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Wrap Up

Tumlinson thanking people who put the conference together, and expressing his honor at being part of a conference of "doers." Seeking feedback on future conferences. There is a dream in this room that we all hold--an incredible future for humanity, that we can all participate in, and paint that future in the stars. There's a dream outside, and they want it too, but they don't know that they don't know. They would rather have that future than one in which Israel and Hezbollah are bombing each other. Sees a future of space colonies, in which we can have a Hezbollah space colony. Horizon narrows if we stay on earth, and widens if we move into space.

Back to regular blogging now. Well, after I drive back to LA...

[Update, back in LA]

If I don't put quote marks around words, one shouldn't assume that they are literal quotes. When I type these things, I'm typing as fast as I can, and doing as much gist gathering as possible. Sometimes I'm mistaken (I often don't even know what I've typed until I go back and read it later--there seems to be a direct short between my ears and the keyboard, with little time for processing in the brain (not that my feeble brain would be able to do much with it anyway)).

In addition, it's quite churlish to jump on extemporaneous speeches. But then, one has to consider the source.

Posted by Rand Simberg at July 23, 2006 01:28 PM
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Tracked: July 23, 2006 09:15 PM

A Hezbollah space colony? Did Rick really say that? Whoa!

Posted by Bill White at July 23, 2006 01:33 PM

" which we can have a Hezbollah space colony."

Sorry, but no. If Rick actually said that, I can only suggest that we have another reason why space fans seem just a little crazy to other people.

Posted by Mark R. Whittington at July 23, 2006 02:48 PM

The problem with that idea is that Hezbollah, and any other group of islamic fundamentalist nutcases, would not be content with it. They want every human everywhere to worship Allah, and will do anything in pursuit of that goal.

Posted by Fletcher Christian at July 23, 2006 02:50 PM

Yeah, and the next thing you know we'll have Bene Gesserit witches running around everywhere.

Posted by at July 23, 2006 03:36 PM

I dream of a day when Hamas, Hezbollah, and al Qaeda all have their own space colonies.

Posted by Dale Barnabit at July 23, 2006 05:18 PM

I dream of the day when those colonies run out of breathable air.

Posted by Chris Mann at July 23, 2006 08:05 PM

I dream of the day when those colonies run out of breathable air.

Tsk, tsk. Hate speech...

It does raise an interesting question, though--if the Islamists learned that there were other inhabited worlds, would they insist that the Caliphate be extended to them? How would they face Mecca?

I'm not sure we should be so hard on an extemporaneous speech, though. I suspect he'd change his wording on reflection.

Posted by Rand Simberg at July 23, 2006 09:37 PM

Please don't take my remarks as racist. I have no problems at all with the rest of the 99.95% of the religion of peace, just the very tiny minority of crazies with guns.

Islamists outside of the middle east have enough trouble figuring out where Mecca is now without using a GPS unit. Someone who is more familiar with the religion should clarify this, but should they perhaps also be praying on an inclined slab? It was so much easier when the world was flat...

I can imagine that it would be easier in space. Just aim your body in roughly the same direction as your high gain antenna.

Posted by Chris Mann at July 24, 2006 02:29 AM

So, Rand, are you now saying that Rick didn't say anything about Hezbullah space colonies? I'm not sure I understand what it is you are now suggesting.

"In addition, it's quite churlish to jump on extemporaneous speeches."

Really? If Rick made such an incredible gaff as you originally reported, then there is an obligation to jump on it. The idea of Hezbullah space colonies is so bizzare that one wonders why anyone could concieve of them.

On the other hand, if it is the case (as you seem to be suggesting) that you misquoted Rick, then you need to be jumped on pretty hard.

Posted by Mark R Whittington at July 24, 2006 04:27 AM

Hezbollah space colonies are a brilliant idea! It puts them in one place where they can't hide.......

Posted by B.Brewer at July 24, 2006 06:25 AM

Please don't take my remarks as racist.

No one said anything about racism. Members of Hezbulla aren't a "race." (Apparently the definition of this word has been stretched beyond all recognition by the pomos.)

Anyway, my comment was ironic. I have no problem with the cessation of respiration of Hezbollists.

Mark, as I said, I didn't either quote or misquote Rick. Next time you want to fantasize that I quoted someone, at least look for quotation marks. And no, I'm not going to "come down on someone" merely for using the phrase "Hezbollah space colonies."

And all that jumping on me is going to do is discourage me from providing such a service in the future. Fortunately, since it's just coming from you, I'll simply ignore it.

Posted by Rand Simberg at July 24, 2006 06:48 AM

Rand. So where did the phrase "Hezbullah space colonies" come from? Who said them? Did you just make it up? I'm not trying to discourage you from doing anything, except being more clear.

Posted by Mark R. Whittington at July 24, 2006 09:07 AM

Correction. That is discourage you from being unclear. (g)

Posted by Mark R Whittington at July 24, 2006 11:08 AM


I seem to recall that Paul Hsieh had a post a couple of months ago with a bunch of Muslim-related questions in it, including "How do you face Mecca when you're orbiting the planet or on another planet?" The answers, from an Imam, were quite interesting and seemed rather thought-out. Link

Posted by John Breen III at July 24, 2006 12:33 PM

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Posted by dzqnpuai hkfg at December 2, 2006 01:01 AM

qezdlsavm laxmqj swknd tbyzuwkhf pwrbhsu oyuah bysxkj

Posted by dzqnpuai hkfg at December 2, 2006 01:02 AM

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Posted by dzqnpuai hkfg at December 2, 2006 01:02 AM

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Posted by mdltqgh yfruqbcp at December 3, 2006 02:23 PM

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