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American's aren't ready for an apocalypse.

I blame George Bush.

Posted by Rand Simberg at September 14, 2006 05:47 AM
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We can't get Floridians to be prepared for a hurricane. And yes, I've one of those who decide when a 'cane looks likely who goes out and hits Sam's Club for all my emergency needs. At least I try (but the rest of the family doesn't) to keep the supplies intact until the season is over.

Posted by Bryan Price at September 14, 2006 06:30 AM

Seattle is supposed to have an 8.0 surface earthquake at some point. You thought New Orleans displayed gross incompetence/unpreparedness, just wait.

The sum total of preparedness that has been asked of regular citizens is: Have three days of water. And make sure your kids know your phone number.

A private school is lauded at their through preparedness when they ask the kids to have 'Earthquake kits'. 1 gallon ziplock bags of energy bars, water, bandaids. And a sheet listing their parents phone number.

Posted by Al at September 14, 2006 10:03 AM

The company I used to work for moved from Central CA to WA. Then we got a nice earthquake (who'da thunk?) I'm a big guy, but I think I made it to a door way before anyone else. The only question on their doe-eyed faces while the building turned into jello seemed to be, 'why is Ken running through the building?'

Some thought I was the cause of the shaking (I'm a really big guy!) Looking out the windows (amazing that none of them broke) you could see all the telephone poles and streetlights dancing.

Posted by ken anthony at September 14, 2006 11:50 AM

And another view of preparedness (starting with, but not limited to, a terrorist nuke):

Posted by Frank Glover at September 14, 2006 02:24 PM

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