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If I Believed In The Lord

I would ask him to forgive me for taking great pleasure in this. Guess that's what schadenfreude is all about.

Posted by Rand Simberg at September 03, 2007 03:43 PM
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Great pleasure in what, exactly? You cut off the link. I like schadenfreude as much as the next guy, so let us know!

Posted by Doug Jones at September 3, 2007 04:44 PM

Linkage in the above story isn't quite right. Also, I like the phrase "Universal Omnicompetent All-In-One Expert Without Portfolio" (by "Ace"). Seems a bit large to put on my business card though.

Posted by Karl Hallowell at September 3, 2007 04:45 PM

Talk about falling flat on one's face...

Posted by Leland at September 3, 2007 04:48 PM

Better version of the link, for those who can't View Source:

(This will probably be blocked by filter that prevents the meat I dare not name...

Posted by Glenn at September 3, 2007 04:49 PM

Is it schadenschadenfreude when you're attempt to point out someone's mockery falls flat on its face as well?

Posted by Bill Peschel at September 3, 2007 05:36 PM

Sorry, link is fixed now...

Posted by Rand Simberg at September 3, 2007 06:28 PM

Karl- my best friend, Dave Hannah (popularly known as the retired graverobber), once had a friend whose business card simply gave his name, and the phrase "Still at large." Much more succinct.

(Dave was an archaeologist with the National Park Service, and later went on to be a salesman for RealityWorks, marketing the Baby-Think-It-Over simulator doll for high school sex ed classes. Possibly the only upright citizen ever to both rob graves and sell babies. Oh yeah, and he was at one time a gunrunner, too, selling .22s to Mexican peasants to shoot rats in their crops. Colorful, he was. I miss him.)

Posted by Doug Jones at September 3, 2007 06:45 PM

My understanding is that He will recognize your remorse, and as an act of grace grant forgiveness without a request thru normal channels.

Posted by triticale at September 3, 2007 11:25 PM

"If I Believed In The Lord

I would ask him to forgive me for taking great pleasure in this."

No need, Rand - He's too busy laughing his own ass off. ;-p

Posted by Barbara Skolaut at September 4, 2007 02:17 PM

I believe that anybody who criticizes our president deserves to be injured, even maimed.

Posted by Rob Warrick at September 4, 2007 06:46 PM

Rob, that's not even a real strawman. It's one of those decorator strawmen you get at the craft and fabric store.

Our beef with this guy isn't that he criticized the president, it is that he used a fall which proved to result from a design flaw and led to a product recall as a basis for mocking the president. Furthermore, we would have been happier if the reporter had fractured only his dignity, as he deserved. Then there wouldn't be the guilt attached to our enjoyment.

In other words, sod off, swampy.

Posted by triticale at September 4, 2007 08:31 PM

Yes, I like schadenfreude as much as the next guy, so let us know!

Posted by Rich at September 11, 2007 11:54 PM

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