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Just In Case You Weren't Already Aware

Bruce Gagnon is nuts:

I am now convinced, more than ever, that the Bush pirate crew is going to pull another 9-11 before the November elections. I think they are going to declare martial law. Then when the public hits the streets in protest, they are going to trot out these "active denial" microwave weapons for crowd control. And if anyone stands around too long they will be killed, just like is happening today in Iraq.

They will use these weapons in order to "dissuade" the American people from thinking that we can non-violently protest to save our country from fascism. They are then hoping that activists will either give up and go home, or turn violent and then the military will be given the go-ahead to take people out - just like we see them doing in Iraq today.

The clamp down is coming. Folks had better come alive now before it is too late. The Bush team has decided that they do not intend to give up power. They are going to make a play for total control of the oil in the Middle East and Central Asia and will not be slowed down by elections.

[Via Thomas James, who reads sites like this so we don't have to]

Posted by Rand Simberg at September 14, 2006 06:21 AM
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Well, at least they won't be bringing in black UN helicopters to hold on to power like Clinton...

Posted by Will Gore at September 14, 2006 06:42 AM

He's wrong, you know. The Air Force will be using their Death Frisbees.

Posted by Ian at September 14, 2006 06:42 AM

Thanks for the laugh. That is one nutty fruitcake.

Posted by Dave G at September 14, 2006 06:50 AM

You misunderstand: he's not warning that these things are coming, he's hoping that these things are coming.

Then he can smugly say "I was right!" (only his superior intelligence saw it), and then he'll become a freedom fighter, a romantic figure that will be talked about in the history books of the liberated People. Or, if it doesn't happen (say, elections take place in 2008 as planned), well, it's because he blew their conspiracy right open!

The alternative would be that he's a lone loser in a basement with an Internet connection. That can't be, so Evil must be on the march. There can be no other reason.

Posted by V-Man at September 14, 2006 07:42 AM

The alternative would be that he's a lone loser in a basement with an Internet connection.

I think he writes from his study, actually. Or maybe the kitchen table.

He's not alone - just ask him. He's got an action network of fellow-travellers speaking truthiness to power.

I don't think this is the first time he's warned us that Bush is not going to relenquish power - it's an article of faith that it's going to happen any minute now.

Posted by Brian at September 14, 2006 08:06 AM

Well, he's been right so far. Bush has been continuously not relinquishing power since January, 2001.

Posted by Rand Simberg at September 14, 2006 08:10 AM

If he's right - that the fascists are coming - then I guess the Second Amendment better step up and allow us proletariat to protect ourselves.

Would Mr. Gagnon be willing to fight to preserve his freedom from those Waskally Wepubwicans?

Posted by PizzaHog at September 14, 2006 08:15 AM

Back in the late 90s the wife and I would drive out to Colorado from Atlanta and do these week long driving tours. That meant some late nights in the car listening to really bad AM talk radio. I remember talk show _hosts_ relaying stories of semi-trucks driving around the country filled with portable slaughter houses for dealing with the human bodies after Clinton declared martial law through FEMA after Y2K. That same class of hysteria gripped the left during Reagan's 2nd term and its doing it again now.

So I'm wondering if its really Bush Derangement Syndrome or just a generalized 2nd Term Derangement Syndrome. Both the far 'right' and 'left' do it which suggests its based more on being 'far' than being 'left' or 'right'. And it rarely happens in the first term. Only the 2nd.

Posted by Michael Mealling at September 14, 2006 08:53 AM

No, it's not a second-term thing in this case. Bush derangement started during the recount in 2000.

Posted by Rand Simberg at September 14, 2006 09:01 AM

True. Maybe it just takes two terms before it gins itself up into enough of a frenzy that it becomes 'visible'? Its only been the past few months that I've seen the 'they're going to declare martial law!" meme flying around.

Posted by Michael Mealling at September 14, 2006 09:05 AM

I recall some kooks explaining how President Clinton was going to repeal the 22nd Amendment. From a conservative viewpoint, it can be argued that the Florida election fiasco was really an attempt for Democrats to maintain power.

Anyway, I have to agree with those who suggest the phenomenon happens on both extremes. Gagnon is just a special example of one of those extremes.

Posted by Leland at September 14, 2006 12:34 PM

Michael, it wasn't by chance Chuck Harder you were listening to back then, was it? He had some quite baroque claims of color-coded death camps for Christians and patriots (not to mention Christian patriots), with major rail lines leading into them, etc. Signs along interstate highways were likewise color-coded (colored stickers on the backs), so that the UN trucks filled with transportees could also find their way to the death camps.

The plot involving these camps was to be triggered by the ginned-up Y2K collapse, at which point UN blue-helmeted troops secretly stationed within national parks (handed over to UN ownership as "international biosphere preserves") would pop out of the cake, as it were, and take over to "restore order".

Still waiting.........

(Whatever happened to Harder, anyway? He was pretty entertaining, as kooks go.)

Posted by T.L. James at September 14, 2006 07:12 PM

I like Michael Mealing's "generalized 2nd Term Derangement Syndrome," but must agree with Rand that it's not necessarily a 2nd-term thing. I have personally heard first-hand claims that the next Presidential election would be cancelled in every election year beginning in 1984, which was of course during Reagan's first term. Proponents seem not only to be equally likely to be left or right-wing, but utterly unembarrassed about borrowing each others' conspiracy theories (cf the notion that the Murrah Bldg in OKC was brought down in a controlled demolition vs the notion that the WTC was brought down in a controlled demolition). I hereby dub it "GDS," for Generalized Derangement Syndrome.

Posted by Jay Manifold at September 15, 2006 02:07 AM

Oh, and Chuck Harder has been suppressed, either by the UN or reptilian shapeshifting aliens, judging by what happens when you click here.

Posted by Jay Manifold at September 15, 2006 02:10 AM

Oops, now the link works. But Chuck "desperately need[s] your help" and, perhaps like Air America, "ha[s] broad based support, but very few donations, which means that [its] cash flow is almost gone."

Posted by Jay Manifold at September 15, 2006 02:18 AM

Ironic that the only way to hear Chuck Harder's message is to tune into frequencies coming from space. If you can't afford the satellite dish, get out the tin foil.

Posted by Leland at September 15, 2006 04:58 AM

You know, it really is terrible that Bush won't relinquish power. I mean, what's it been, six years now? And he has never, not even once, relinquished power. Isn't it about time? Winning elections is fine and everything but isn't it the Democrats' turn? Don't they deserve a turn now? I mean, it's just not fair that Bush won't relinquish power. I think that anyone who believes in fairness and justice will agree that it would be only decent and fair of Bush to finally relinquish power. Anyone can see that...can't they?

Posted by Michael at September 15, 2006 08:25 PM

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