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Uh Oh

Looks like we'll dodge Ingrid, which is falling apart under shear. But this little aside from a much longer tropical blog post by Jeff Masters is a little worrying:

The GFS, ECMWF, and UKMET models all suggest a tropical depression may form in the Western Caribbean on Wednesday and move northwards into the Gulf of Mexico or over Florida.

I'm going to LA tomorrow, and not coming back until early next Saturday morning. I'd like to know a little more. How long will it take to move north, and how much (if any) will it intensify? Do the models have an opinion about that?

We could use a tropical depression here, and even a tropical storm, to help refill up the lake, which is still four feet less than normal (due to draining it last year as a precaution against a hurricane season that didn't happen), as we head toward the dry season. But I can do without a major hurricane, particularly if I'm not here to shutter the house.

Posted by Rand Simberg at September 15, 2007 11:28 AM
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Why don't you shutter the house before you go?

Posted by Paul Dietz at September 16, 2007 02:16 PM

Lay in a supply of Pabst so we can keep your batteries charged for you while you're gone.

Posted by john hare at September 16, 2007 07:17 PM

Most likely, you're only looking at a tropical storm or cat. 1 hurricane, so just batten down the hatches before you leave. Over here in Tampa, we've been extremely fortunate to have avoided hurricanes in recent decades, but we've had our fair share of tropical storms.

Posted by Pro Libertate at September 17, 2007 10:16 AM

Why don't you shutter the house before you go?

Because it's a royal PITA, and I had too many other things to do before I went. It's not just putting up shutters--it's replacing the front stained-glass door with a (heavy) steel one, moving a lot of things in the garage to get to the several panels of plywood that have to be attached to protect the sliding glass doors in the patio, etc. Worst case is Patricia will drive back down from Orlando, and get her son to help, if it turns out to be necessary.

Posted by Rand Simberg at September 17, 2007 11:01 AM

Now you have a developing situation over Florida, that should move into the Gulf by the end of Wednesday. Radar shows a strong rotation and there's a lot of outflow.

Posted by Mac at September 19, 2007 07:41 AM

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