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A Novel Solution To Global Warming

When I saw this headline, I wasn't sure whether or not it was a joke (I'm pretty sure it is).

It reminds me of the old joke about the farmer who had a mule. His barn door was a little short, and every time the mule went through it, his ears would brush against the upper frame. So he got out a saw and cut two notches for the ears to pass through. After his neighbor came over in response to the sound of the barn collapsing, he asked the farmer why he did it. After the explanation, he asked, "Well, why didn't you just dig a trench through the doorway?" The farmer replied, "It was his ears that were too long, not his legs."

Posted by Rand Simberg at July 10, 2007 09:30 AM
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Let's see... to lower the sea level by 1 foot, you'd need to remove about 100,000 cubic kilometers of material from the sea floor and move it above sea level.

Yeah, I'd say that was a bit impractical.

Posted by Paul Dietz at July 10, 2007 10:03 AM

As usual, Paul the Party Pooper. Captain Bringdown.

Posted by Rand Simberg at July 10, 2007 10:11 AM

When they say 1 foot increase, is that measured by depth or from the present high tide level to 1 foot further inland at a future high tide level? There is a difference. Not that I really care, I live 100 miles from the beach, so I've got half a million years before the water comes up to my doorstep. I was just asking because I'm not sure just how they're figuring the environmental damage, I'm asking for my own edification.

On a similar front, I heard two buffoons talking yesterday on local talk radio who were discussing people who leave their dogs and kids in the car during the summer.

Talking male buffoon,

"We've already had a case of a woman in Georgia arrested for leaving her son n the car for 14 hours in the heat. They say he'll recover, but she's in jail for neglect."

Talking female buffoon,

"Yeah we need to take care of our dogs and kids what with GLOBAL WARMING and all."

First let me say I turned to another station, I don't do buffoonery well. But why did global warming have to get mentioned? If it was December or January and it was 94 degrees out that would maybe apply, but 94 in the summer is not unusual here in NC. Could you leave your "dogs and kids" in the car in July before global warming? Or is 94 with 80% humidity hotter now that Algore held his concerts?

The mention of dogs first, kids second is her listing not mine.

Posted by Steve at July 10, 2007 11:22 AM

Looks like an Onion knockoff:

"The Standard of Excellence in Pseudojournalism"

Funny concept, though.

Posted by Tom at July 10, 2007 11:36 AM

When they say 1 foot increase, is that measured by depth or from the present high tide level to 1 foot further inland at a future high tide level?

The former, measured on a global mean basis. There would also be local changes due to changes in winds and ocean circulation, I suspect, as well as continuing subsidence or uplift of the land in some places.

Posted by Paul Dietz at July 10, 2007 11:47 AM

Another REAL proposal that sounds like a joke is to change the feed of cattle so they produce less methane.

I think that a big part of the push to indict large scale animal husbandry in the AGW sweepstakes is to flip a "natural" cause (cow farts) into one that;s our fault so the PETA vegans can hit us meateaters indirectly.

What they conveniently overlook is that before there were a million cattle in the US (don't knwo the real number), before the nasty white man came here, there were millions of bison burping and farting -- so I doubt the net effect is much at all.

Posted by newscaper at July 10, 2007 04:36 PM

Don't these idiots know that water-vapor is a much greater greenhouse gas than CO2? So we need to eliminate all this nasty water on the planet, don't ya think? We should just boil it all off!

Then leave!

Posted by ken anthony at July 10, 2007 05:14 PM

You realize the combustion of hydrocarbons locks O2 and H2 up as H2O as well as CO2.

We are making more dangerous DiHydrogenMonoxide and depleating our Oxygen!


Posted by Mike Puckett at July 10, 2007 05:38 PM

That scheme sounds a whole lot less ludicrous than the ideas on I'm personally a fan of the nuke a volcano option though.

Posted by Adrasteia at July 10, 2007 09:48 PM

Why hasn't anybody considered the obvious solution: move the planet farther away from the sun?

Posted by Big D at July 10, 2007 11:22 PM

"Why hasn't anybody considered the obvious solution: move the planet farther away from the sun?
Posted by Big D at July 10, 2007 11:22 PM"

Yea just direct all those cow farts in the same direction all at once.

Posted by Josh Reiter at July 11, 2007 12:27 AM

thanks for the info.

won't it unbalance the planet to move all the cows to one spot at one time? The planet will wobble and fall over.

Posted by Steve at July 11, 2007 06:12 AM

I'm more concerned with those poor saps "in disparity" who are due to get "homogenized." Sounds painful.

As for sending a "clear message to global temperature inequity," I hope somebody out there has the correct e-mail address.

Posted by Dick Eagleson at July 11, 2007 08:50 AM

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