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Lileks' Newhouse column is a partial replay of his earlier screed, but still entertaining. I thought this line encapsulated the nuttiness of the people who worry about theocrats in the White House, but seem indifferent to the ones who actually havea theocracy, and would impose it on us if they could: could make the case that the greatest threats to the freedoms of the West are posed by the head-choppers, plane-exploders, their many merry supporters, and the nuke-seeking state that supports them.

But don't expect the artists to make the case. They saw what happened to that Theo Van Gogh fellow. Pay no attention to that imam behind the curtain. Here's the ghost of Eisenhower. Booga-booga!

The artists seem more concerned with a culture that won't let gays marry than one that won't let them live.

And I got a dark chuckle over this:

They take the easy way out, these brave souls; they'll perform "The Diary of Anne Frank," but only because now some people think it has a happy ending.
Posted by Rand Simberg at August 25, 2006 10:10 AM
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Islamic extremists killed theo van gogh.
Tha'ts a crime. The Police tracked down the gang.
The gang tossed a grenade at the police.
The police killed the gang.

The world is better off with some dead terrorists.
The world is worse off with some wounded policemen.

The dutch police did not decide to Invade Iraq to punish
the killers of Theo Van Gogh. The dutch police did not
destroy the housing complex to get Van Gogh's killers.

The reason I don't worry about the mullah's of
Iran and Pakistan, is they are a problem to the pakistanis'
and Iranians' not me. I find the Theocrats of Pennsylvania
avenue a problem to my desire to drink beer,
Have sex and smoke dope

Posted by anonymous at August 25, 2006 08:11 PM

Islamic extremists killed theo van gogh.
Tha'ts a crime. The Police tracked down the gang.
The gang tossed a grenade at the police.
The police killed the gang.

And Ayaan Hirsi Ali remains in hiding from them, under Dutch police guard...

The reason I don't worry about the mullah's of
Iran and Pakistan, is they are a problem to the pakistanis' and Iranians' not me. I find the Theocrats of Pennsylvania avenue a problem to my desire to drink beer, Have sex and smoke dope

OK, don't worry, be happy. You just keep living in that dope-induced dreamworld, while others have to save your sorry ass. I don't usually use this kind of language on this blog, but what a pathetic piece of shit you are. Unless this is someone simply trying to make your kind look paricularly bad, in which case, shame on you for trolling my blog.

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 25, 2006 08:31 PM

I can't help but suspect Anon's comment is a parody. But it's so hard to be sure these days because the "anti-war" proggs keep demonstrating that there is no parody like self-parody.

Posted by McGehee at August 26, 2006 06:20 AM

Finally read the Newhouse piece. I actually don't agree with the point made in the part Rand took out of the article. For those who don't click the link, the first paragraph is about a crude art exhibition involving a non-Sharia compliant woman in very close proximity to pork. With that in mind, one could suggests the artist is insulting the Muslim world in a big way. The irony is made sweet when she's granted taxpayer's dollars, which include money from Muslims.

Posted by Leland at August 28, 2006 09:55 AM

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