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Christians Are Wimps

They won't stand up for their religion. Why can't they be more like Muslims, and riot and demand decapitations over things like this?

Also, terrorist chic. Maybe they'll wear them with "Che" tee shirts.

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 30, 2007 06:37 AM
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Christians believe in turning the other cheek, rather that lopping of the heads of people who offend them. Kind of a key difference in a true reliogion of peace versus islam.

Posted by PaulB at August 30, 2007 07:16 AM

I know you are being sarcastic here Rand, but as I have said before, the Christian religion, along with the Jewish religion are "grown up" religions. They don't act like little children when they don't get there way or their feelings get hurt. They as a whole can take insults and lies about them without violent reaction.

Obviously no one is perfect and incidents can be pointed out where Christians and Jews have missed the "grown up" mark but those incidents have been critized by every mainstream denomination that I can think of.

Look at it this way, we know that every week in Mosques throughout the world there are calls for death to the infidels. We have seen the hidden camera tapes of this. Can you imagine Billy Graham standing up calling for the death of anyone?

Yes I know that Pat Robertson called for the taking out of Chavez. To be honest I do not remember if he said Chavez should be killed or just taken out like Noriega (sp),(If someone can find the quote and post it, it would be interesting to see his exact remarks and not the press version) but either way he was critized and he apologized for his remarks.

Again, no one is perfect and in the heat of the moment we can say things we do not mean.

Islam as a religion needs to grow up and enter the 21st century.

I am sure that someone will bring up the bombing of abortion clinics to prove that Christians are just as bad. I would say this, there were not very many and those responsible were denounced by other Christians. Those responsible were also tried and are serving time. I condem them too. Remember though the Muslims killed and destroyed because they felt insulted, the bombers killed because they wanted to stop what they perceived to be a holocaust. Neither is justified or can be tolerated but there is a vast difference in motive.

Just my 2 cents

Posted by at August 30, 2007 07:26 AM

"Islam as a religion needs to grow up and enter the 21st century."

Heck, I'd be satisfied if Islam could attain some equivalence to Late 19th-Early 20th century western civil culture. That would move the ball foreward a good 300-400 years from the current state of the Moslem world.

Posted by teej at August 30, 2007 08:49 AM

This is where I quit reading,

Look at it this way, we know that every week in Mosques throughout the world there are calls for death to the infidels.

It's been my experience that sentences that contain words like, WE KNOW, EVERYBODY KNOWS, IT'S OBVIOUS TO EVERYONE, etc., really need qualifying. While I'd agree that it's been said, we don't know the frequency. Nor do we know the coverage area.

It's stereotyping of an entire religion. Stereotyping is cheap and it's easy. We don't hear about moderate Muslims for the same reason we don't hear other good news from the MSM. They don't report it.

Posted by Steve at August 30, 2007 01:06 PM


Did I say in every Mosque? No I did not I said in Mosques throughout the world. Are you going to deny the videos that have been shown of this kind of thing? Have you seen the videos of Muslims leaving Friday night prayers chanting death to Israel, death to America. My point is that you do not see this kind of thing in churches and temples.

I am not stereotyping an entire religion there are obviously moderate Muslims, I work with quite a few. In fact I got the idea for "grown up" religion from talking with some of the Muslim engineers I work with. Heck there are several I work with that send their children the the local Catholic College Prep school just down the road from where I work. Why, it is a great school with a tremendous reputation.

Unless you are willing to write "War and Peace" in these posts you cannot make mention of everything. I wrote only what I needed to try to get my point across so as not to go on too long.

Posted by JAH at August 30, 2007 03:14 PM

"Christians believe in turning the other cheek, rather that lopping of the heads of people who offend them. Kind of a key difference in a true reliogion of peace versus islam."

I agree with the direction of this post, but I gotta clarify that the "turn the other cheek" is NOT equal to "be a doormat".

During the time that Rand's ancestors were putting up with Romans*, Roman soldiers would back-hand (think "bitch slap") Judeans. This would be against the right cheek.

"Turning the other cheek" would require the soldier to choose between honoring the Judean by slapping him in the manner of equals (open palmed); or humiliating himself by declining to strike.

"Turning the other cheek" is simultaneously impudent acts "I double-dog dare ya**" and "face me like a man, cowardly Roman". It is NOT an act of meek submission, or "adult" tolerance of disrespect.

*[From "A Christmas Story"]

** [What did they ever do for us, anyway? -- Reginald, of the Judean People's Liberation Front]

Posted by MG at August 30, 2007 04:30 PM

Well said Steve. Thank You.

Posted by Toast_n_Tea at August 30, 2007 06:27 PM

I'm reading about this "Blake Prize" and the first thought that pops into my head is "the what prize?" So today I've been asking around the arts types at uni and a few know of the prize, but no one seems to give a fsck about who had won. Perhaps that's why there are no protests.

In other news, theres seems to be about half a dozen black helicopters over the city at the moment performing excercises for next weeks APEC conference. Thanks to the Bush and war protesters we get a free public holiday out of it. So for once, YAY BUSH!

Posted by Adrasteia at August 30, 2007 11:07 PM

We're probably beyond the time of "Christian Armies", but I'm pretty sure that Christians of various stripes are well represented in the US Army.

On an individual level, when someone says "I know that it's not Christian but ...", it's often followed by some serious fight.

Posted by Andy Freeman at August 31, 2007 09:57 AM

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