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If Only...

...more Muslims had this man's attitude:

We are all creatures of passion. This fiasco has stirred the passionate cry of victimization from the Muslim activist community and imam community. But where were the news conferences, the rallies to protest the endless litany of atrocities performed by people who act supposedly in my religion's name? Where are the denunciations, not against terrorism in the abstract, but clear denunciations of al-Qaida or Hamas, of Wahhabism or militant Islamism, of Darfurian genocide or misogyny and honor killings, to name a few? There is no cry, there is no rage. At best, there is the most tepid of disclaimers. In short, there is no passion. But for victimization, always.

Only when Americans see that animating passion will they believe that we Muslims are totally against the fascists that have hijacked our religion. There is only so much bandwidth in the American culture to focus upon Islam and Muslims. If we fill it with our shouts of victimization, then the real problems from within and outside our faith community will never be heard.

Until his voice becomes the dominant one heard from, instead of those of the terrorism sympathizers like CAIR, there's little hope of solving the problem.

Posted by Rand Simberg at December 12, 2006 01:57 PM
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The problem is that CAIR is much better press than this man. Not to mention that, CAIR's Anti-American activities dove tail nicely with the MSM's Anti-American activities.

Posted by Steve at December 12, 2006 07:18 PM

This isn't a solitary opinion. As someone living in an area with many Moslem Americans and counting several of them as friends, I would venture to opine that most of them share this view. Before we generalize about American Moslems, it would be useful to question how many of them we actually know.

Posted by Offside at December 13, 2006 04:59 AM

As someone living in an area with many Moslem Americans and counting several of them as friends, I would venture to opine that most of them share this view.

Then they need to speak up more, and stop letting CAIR pretend to speak for them.

Posted by Rand Simberg at December 13, 2006 05:06 AM

I wonder if the moderate Muslims aren't in the same shape compared to their radical brethren, as many southerners were to radical racists. The image of most southerners as racists persists to this day because of the rabid utterings of a vocal few .

Do the Muslims in America need a strong, vocal leader to begin the backlash against radicalism.

Posted by Steve at December 13, 2006 10:12 AM

And, who wants to take the distinct personal physical risk (as was often true in the Southern case) of trying to be that leader?

Posted by Frank Glover at December 13, 2006 05:44 PM

The error here is in believing that there is such a thing as a moderate Muslim.

I have a little story. A few doors away from where I work, there is a small shop selling newspapers, magazines and some other small items - run by a family of Pakistani descent, as is quite common in the UK.

My business is health food and herbal remedies. This fact is known to the owners of this shop, who are obviously Muslim (the lady of the house wears a headscarf at all times) but about as moderate as one can get. The lady concerned asked me for advice about a health matter, which is quite common again. This matter was cystitis, which is not particularly serious but can be very uncomfortable and can if allowed lead to more serious problems. The main thing one can do to help oneself is to drink plenty of water to flush out the irritants.

It happened to be Ramadan. This lady had been told that drinking water was necessary, but would not do so during the day because of the Ramadan fast.

So here we have it; a Muslim who is so moderate that her faith is all but invisible is, nevertheless, prepared to risk her own health rather than bend religious restrictions in even the smallest way.

This small incident has utterly convinced me that should Muslims get the political upper hand in any Western country (probably due to unrestricted immigration and just plain outbreeding us) then Sharia will be imposed, and we'll never be free again.

Posted by Fletcher Christian at December 16, 2006 06:06 AM

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