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"Saturated In Hate" Can't you just feel the love from the left? Posted by Rand Simberg at July 26, 2006 11:43 PMTrackBack URL for this entry:
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I'm concervative-ish, I favor the republicans, but though I disagree with the right so friggen much on so many things, I can't turn my liver enough to vote for the dem's/left. They SPEW HATRED of all things American when a republican is in office, the seek to weaken America, through the body of the presidency, or the other bodies of the constitution just to attain personal power. I was too young untill 98 to participate, and I was AMAZED! outright AMAZED! that Dem's were willing to make outright lies into promises, and outright anti-americanism as "debate?" AMAZED! On the issues? I might agree with democrats 40% of the time, and I might vote for dems, but they will make statements about Israel being terrorists, or blaming an infant nation for their growing pains, while simultaneously ignoring the existing nations of saudi, jordan, syria, iran and even turkey? They are willing to hate the memory of a man who DID win the cold war, they are willing to destroy the internal nature of America, Degrade the Military of America, INSULT the military of America, ACCUSE the military of America, and SENTENCE the military of America before anything has been proven? Yet they ignore decades of idictable offenses of "foreign leaders" only so that they can create and collect anti-American votes? Is the left that stupid? or do they think that people like me are that stupid? I'm not that well educated, at least formaly, but I promise you, I know more about the national mind than anything John "no war between israel and lebanon" Kerry, or John "Christopher Reeve will get out of the chair and walk again" Edwards or, Al "if you don't vote for Democrats your world will burst into flames" Gore. Really, You have to be outright retarded to think that I will vote for a "strongman" on the environment, or on diplomacy, or on stemcells. That is what the Dems have, they are running as strongmen dictators, not as presidents. I'm Amazed, AMAZED!!! that I voted for Bush, I DON'T like BUSH! but given the alternative? It would be a disservice to the nation for me to NOT vote, cuz someone will vote for Gore, or Kerry. Just friggen amazing that the dem's aren't just reducing the nature of their own debate? but also of the 'pubs, to the point that BUSH is president. Posted by Wickedpinto at July 27, 2006 01:31 AM"or do they think that people like me are that stupid?" Bingo. And they are proven right at every election when roughly half of the population votes for them. The Democratic party counts on Americans being ignorant enough to buy into their lies, and it works for them on an alarming scale. Posted by Cecil Trotter at July 27, 2006 05:10 AMThe people at Newsbusters are even more retarded than 4chan'ers and dKos'ers. I wouldn't give this article any more credence than the war on christmas. Is the left that stupid? or do they think that people like me are that stupid? The left follows a gaussian distribution, just like everyone else. Posted by Chris Mann at July 27, 2006 06:02 AMMy momma used to say, "Stupid is as stupid votes." I had a very interesting conversation on the topic of proof, and truth, and politics just last week. My middle brother is an almost 50, recovering college super liberal, drama major, shocked to reality on 9/11. He wavers from conservative to moderate to liberal, but he is questioning things. The sign of any good conservative. Sometimes his college indoctrination still surfaces. It's a hard battle for him he spent almost 30 years in liberal land, in college and after with his and his wifes friends. His ex is so liberal she hates herself for just her own existence, but loves herself for being liberal and knowing she should be hated so she is...does...will...hates herself...you know the mindset. I hate me, so I'll hate you too, is her motto. Their best friends work in 2 different cities that are 90 miles apart. They own 2 homes. They live a few days in city A, then go to the other house in city B. That way neither of them is tasked with a 180 mile round trip to work. He's a senior dispatcher for a large trucking company, she's a nurse, no kids. Anyone out there see any obvious compromises to this nonsense? That was typical of the liberal crowd he lived in for years. Most of them had one kid, or two at most. When my brothers ex got pregnant a third time, several of their "friends" questioned whether it was a good idea, to keep the third child. Like whether you should decide to get a dog or a cat from the pound. Anyway, back to just my brother. He says I get rabid when we talk politics. I agreed. Because I feel like the elitist liberals want a workers paradise with them at the top and us under their heel. He says I quote facts and figures faster than he can think about them and counter them. I agreed again. His next statement was the tipping point. "Well what if I do research that shows information that is counter to what you think?" I told him research of real good material, not the NYT or People Magazine, would NOT show me wrong. Real research always shows we need to be conservative to moderate, in politics and finance. It comes out that way until you start trying to "feel" something in the data. That invariably brings out those liberal tendencies, feeling how something should be done. Well he agreed, when he THINKS about things he AGREES with the way I think, when he FEELS about something we are 180 degrees out of synch. Having said all this, I wonder how many liberal, I believe Dan Rather, Kerry is a hero, Clinton was our greatest president, Hollywood Liberal follower mini-liberals, EVER stop to THINK, instead of just FEELING? It's not stupid, it's lazy. Their liberal leaders are not stupid, they're dangerous and evil, because they know better but still choose to tow the liberal barge. Posted by Steve at July 27, 2006 06:52 AMSadly, it is difficult to write the comments like those of "wickedpinto" without sounding frustrated and upset. Indeed, that is what the situation is, but it seems it doesn't have to be so frustrating. Occassionally glimmers of hope are seen in people like Edwards and Leiberman, but then you get the idiotic "Christopher Reeve would get out of his wheelchair" or Leiberman being railroaded out of his own party for daring to take a stance that could gain votes from the otherside of the aisle. That said, I don't hold Jason Leopold as an example of the Democratic Party. Maybe I should, but I don't. He's an example of the fringe of the party, and sadly the direction the party is headed. I hold out hope that the party isn't fully there yet and is willing to change course. I believe the unions and blue collars that support the DNC will drop out of the party long before the Democrats become fully engulfed in the hatred of the fringe. When that occurs, the party will be fully marginalized. That would also be a bad day for all Americans. Posted by Leland at July 27, 2006 07:15 AMThe unmitigated hypocrisy, Orwellian inversion of reality, and moral solipsism of the Republican right in this country are demonstrated constantly throughout the dittoverse. One could almost hear the sonic boom as freepers, Faux Newsians, and various other Jeff Gannonites exploded into coordinated action the moment Natalie Maines opened her mouth and dared to express disapproval of the Glorious Leader. That this action involved, among many other things, the massive, synchronized character assassination of Maines and everyone associated with her, organized hate orgies with burning and smashing of Dixie Chicks CDs, banning of their music by the Republican radio monopolies, and very frequent, often credible death threats against them was apparently an example of how caring, compassionate, and "American" Republicans can be. Every day it's the same formula from these people--hate dished out like some kind of gourmet delicacy, with lies as the obligatory accompaniment, and over it all the juicy steak sauce of the crudest hypocrisy and psychotic delusion imaginable. In control of Congress, the Executive branch, the courts, corporate industry, the military, and the media, and willing to abuse them on the slightest excuse to crush opposition, you folks still think you're the victims of a conspiracy by liberal elites (originally with "Jew" somewhere in the term). I can't fathom how it's physically possible for anyone to be that stupid, but nor can I fathom how that many people could be sociopathic liars, so I'm forced to give them the benefit of the doubt and pick the former. What's great about that is we have an answer to the long-standing debate about robots vs. humans in space: just send Republicans and satisfy both camps. Posted by Brian Swiderski at July 27, 2006 07:58 AMThanks Brian, your above lecture makes me all the more sure of how right I am about liberals. Posted by Cecil Trotter at July 27, 2006 09:13 AMI think that Brian must lack a sense of irony. Quite amusing, actually. Posted by Rand Simberg at July 27, 2006 09:29 AMThey SPEW HATRED of all things American when a republican is in office, If you weren't such a crybaby about political criticism, you could join the ranks of other Americans --- including a lot of conservatives and libertarians --- who are willing to think at the voting booth. A majority of Americans, according to the polls, now realize that the Iraq operation sucks. A swing group didn't see it clearly in 2004, but they see it better now. It's an important issue. It's not just a tiny little skirmish in a much larger war. Bush really is doing Iraq as if it's most of the war on terrorism. The saw-off-our-own-branch nature of what he is doing there will only become clearer to most Americans as long as the operation lasts. Just not here in this blog or among some of its commentators. Here it's going to be "Wah! Wah! Cindy Sheehan said this! Daily Kos said that! Media bias! Why do they hate America?" for the duration. I wonder when Americans will finally wake up and realize that the Democrats and Republicans are not two different political parties. They are merely the left and right wings of the Boot-On-Your-Neck Party. And unfortunately, the current third option is no better. "Libertarian Party" is an oxymoron, and no amount of finesse will force it to make sense. Where is Ross Perot when you need him? Posted by Ed Minchau at July 27, 2006 10:43 AMI never needed Ross Perot, Ed. Talk about someone with an incoherent philosophy. Posted by Rand Simberg at July 27, 2006 10:53 AMRoss was full of criticisms and short on solutions. You can't replace something with nothing. ....and the fact he turned out to be just plain old fashioned nuts did not help him any more that that 'Republican Dirty Tricks' squad helped his daughter's wedding. Ironically, of all parties in that race, James Stockdale was the finest among them. A genuine hero. Posted by Mike Puckett at July 27, 2006 11:09 AMBrian says: The unmitigated hypocrisy, Orwellian inversion of reality, and moral solipsism of the Republican right in this country are demonstrated constantly throughout the dittoverse. A little later on, Brian also says that the right hates and crushes opposition......The above paragraph is accusational, not to mention a little hateful as well. So what's up Brian? I just want to know why Lieberman is an outcast from his own party for having an idea outside the party lines that a great majority of his base LIKES though his party leaders DON'T. Where is the great enveloping inclusion that the left always talks about? The right during these two terms has continuously helped out and reached out to the left and got nothing but rhetoric and denial in return. Where's the hypocrisy now Brian? Car killer Kennedy got his huge education bill he wanted, and then turned around and said it wasn't enough, after he authored it for that amount. Bush got hatred for gifting it....even though all that money granted to education has done nothing to fix the system. Even getting what they want, the left doesn't say thank you, they scream for more. Where's the hypocrisy Brian? Posted by Mac at July 27, 2006 11:12 AMGee, maybe I was to quick to discount Jason Leopold as a representative of Democrats. It didn't take long for a few to come along and disabuse me of that foolish thought. You Dems (Brian and Mike) wanna own the tactics of Leopold, go ahead and let the hate consume you. Posted by Leland at July 27, 2006 11:38 AMRand, at least Perot knew the definition of "is". But that was a throwaway comment anyhow; the main point is that is very little to no difference between the two main parties, the third party is a mess, and there's not much chance of change on the horizon. Maybe if there is a sufficient shock to the system (as opposed to the slowly-increasing heat currently cooking frogs) then another solution will present itself. I won't hold my breath though. Posted by Ed Minchau at July 27, 2006 11:48 AMRand, at least Perot knew the definition of "is". Perhaps, but by running in 1992, he helped put into office a man who didn't (or at least pretended not to). Posted by Rand Simberg at July 27, 2006 12:16 PMTrue. Posted by Ed Minchau at July 27, 2006 02:45 PMI liked some of Perot's ideas. He was actually doing well enough to firmly establish the Independant party until he pulled the "Republicans and Bush threatened my family." fiasco and the Independants folded and scattered. Now, there's too much infighting between Perot and Ventura to establish them again. Posted by Mac at July 28, 2006 09:32 AMPerhaps, but by running in 1992, he helped put into office a man who didn't (or at least pretended not to). The Republicans can run a real candidate any time they want to. There's nothing holding them back. The Republicans can run a real candidate any time they want to. There's nothing holding them back. Well, apparently something is... Posted by Rand Simberg at July 28, 2006 01:32 PMYou want a reason why I can never vote for dem's? Read the offenses launched at me based on my statements. I Was CLEAR! in how I saw Dem's as hypocritical (spelling) despite my admission that I am approximately 40% liberal in my personal oppinions, but the ACTIONS of Democrats are completely lacking the validity of any rational support? Suddenly I become something akin to a KKK member? I'm Retarded, not just not formaly educated, but outright stupid? That is the method of the left. If you don't support the left? you must be ignorant, if you oppose the left, you must be stupid, if you define how the left is using offensive tactics you are a bigot? A shame, a shame it is that 4 members of this blog, can be so foolish and wrong. Posted by Wickedpinto at August 1, 2006 12:47 AMPost a comment |
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