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Light Shower Forecast

The Leonids are this weekend.

Posted by Rand Simberg at November 16, 2006 06:47 AM
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Ah...I was wondering if there were some sort of meteor shower. I saw one on the way home from Mojave last night.

Posted by Jonathan Goff at November 16, 2006 07:21 AM

Rand, thanks for the link; Jonathan, there are always a few sporadics ... having said that, which direction was it going, and what time of night?

Posted by Jay Manifold at November 16, 2006 09:12 AM

Let me see, I was driving north, and the meteor appeared to be coming from directly overhead, heading northwards toward the horizon. It was a really quick blip, not the brightest one I've seen around here over the past several months. It would've been....about 9:45pm PST?


Posted by Jonathan Goff at November 16, 2006 02:33 PM

Jonathan - That's good info! I grazed over to YourSky and generated a sky map for LA (closest city available on the list) for 0545 UT on 11-16; looks like the zenith would have been in the general vicinity of the unimaginatively-named constellation Triangulum, and the meteor's radiant point could have been in Pisces, Cetus, or points south. Not a Leonid, in any case, and none of the other showers mentioned on the IMO page I link to match up either. Looks like a sporadic. Well, that or an attacking alien. Any large cylinder-shaped craft land in, say, Death Valley last night? ;^)

Posted by Jay Manifold at November 16, 2006 03:55 PM

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