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The Dog That Didn't Bark?

Where was the vaunted "Arab street"? Where were the protests from the other Arab nations to the UN about Israel's "aggression" against Syria?

Some interesting military and diplomatic analysis and discussion over at Tigerhawk's place.

[Monday evening update]

Here's a lot more. Can we officially replace Iraq with Syria as the newest member of the Axis of Evil now? Though hopefully one that may be treading a little more carefully, now that it knows (once again) that its air defenses are worthless.

And speaking of the old A of E, Iran's war against us doesn't seem to be going very well. Unfortunately, this doesn't get covered much, either in the media, or in Congressional hearings.

Posted by Rand Simberg at September 17, 2007 01:35 PM
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I'm actually glad the Iran war against us is going poorly and not being covered. I can see enough to know they are losing. It would be nice if media or Congress showed some support, but its more important that something is being done.

Posted by Leland at September 18, 2007 09:51 AM

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