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Now They're Making Me Mad

Apparently, the two young men (of whose religion we may not speak) with the untraceable cell phone collection in my home state, were planning to blow up the bridge. It's certainly the most compelling target in the state, particularly given on what hard times downtown Detroit has fallen.

Still, the Ambassador or Bluewater bridges would have been much more convenient. Hey, here's an idea--they could blow up the Windsor Tunnel and flood Detroit! With any justice (and a lot of luck), they could submerge Dearborn itself. To heck with those pesky laws of physics.

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 13, 2006 08:27 AM
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CNN just ran this as the "We blame GWB, but need to be PC about the perpetrators" story of the day, here is a transcript:

"THIS IS CNN, the Communist, oops, Cable News Network"

"Two vaguely dark skinned people of one sex or the other, or possibly the third genetically predisposed sex, were possibly caught with some items that might have been cell phones. The people possibly caught were possibly intending to do something, somewhere, someday. But we cannot say with any assurance."

"Police, or some kind of officials, probably just jack booted thugs, when asked about these scathing accusations and allegations replied, "Huh?" "

"We will keep you informed if any information concerning human rights violation indictments against the police, or jack booted thugs, are issued."

"Meanwhile, Hollywood celebrities are lining up lawyers and bail money for the accused people. George Clooney, Barbra Streisand, Susan Sarrandon and several other known saviors of our planet met on the grounds of Mann's Chinese Theater."

"Mr Clooney said in a brief statement, "..and once again we see the hand of George Bush and his cabinet, illegally taking the rights of Americans . Young people simply going about their usual daily lives, jerked off the streets of our country, by jack booted thugs. We won't stand for it!! I'll make a movie that will blow the top off of this Administration. The same way "Syriana" blew the top off of the oil industries greed and killing." "

"CNN would like to state that we can neither confirm nor deny that religion, religious belief, or lack there of has anything to do with the arrests, the ongoing investigation of police brutality and false arrest, Hollywood's reactions, or CNN's reporting of same."

"Up next sports!"

Posted by Steve at August 13, 2006 09:29 AM

"With any justice (and a lot of luck), they could submerge Dearborn itself."

I hope you're not saying what I think you're saying.

Posted by Brian Swiderski at August 13, 2006 12:51 PM

So what is it you think I'm saying, and why do you hope I'm not saying it?

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 13, 2006 01:10 PM

Submerge Dearborn? Submerge? Dearborn? OH! OH!! I get it now!!

Posted by Steve at August 13, 2006 03:00 PM

"So what is it you think I'm saying, and why do you hope I'm not saying it?"

Well, I not being familiar with Michigan, perhaps there is some other meaning to your statement. But it sounds like you're saying it would be "justice" if a terrorist attack destroyed Dearborn, a city with a large Muslim population. Since (unlike you) I prefer to assume people are not evil until proven so, I'm hoping that wasn't your intended meaning.

Posted by at August 13, 2006 05:03 PM

Well, "justice" was probably the wrong word. "Irony" would have been better.

I say this as someone from southeastern Michigan with many Arabic in-laws.

Of course, it was farcical post, given the physical improbability of the goal.

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 13, 2006 06:09 PM

I'm not sure "irony" would work either, Rand. Jihadi extremists have always killed more fellow Muslims than non-Muslims.

Posted by McGehee at August 13, 2006 08:01 PM

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