I'm not interested in reading political books. The same goes for the political movies I didn't want to pay for this past fall. What I didn't do was claim how bad Tom Cruise's acting was and how terrible Redford did at directing.
Posted by Leland at January 10, 2008 12:37 PM
Now we have "liberals" basing their criticism on the comments of other criticism of people who have never read it.
Speaking of which, Neiwert doesn't actually use the words "totalitarianism" and "dogmatic individualists." in his (web accessible) review.
Own goal for Jonah.
Posted by Duncan Young at January 10, 2008 01:58 PM
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