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Want To See A Weird Web Site? Here you go. Particularly this page, about the secret German moon base, from 1942 through 1992. Posted by Rand Simberg at December 01, 2007 12:16 PMTrackBack URL for this entry:
http://www.transterrestrial.com/mt-diagnostics.cgi/8610 Listed below are links to weblogs that reference this post from Transterrestrial Musings.
The link is all messed up. Fixed now, I think. Posted by Rand Simberg at December 1, 2007 01:28 PMA Japanese friend of mine in Los Angeles related to me the story of his friend's father, who worked as technician in an aircraft research bureau in Japan during the war. In July of 1945, two and a half months after the war ended in Germany, a huge German transport submarine brought to Japan the latest of German inventions - two spherical wingless flying devices. The Japanese R&D team put the machines together, following the German instructions, and... there was something very bizarre and other-earthy standing in front of them - a ball shaped flying device without wings or propellers, that nobody knew how it flew. The fuel was added, the start button of this unmanned machine was pressed and it .... disappeared with a roar and flames without a sign in the sky. The team never saw it again. The engineers were so frightened by the unexpected might of the machine, that they promptly dynamited the second prototype and choose to forget the whole incident. Whoa, Nellie! Them's good drugs! I'm very disapointed. I believed every word until I came upon "Colonel Neil Armstrong" at the very end. Armstrong was a civilian in 1969. And then I felt even more foolish. After all, if this was true, Heinlein would have been whacked for writing "Rocketship Galileo". Posted by Craig at December 1, 2007 02:14 PMPosted by Alan K. Henderson at December 1, 2007 02:18 PM Without my having to read all of that garbage, can anyone tell me how those nuts explain Germany loosing the war given their advanced technologies? Posted by Cecil Trotter at December 1, 2007 03:22 PM"After all, if this was true, Heinlein would have been whacked for writing "Rocketship Galileo"." But he was in on it from the start! It was all part of the cover. Science fiction was not well regarded then, so putting the truth into an SF novel automatically discredited any rumors. Don't you understand how these things are done? Posted by sjv at December 1, 2007 03:28 PMAnd not one mention of Ron Paul on the site. Amazing. Posted by T.L. James at December 1, 2007 03:39 PMSome good material in there for Dan Brown's next meticulously-researched novel. Posted by Crispytoast at December 1, 2007 04:00 PMI believed every word until I came upon "Colonel Neil Armstrong" at the very end. Armstrong was a civilian in 1969. That depends on your sources. According to "Rocket Jockey" by Lester Del Rey (1952), the first man to set on the Moon was "Major Armstrong."
I am surprised that no one noticed that the fuel for the V2 was alcohol and liquid nitrogen. :)
Posted by Edward Wright at December 1, 2007 08:07 PM Cecil, Who's loosing now ? Posted by at December 1, 2007 08:18 PMDr. Farouk-El-Baz was the nephew of the Grand Mufti of Egypt, the noted Nazi collaborator and secret SS executioner. El-Baz is a Nazi currently resident in Argentina. Joan Ba-Ez is only one of his illegitimate children. That should have been obvious. Posted by at December 1, 2007 08:23 PMIn the interests of time efficiency, can someone point me to where the site starts to get weird? Thanks. Posted by Michael S. Kelly at December 1, 2007 11:02 PMRoot, Michael. Start at the top and work down. The material on the secret Nazi base in Antarctica made for some fascinating reading. That site is technology history aerogel: a little bit of substance whipped into an exceptionally low-density fluff. Posted by T.L. James at December 2, 2007 12:13 AMDennis: they dissociated the LN2 with their nuclear magnetron first. Many weird elements of belief going on there, but it's the credulity about Nazi ultra-technology that's always interested me most. I recall a Hitler^h^h^h^hstory Channel show not long ago about the A-9/A-10, giving the impression that at V-E day it was just months from devastating NYC. What's up with that? Is it just anxiety left over from the nasty surprises of the V-weapons and Me-262? Or a roundabout way of indulging a fascination with Nazism that would be judged unhealthy if it focused on, say, uniforms instead of sketches from the "blue sky" file cabinets at Peenemunde? Posted by Monte Davis at December 2, 2007 06:27 AMHas it occurred to anybody that this could be simply be a piece of fun, self published, science fiction? The author may no more believe any of this than those of the verious web site touting the dangers of "dihydrogenous oxide". "Has it occurred to anybody that this could be simply be a piece of fun, self published, science fiction?" Absolutely not. Arndt has been a notorious waterhead at rec.aviation.military for years. He's a real live crank. Now there a poison gas tipped rocket program in the 50s, headed by Eichmann's deputy Alois Brunner in the late 50s to the early 60s. Most of their scientists were either killed ordiscouraged Boy that's five minutes I'll never get back. The problem with this site is it does include genuine facts; (Nazi V-2 experiments, the nature of major "All these physical conditions make it a lot more easier to build a Moon base." And us Americans would build a lot more betterer moon base than those Germans!
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