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Thin Gruel

Some thoughts about Republican "sex" scandals.

Of course, the Democrats will just point to this as evidence that Republicans have "hang ups" about sex.

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 31, 2007 06:44 PM
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Rich old guys can't get sex - it's a sign of the apocalypse.

Posted by Alan K. Henderson at August 31, 2007 09:16 PM

Given the history of organized outing of political opponents by the left wing of the gay lobby, I wonder just how random this episode was.

Posted by K at September 1, 2007 10:33 AM

"Of course, the Democrats will just point to this as evidence that Republicans have "hang ups" about sex."

Yeah, because being reelected 7 times after being caught having sex with a young male is normal, or something.

K, according to Clayton Cramer, this stuff (trolling for anonymous male-male[1] sex in public) is common enough in big cities that most of them have cops actively looking for it. I don't really care about who people want to have sex with[2], but I don't want to have to deal with it in public. Grow the heck up and get a fricking room--you don't have a right to have sex in public, whether it's hetero or homosexual. Amusingly, I saw a link just a few minutes ago saying that Tucker Carlson of CNN was so offended by being propositioned in a bathroom that he slammed the other guy's head into a wall.

[1] I used that phrasing, because the "classic" tearoom study or whatever it was called said 54% of men asked about it didn't consider themselves homosexual or bisexual.

[2] as long as it's between consenting adults, yadda yadda.

Posted by Rick C at September 1, 2007 10:42 AM

Another example: Jack Ryan, whose gubernatorial campaign was done in by a sex scandal with his own wife.

Posted by McGehee at September 1, 2007 03:16 PM

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