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Whatever Happened To Singles Bars? A 29-year-old woman allegedly forged documents and assumed the identity of an Annapolis attorney, apparently for the sole purpose of having sex with an inmate at a Baltimore prison.Posted by Rand Simberg at December 22, 2006 12:03 PM TrackBack URL for this entry:
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it could be true love. Perhaps some day Patricia will be willing to undergo Whenever I think you can't get more idiotic and vile, Anonymous Moron, you push past the outer limits of the envelope. Posted by Rand Simberg at December 22, 2006 04:49 PMsimberg What you don't think you will end up in Nuremberg, I've no concerns about the first (for what should be numerous reasons to non-morons), and the second is too absurd to comment on, Anonymous Moron. Posted by Rand Simberg at December 22, 2006 05:17 PMSo what's so vile, then Simberg? I would think you would believe patricia actually Anonymous, who will visit you after you are arrested and convicted of crimes against the people of United States? Of course, you might be able to sucessfully plead to be remanded to an institution based on your obviously subnormal I.Q. Posted by Mike Puckett at December 22, 2006 06:19 PMOh, I forgot, no loneliness for AC.... Anonymous will have a cellmate giving him the same special lovin' he gives strawman arguments.......oh the irony!!!!!!! Posted by Mike Puckett at December 22, 2006 07:11 PMRemember, the guys at Nuremburg were vile Jew haters, and enemies of the United States... "Remember, the guys at Nuremburg were vile Jew haters, and enemies of the United States... Simberg! Posted by anonymous at December 22, 2006 11:43 PMOh my, the hypocrit troll is at it again. What now, does you DD-214 give you deputy rights on the ICC to determine who should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity? What crime has Simberg committed? Exercising of free speech? Anonymous continues to show his totalatarian ideology. He believes he has full rights in determining appropriate speech, full moral authority on who can speek, and seeks power to criminalize and jail behaviour in which he disagrees. Yet he calls himself a liberal! If Simberg was half the person anonymous claims him to be, then the troll would have been banned long ago. If anonymous had Rand's authority over this blog, then it would become an echo chamber of hatred. Finally, I recently saw a reporter do an update on Scott Peterson. Apparently he has received many proposals for marriage from women. That should be a litmus test for lunacy. A guy kills his wife, and someone actually wants to be the next wife? Tiffany's affection was a murderer too! Is she after the cheap sex or the genetics? At least the Scott Peterson fan club might be after fame, but Tiffany was trying to hide her identity (like some others we know). Posted by Leland at December 23, 2006 06:22 AMleland what crmie did goebbels commit? Posted by anonymous at December 23, 2006 07:35 AMwhat crmie did goebbels commit? Rand, did Dubya appoint you official United States Minister of Propaganda and you didn't tell us? Posted by McGehee at December 23, 2006 08:58 AMSo as some minor capo in the ministry of truth, he's Anonymous Jew Hater, What crime did your hero Quisling commit? What crime did your hero Benedict Arnold commit? What crime did your hero Alger Hiss commit? The same one you commit. You are nothing but a intolerant ball of hate and treson aren't you Mr. Anonymous Jew Hater? Posted by Mike Puckett at December 23, 2006 10:15 AMdid Dubya appoint you official United States Minister of Propaganda and you didn't tell us? If he did, he didn't tell me, either. And the job doesn't seem to pay at all. You know, BusHitler has become kind of a standing joke among the anti-idiotarians, but I never expected to get a troll here who actually believes it. That's why I don't ban Anonymous Moron. He makes a sterling poster boy for the looniest of the loony left. Not to mention that it makes the irony of his cries of faux oppression all the more hilarious. Posted by Rand Simberg at December 23, 2006 12:06 PMMike despising neo-cons is not the same as despising jews. despising zionism is not the same as despising jews. it's that standard smear of Simberg and his neo-con It's kind of funny, given that Simberg claims he's not jewish Posted by anonymous at December 23, 2006 02:25 PMRand is half Jewish. Does that make you only a half Jew Hater? Posted by Mike Puckett at December 23, 2006 03:31 PMwhat crmie did goebbels commit? None he was tried for. He committed suicide in the bunker with Hitler, and murdered his own children. He was also Gauleiter of Berlin, effective ruler of the city, and organised the pogrom that culminated in what became known as Kristallnacht, during which time he gave orders to withdraw police to allow the destruction. He was also responsible for the decision that Berlin jews be the first to be deported, and, since he was well aware of the true nature of the Holocaust and lobbied in the government for its ends, is at a minimum guilty of conspiracy to commit genocide. Among other things. Next question? Posted by sjv at December 23, 2006 06:55 PMAnonymous must be a version of SmarterChild called "DumberTroll." Posted by Andrea Harris at December 23, 2006 07:29 PMWhack a troll time: what crmie did goebbels commit? So as some minor capo in the ministry of truth The ministry of truth kept changing things to fit the picture that big brother wanted. This is sort of like taking a thread about "a woman having sex with an inmate" and turning it into "a trial on whether Rand is a propagandist". In addition, the whole book is about the dangers of people following a philosophy with good intents but which actually leads to a totalatarian system. Once again, the troll seems to be the one saying his ideas are better, while making comments that are unquestionably totalatarian. Posted by Leland at December 24, 2006 05:02 AMAre you sure this guys isn't some kind of a plant, trying to give leftists a bad name? I know some dumb leftists, but very few so stupid that they don't know Goebbles committed suicide. And isn't it funny that the same people who are so quick to yell "Nazi" are also the people who are always curious as to whether someone is Jewish? Posted by at December 24, 2006 07:44 AMAre you sure this guys isn't some kind of a plant, trying to give leftists a bad name? It's possible, but after the recent talk about subjecting global-warming skeptics to war-crimes trials, you really can't put anything past these people anymore. Posted by McGehee at December 24, 2006 08:24 AMleland Sure, lets talk about repeating lies often enough. Lies like Hussein having Nukes, and being aligned with And lets talk about changing things to fit the picture that How about invading iraq because they had WMD, no, Simberg and the neo-cons installed laws like the It must really suck to be as full of hate, rage and insanity as you obviously are, Anonymous Moron. From the bottom of my heart, have a Merry Christmas, and I hope that you get well soon. Posted by Rand Simberg at December 24, 2006 09:40 AM"Are you sure this guys isn't some kind of a plant, trying to give leftists a bad name?" His posts come aross as the musings of a petulant, spoiled child who has never forgiven the unierse for not bending itself to his warped view of reality. One thing is for sure, if he really advocates what he posts for, he would better serve his agenda by ceasing his batshit nutty rantings. If he is actually an agent provacateur for the right, I have to say he is a good one. Posted by Mike Puckett at December 24, 2006 09:45 AMMike Complain all you want, but the american people november 7th was the first step to leaving neo-conservatism Anonymous Jew Hater, You are not going to like what happens in 08 unless you are a closet McCain fanatic. Posted by Mike Puckett at December 25, 2006 08:49 AM"november 7th was the first step to leaving neo-conservatism Or more likely the last dying gasp of the old cut and run left. Of course neither Rand nor myself are a neo-con. Rand might be a half neo-con in your rascist world though. I myself am a Ronald Reagan conservative. You know, the kind who flushed your kind down historys sewer where you belong some 26 years ago. How are things down there BTW? Did Mr. Hankey visit you for Christmas? puckett say all you want, but, to dislike the policies of As for mccain, he was an independent voice until he you are fixated on the sewer, feces, anal rape "say all you want, but, to dislike the policies of Hating Jews makes you a Jew-Hater. Supporting those who wants to murder Jews makes you one as well. Making light of the Nuremburg trials against Jew murderers and comparing our host to them makes you a Jew Hater. Your obvious hatred of Rand makes you a Jew Hater. "you are fixated on the sewer, feces, anal rape And you live in the sewer, commit strawman arguments so frequently that you are certainly sodomizing them in the process. Hate? You are full of it Jew-Hater. All of your hate is going to burn you up inside. Again, I call it like it is. "that's a real mess between your ears.
You project so well, we should call you the model Bell & Howell Jew Hater 2000. So tell us, did your parents ever stop beating you? Did they actually have any children who survived? Posted by Mike Puckett at December 25, 2006 04:48 PMPuckett Rand's support for a war based upon lies, leading fascists, murderers and their fellow travelers? As for Israel, it's a big country, it can take care of itself. Posted by anonymous at December 25, 2006 08:16 PMIsrael a big country? Oi Ve. Well, compared to Lichtenstein, Monaco, the Vatican, and San Marino, yes, I suppose it is. This must be some strange new definition of the word "big" I hadn't come across before. Seriously, is this guy for real, trolling, or an actual Moonbat? I used to know the difference, but the lunar left has been getting so totally psychotic recently, it's difficult. Posted by Zoe Brain at December 26, 2006 04:30 AMI think that it's a moonbat, of the extreme rabid variety, unacquainted with both reality and logic. Posted by Rand Simberg at December 26, 2006 04:55 AMRand, I wouldn't worry about it. When anonymous's government comes to its collective senses, this apologist and propagandist for the enemy will be spending a very long time in a very small space. I'm sure his ISP can be subpoenaed or equivalent. Posted by Fletcher Christian at December 26, 2006 12:11 PM"Propagandist for the enemy?" What makes y'all I think we have to apply a much stricter Otherwise all the government would have to do is (Obviously speech that directly provided -dave w Posted by dave w at December 26, 2006 08:37 PMThe neo-cons declared anyone who opposed their war Now they seek to blame the people who advised against this war Simberg is banging the drum to not only continue in Iraq His little collection of moonbats seeks to still call any opponents I suppose it must be embittering to the neo-cons "His little collection of moonbats seeks to still call any opponents Moonbats are extreme leftys. Get it right butthead! You look like a moron when you get it wrong. Posted by Biff Tannen at December 30, 2006 04:09 PMPost a comment |
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