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Biting Commentary about Infinity, and Beyond!

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I'm Not Bitter

...but I can sympathize with Montgomery Burns, who famously said, "Ironic, isn't it Smithers? This anonymous clan of slack-jawed troglodytes has cost me the election, and yet if I were to have them killed, I would be the one to go to jail. That's democracy for you!"

Smithers: You are noble and poetic in defeat, sir.

Posted by Rand Simberg at November 08, 2006 09:22 PM
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I was on campus at UC Irvine last night. There was a candle light vigil of about 200 people evidently associated with the election. About the time it was announced that the Dems had taken the house, the group started cheering and yelling. Then a band started playing. A mariachi band.It was tough to tell in the dark, but the people I could pick out were mainly hispanic.

Perhaps I'm reading the wrong papers and blogs, but there wasn't much note of the effect of immigration control backlash on this election, and I think the results of last night were to
some extent driven by it.

I would suggest that the next presidential candidates wear a "Se habla espanol" button.

Posted by K at November 8, 2006 11:40 PM

Harry Reid running the Senate, Nancy Pelosi running the House, it's gonna be a long two years.

I hope the Taliban will let us at least vote for dog catcher or Sharia executioner in 2008. Actually that will be 1429 on the Islamic calendar.

Posted by Steve at November 9, 2006 06:19 AM

"A mariachi band.It was tough to tell in the dark, but the people I could pick out were mainly hispanic."

A lot of macacas voted in this election. That's why the good guys lost.

Posted by Tim Greeley at November 9, 2006 06:47 AM

Oh well, let's see what happens. First we had the pile on Clinton for his wrongdoings and now we'll have the pile on Bush for his wrongdoings. Either way, the interesting thing I see is the Good news Bad news angle

Good news: The dems will find a way to bring our troops home.

Bad news: Iraq will fall again and a democratic foothold in the middle east will be lost.

As far as I can remember, the left has always been more concerned with what goes on inside our own borders and the right more concerned with what's outside our borders.

For the sake of Inside our borders, let's all hope that the left has learned that throwing money at education doesn't fix it (not holding my breath)

For outside our borders, let's hope the left has a plan to continue to build Iraq and gain that foothold that will help stabilize the region. I hope that plan doesn't include just withdrawing all our troops and let Iraq deal. (again, not holding my breath)

Posted by Mac at November 9, 2006 07:05 AM

simberg seemed to have a plan.

Invade Iran in order to win in Iraq.

Any democratic plan will be preferable to that.

Posted by anonymous at November 9, 2006 07:13 AM

As in Spain two years ago, voters have sent the terrorists and their enablers the message that their bloody form of electioneering works.

Who can seriously believe they won't continue to use that tactic, regardless of whether we're still in Iraq?

Posted by McGehee at November 9, 2006 08:26 AM

simberg seemed to have a plan.

Rand, I want a troll of my own. How come you get them and I don't?

Posted by brian at November 9, 2006 08:49 AM

Anon says: simberg seemed to have a plan.

Invade Iran in order to win in Iraq.

Which would work if you think about it. Head of the snake and all...

Any democratic plan will be preferable to that.

How about the Democratic plan for education? Its not preferable. Its downright stupid, but they've been doing it for over 60 years. Bush even helped them. Obviously, not ANY democratic plan would be better...

Posted by Mac at November 9, 2006 09:17 AM

Wait a sec, Mac; there's been a "democratic foothold" in the Middle East since 1948. Doesn't seem to have done the Middle East much good in that short span of 58 years. You really think a "democratic" Iraq will have a more positive impact? Riiiight.

Posted by Andy at November 9, 2006 06:16 PM

Wait a sec, Mac; there's been a "democratic foothold" in the Middle East since 1948. Doesn't seem to have done the Middle East much good in that short span of 58 years. You really think a "democratic" Iraq will have a more positive impact? Riiiight.

Posted by Andy at November 9, 2006 06:16 PM

"A lot of macacas voted in this election. That's why the good guys lost." -Tim Greeley

"I would suggest that the next presidential candidates wear a "Se habla espanol" button." -K

Imagine that, Hispanics voting for the candidates of their choice and making the "good guys" lose. The racism here just stinks so please launch it into outer space and let it burn up on re-entry.

Posted by X at November 10, 2006 01:37 AM

Comparing Anonymous to X, I hypothesize that human cloning made an immediate advance with the Dem victory. It sees racists everywhere! And they don't even know they're racist!

Having said that, the GOPers richly deserved to lose. If the Dems spend the next 2 years on "investigations" of 9/11 conspiracy theories, they lose Congress in '08; they'll probably lose the Presidency again anyway. If they decide to, like, y'know, govern instead, they get to keep Capitol Hill. It's win-win.

Posted by Jay Manifold at November 10, 2006 04:26 AM

Andy says: Wait a sec, Mac; there's been a "democratic foothold" in the Middle East since 1948. Doesn't seem to have done the Middle East much good in that short span of 58 years. You really think a "democratic" Iraq will have a more positive impact? Riiiight.

By foothold, you're obviously talking Israel. I'm talking about a democratic foothold with the same religion. Having a bastion of democrtic ideals in the heart of the Middle East would help pull them out of Dark Ages and into the real world. A democratic Iraq would do wonders for stabilizing the area in the long run. Short run views though make the long view hazy for the shear amount of secular hatred amongst their own beliefs. Either way, it can't hurt, because they've been that way for so long, almost anything would help. Anything except bombing aspirin factories after our country's been attacked

Posted by Mac at November 10, 2006 06:46 AM

The hatred isn't secular, and the conflict between Sunni and Shiite radicals is nearly as calamitous as that between Jews and Muslims. Until these intra-faith divisions are healed (and that ain't likely to happen as a result of any outside influences), there is very little chance for stability. No stability=no [real] democracy.

Posted by Andy at November 10, 2006 07:50 AM

Andy says: ...there is very little chance for stability.

That is exactly the point. They've been killing each other for hundreds of years. Maybe this different approach will work. As long as a sliver of hope exists for peace, shouldn't it be tried? The left always preach peace, let's give it a chance.

Posted by Mac at November 10, 2006 10:12 AM

That much of the liberal left pursue peace as a priority
over war, but you don't puruse peace with a foreign
occupation force.

Posted by anonymous at November 10, 2006 11:32 AM

Watch it idiot. "the good guys won because the macaca's voted?". Phuck you shithead. Stuff your racist head up your a**.

Posted by at November 10, 2006 02:50 PM

I am waiting for the DU idiots to start saying Karl Rove engineered this defeat so that it would invalidate the lefts overwhelming evidence of vote forud. This will allow him to steal 08 with impunity.

Posted by Mike Puckett at November 10, 2006 04:34 PM

Edit: Vote fraud

Posted by Mike Puckett at November 10, 2006 05:08 PM

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