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Are Jews Too Smart For Their Own Good?


it is precisely the weirdness of Meon Nara that proves the stubbornness and ubiquity of the ugly ideological weed we call anti-Semitism. It is a weed most commonly found among those desperate for scapegoats -- such as failed Muslim societies and impoverished communist dictatorships. But South Korea ranks among the most dynamic, successful and well educated nations on Earth. The fact that Rhie's comic could become a best-seller in this sort of locale provides bizarre but convincing proof of Ruth Wisse's famous description of anti-Semitism as "the most successful ideology of the 20th century."

Why won't anti-Semitism die? The Muslim world's bloodthirsty demonization of Israel and the Jews who inhabit it obviously plays a major role. But another factor -- which is more relevant in capitalist, secular nations such as Korea -- is that Rhie's caricature of the all-powerful Jew, like all stereotypes and prejudices, has a tiny grain of truth behind it.

Posted by Rand Simberg at April 10, 2007 07:18 AM
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Thanks to agitation by outraged American -- most notably Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center, who travelled to Seoul last month -- Meon Nara's publisher is taking the book off store shelves.

"Are Jews Too Smart For Their Own Good?"

Not Rabbi Cooper.

Posted by D Anghelone at April 10, 2007 07:56 AM

Anti-Semitism has the same roots as anti-intellectualism--the perception of superiority without the power to justify it in the eyes of people for whom power is the only morality. There are also banal motives, such as the "uncoolness" of Jewish culture--a status shared with Russians and a few others, but made more prominent by being successful.

Posted by Brian Swiderski at April 10, 2007 09:46 AM

There are also banal motives, such as the "uncoolness" of Jewish culture--a status shared with Russians and a few others, but made more prominent by being successful

Which cultures ARE "cool" by this definition? While I can see how Jewish (or Russian, for that matter) culture may seem dreary and staid to someone not used to thinking, I suspect such people regard ALL cultures other than their own as "uncool".

Posted by Ilya at April 10, 2007 10:07 AM

Ilya: "Which cultures ARE "cool" by this definition?"

I gave no definition, but if we imagine "coolness" as imitation or consumption of cultural output we could say that the US, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, Britain, Jamaica, Ireland, Italy, and Brazil are cool, among others.

Ilya: "While I can see how Jewish (or Russian, for that matter) culture may seem dreary and staid to someone not used to thinking"

The question is whether people who aren't part of those cultures affect their styles, not whether their virtues and accomplishments are appreciated. Taking umbrage at this fact is mindless and idiotic.

Posted by Brian Swiderski at April 10, 2007 11:59 AM

I can't speak for the US, Brian, but Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, Britain, Jamaica, Ireland, Italy, and Brazil aren't cultures, they're countries.

Posted by Adrasteia at April 10, 2007 10:44 PM

Jewish culture isn't exotic enough, that's the problem. It's too familiar to seem exotic and enticing.

Posted by jaed at April 10, 2007 11:45 PM

Adrasteia: "Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, Britain, Jamaica, Ireland, Italy, and Brazil aren't cultures, they're countries."

Context is a big part of reading comprehension, wouldn't you say?

jaed: "Jewish culture isn't exotic enough, that's the problem. It's too familiar to seem exotic and enticing."

On the contrary, some elements of Jewish culture are quite exotic by virtue of age, but some exotic things are just strange without being particularly interesting or seductive. Seriously, who thinks King David is cooler than Rameses the Great? And he's the coolest Jew until Jesus.

Posted by Brian Swiderski at April 11, 2007 03:09 AM

Not to start off a "Top 10 coolest" list or anything but Einstein was extremely cool. Just to counter your Ramses vs. David example ^_^

Posted by Habitat Hermit at April 11, 2007 06:03 AM

Einstein was cool, but he never really participated in Jewish culture.

Posted by Brian Swiderski at April 11, 2007 12:41 PM

Well, I can certainly attest to this fact:

It isn't their culinary delights, that got them where they are, coolness or not.

Posted by everdayjoe at April 11, 2007 04:55 PM

Anyone with Matzah Balls?

Posted by Toast_n_Tea at April 11, 2007 06:13 PM


Posted by at May 9, 2007 07:47 AM


Posted by at May 9, 2007 07:48 AM

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