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Wish I'd Had A Camera

Posting from LA. I got off the plane to a beautiful South Bay day yesterday--clear skies, low humidity, mid seventies. And you could see mountains. What a contrast with Florida.

Anyway, driving up the 405 today from Long Beach to Torrance, I was behind a tow truck that had a banner on the back: "AAA Batteries Delivered And Installed." Unfortunately, the little Canon I carry was in my briefcase in the trunk.

Anyway, considering that I was in Fry's yesterday, where I could buy twenty four of the little suckers for seven bucks, and most of the plastic covers are pretty easy to get off, I think that the lack of handiness of the American male has gone too far.

Posted by Rand Simberg at September 17, 2007 11:18 AM
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I suspect that they were referring to car batteries, and "AAA" either means American Automobile Association or is a name for the company that ensures they appear near the front of the Yellow Pages. Still kind of lame to have somebody replace your car battery for you, but it's a different story when it's crapped out on you and left you stranded nowhere near a parts store. (I'm allowing for the possibility that your post is ironic, but if so, my reply should indicate that the irony wasn't particularly effective.)

Posted by George Skinner at September 17, 2007 11:45 AM

Yes, apparently the irony was indeed ineffective, at least with you. ;-)

Posted by Rand Simberg at September 17, 2007 12:12 PM

Look on the bright side - maybe it's a home guard sort of thing (see first definition) ...

Posted by Jay Manifold at September 17, 2007 12:17 PM

The best truck side advertisement I' ever seen was on garbage truck when I was a kid living in Jax, FL. We lived just outside the city limits so trash pick up was done by private contractors. The trucks all had the company name and motto on the side,

??? Garbage Hauling
"Satisfaction Guaranteed, or double your garbage back!"

Posted by Steve at September 17, 2007 02:51 PM

The irony worked for me, but then I've seen those trucks.


Posted by Ric Locke at September 17, 2007 04:49 PM

The worst advertisement ever on the side of a truck was also on a garbage truck, in Allentown Pennsylvania. It featured the 800 number for the company I worked for in the Chicago suburbs. We tracked them down, and when they got huffy about it we tracked down their competitor and started referring people there.

Posted by triticale at September 22, 2007 01:02 PM

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