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Arnold Kling writes about the big issues on which Republicans have turned their backs on their traditional supporters, and lost the libertarians.

Posted by Rand Simberg at January 18, 2007 05:59 AM
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I agree with the author, conservatives have been betrayed on these issue by the GOP. But what are we going to do; support Democrats as a result? That would be asinine.

Posted by Cecil Trotter at January 18, 2007 07:19 AM

The weather in Houston this week was lousy, and so many school districts closed Tuesday and Wednesday. To its credit, mine did not, and it certainly had no reason to. However, half the students didn't show up anyway (partly because of a hackers scam, and partly because they figured they had a good excuse). That behaviour I think is typical and not very interesting.

The unfortunate thing was teachers were telling my children they ought to go home as well, because they didn't see the point in teaching half a class. I wonder if the teachers would feel the same way if they didn't get a full days pay for teaching only half a class. The fact is the teachers were there, and some interested pupils were there. The teachers should teach the subject matter of the day, and the absent students should be required to catch up on their own time. This is what life is like in most colleges and in business.

If parents were directly paying for their children's education, then this would not have gone over too well. I wouldn't pay a nice check to a private school, whose teachers were telling my children to go home because they, the teachers, did not want to teach.

Of course, health care was the topic I think doomed Bush and the Republican Congress more than anything else. The Republicans gained Congress in the aftermath of stopping the Clinton Healthcare plan, and then a decade later, they go ahead and start adopting pieces of it like the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan. What principle makes the Clinton Healthcare plan a bad idea but a Government Prescription Drug plan ok? It appears that it is an order of magnitude issue with politicians, but with constituents, it was that the government needed to stay out of my healthcare.

Posted by Leland at January 18, 2007 08:34 AM

well Bush will always have your support Simberg

Posted by anonymous at January 18, 2007 08:36 AM

Bush doesn't have my support, Anonymous Moron, except on a very few issues.

Posted by Rand Simberg at January 18, 2007 08:41 AM

Your one issue is all Bush needs, to have you polishing his
boots and spreading his lies.

Posted by anonymous at January 18, 2007 11:56 AM

You are the left's lickspittle who polishes boots and spread lies herr Goebels!

Posted by Mike Puckett at January 18, 2007 01:26 PM

Why do I get the feeling Anonymoron is posting his comments from Waziristan? His word choice is just so 1940s-serial-archvillain-like.

Posted by McGehee at January 19, 2007 05:36 AM

Why do I get the feeling Anonymoron is posting his comments from Waziristan?

I don't know, but the creature uses a variety of IP addresses, so it would be tough to ban it, even if I wanted to. Usually trolls get tired and go away after a while. This one seems quite persistent.

Posted by Rand Simberg at January 19, 2007 06:06 AM

You can always delete what he writes. He might grow tired if he knows his literary gems immeadiately get flushed.

Posted by Mike Puckett at January 19, 2007 11:45 AM

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