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Because They Can

Ann Althouse (who's guest blogging over at Instapundit while Glenn does vital research on diving equipment in the Caymans) asks if it's bigoted to say that homosexual men are more promiscuous than heterosexual men.

Well, of course it's not (despite the fact that Ann Coulter said it). It's an obvious fact. But it's not because homosexual men are hornier than heterosexual men--it's because their partners are both much more willing and eager to put out, and to put up with promiscuity. Women serve as a governor on the libidinous urges of men. When men do it with men, there's nothing to damp the activity level.

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 01, 2006 08:04 AM
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Hmmmm! Got any cute pictures of yourself to post, big guy?

Now, back to space...

Posted by philw at August 1, 2006 08:45 AM

I'm extremely heterosexual.

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 1, 2006 08:47 AM

IMHO, it goes to the breaking down of standing social taboo. It's the same with drugs or committing crimes. We no longer have business ethics, or loyalty to employees, customers, bosses, employers. It's every man, or women, for themselves.

Once the door is open and there is no overt backlash, the world is your oyster. Why NOT have multiple partners for whatever kind of sex, why NOT do every drug available, why NOT escalate from shop lifting to muggings or carjacking? Why NOT steal the company or customer blind?

While homosexual sex is not illegal, it's still a "buzz" to start with, it's even more forbidden than heterosexual activity. Even people who start late in life or leave a straight relationship to be in a homosexual relationship, or 'ships, it's still different, new, taboo to all who belong to the majority.

But, I'm not sure any sex is even all that forbidden any more by our society. So do we consider it any more promiscuous than the thousands of heterosexuals who date, bang and move on? Or people who live together and never get married, then move on after months or years, or people who marry, get divorced, and move on, repeatedly.

Promiscuous is just an archaic word in the dictionary to most people. Breakdown of taboos and no social backlash, plain and simple, again IMHO.

Posted by Steve at August 1, 2006 08:48 AM

Steve says: We no longer have business ethics, or loyalty to employees, customers, bosses, employers. It's every man, or women, for themselves.

Not entirely true. Several companies are starting to realize that customer service starts with your employees. Happy employees are productive employees.

Posted by Mac at August 1, 2006 09:07 AM

steve, i think you have it backwards. social taboos cause anonymous relations in secret. if society wanted to promote monogamy, why not support gay marriage?

Posted by at August 1, 2006 09:46 AM

Wow. Homosexuality as the gateway drug for corporate crime. I like it.

On a more serious note, I can remember way back in the 80's saying the same thing Rand is. At the beginning of the AIDS crisis, people were walking around asking how gay men could have hundreds of sex partners in one year - and I would always say "Look, think of your average singles bar - the men are looking to get laid, the women are looking to get laid by the right guy. Now, eliminate the women from this picture, and you've got a room full of people saying "You wanna have sex?" and hearing the reply "Hell, yes!"

Posted by ObviousTroll at August 1, 2006 10:01 AM

Mac said,

Not entirely true. Several companies are starting to realize that customer service starts with your employees. Happy employees are productive employees.

I agree. I'll go so far as to say MANY companies are starting. The natural precursive part of that is that many or most had lost that sight. It was "all about me" thinking.

Obvious Troll sees it too. Although I'm not completely sold on the "femaleless" situation you describe OT. Isn't that what it's all about, men taking the female roll of liking men?

My kids have non-straight friends, they sound like they're just swith hitting to me. Standing in the other sexes batters box, so to speak.

I'm too hetero to know / understand the inside of this one. I like girls too much. Rubenesque ones at that. Not too many gay men could fit that description.

Posted by Steve at August 1, 2006 10:29 AM

This remids me of an exchange from a 'Queer as Folk' episode:

Emmett: This is so like you to make some vile, homophobic crack.

Brian: Homophobic?

Emmett: Yes, just because we're gay, it's not possible for us to have a loyal, loving relationship?

Brian: Not because we're gay, because we're men.

Ted: It's not different for straight guys -- I read some where that sixty-four percent of straight men admitted that they've been unfaithful.

Emmett: I wouldn't know. I've only slept with thirty-two percent of them.

Posted by Frank Glover at August 1, 2006 05:24 PM

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