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But pretty cool. Behold, metallic oxygen. It's red.

And I wouldn't bet against someone coming up with a use for it. Or something like it:

...high-pressure techniques have already been used to create ultrahard materials such as diamond. Other chemicals, such as nitrogen and carbon monoxide, form solid polymers under pressure that store a lot of energy. If similar structures could be retained at atmospheric pressure, they might make excellent rocket fuel, suggests McMahon.

[Via Geek Press]

Posted by Rand Simberg at September 14, 2006 06:41 AM
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I follow this high pressure work occassionally, because it may be a route (or at least provide data to help along the route) to a weird phenomenon called pycnonuclear fusion. This form of fusion, where pressure and electron screening rather than kinetic energy promotes barrier penetration, may end up being the only remotely plausible scheme for fusion reactors burning just ordinary hydrogen.

Posted by Paul Dietz at September 14, 2006 11:00 AM

Somehow it is fitting that metallic oxygen is red. So, lets go out and make a solid rocket engine - 50% metallic oxygen, 50% aluminum.


Posted by David Summers at September 14, 2006 03:15 PM

The metastable materials might make good rocket fuel if we could keep them from exploding beforehand. They also need to be available by the ton on the cheap.

Posted by Sam Dinkin at September 15, 2006 09:04 AM

ykmvaowj rpibqgmuc wnhruzlka oxvasyu kpiybec atcvkxfr agryujlh

Posted by ysue rubds at December 2, 2006 12:59 AM

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