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Fashionable Criminals

And idiotic ones:

...As she recounts the incident, he snatched the purse and took off.

But then he ran into trouble. As he ran, his loose trousers slipped down below his hips. As he reached down to hold them up, the teen was forced to throw the purse aside.

"That boy, he could run fast but he got caught up by his pants, which were real big and baggy," says Ms. Chandler, whose purse was retrieved by a parking attendant who had heard her cries for help.

It's a problem for perpetrators. Young men and teens wearing low-slung, baggy pants fairly regularly get tripped up in their getaways, a development that has given amused police officers and law-abiding citizens a welcome edge in the fight against crime...

...Mr. Green, 30, rode away on a bicycle, with copies of "Donnie Brasco," "The Bourne Identity" and "Sin City." When a patrol car knocked over the bike, he fled on foot. As he ran, his trousers slipped down past his hips, and he tripped. He hitched up his pants and ran a few more yards before falling again.

Things got worse and worse for Mr. Green. He finally kicked off his pants and shoes and "ran into the yard of 1720 Beaufield," police officer Kenneth Jaklic said in a report of the incident. "I ran after [Mr. Green], yelling at him to stop." Instead, Mr. Green jumped over a fence behind a garage, and Mr. Jaklic immobilized him with two Taser darts in the back...

...Karl Franklin tried to run from police in Tallahassee, Fla., in pants that were on fire. According to a police report, the 30-year-old had stashed a lighted cigarette in his baggy pants and appeared to be preparing to urinate at a traffic intersection.

Seth Stoughton, a police officer at the time, approached Mr. Franklin and noticed the man's pocket was smoldering. Mr. Franklin, who could not be reached, started to run, but his pants dropped and tripped him up.

Sorry, link is for subscribers only, but I thought that this article was a hoot. I guess I'm supposed to be an old coot because I have such a low opinion of young men's fashions, but baggy pants don't just look stupid--you'd have to be stupid to put up with such dysfunctional clothing just to be fashionable.

Posted by Rand Simberg at June 21, 2006 03:06 PM
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"..Karl Franklin tried to run from police in Tallahassee, Fla., in pants that were on fire."

It wasn't his fault. They were on fire when he got into them.

Posted by lmg at June 21, 2006 05:09 PM

Now we know why they call it "hip-hop" clothing.

At least the criminally trendy in the 40's knew enough to make their zoot suits tight around the waist and cuffs.

Posted by Dick Eagleson at June 21, 2006 05:22 PM

I remember reading a story about a suspect running down a series of dark alley trying to escape but the police followed him by watching the red flashing lights on his sneakers.

Apparently he almost got away because the officers started laughing so hard they almost couldn't keep on running.

Posted by Bill White at June 21, 2006 05:52 PM

At least once a job application was circular filed because someone not smart enough to pull up his pants was considered not smart enough to work there. Pretty severe sentiment for a grunt job.

Posted by john hare at June 21, 2006 06:26 PM

This entire article and all the comments are RACIST!!

Baggy pants are a cultural thing and if you can't see that, then you are a RACIST!!

If "W" would send some jobs to our neighborHOODS, instead of giving money to Halliburton, we wouldn't have to deal drugs and snatch purses, but he won't because he is a RACIST!!

The illegal war is costing money, billions, that should go to social programs, but it is not because there are SO few African-Americans in the government, and the white people who really control the money are all RACISTS!!

Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly, and Rush Limbaugh are the people who keep the racism going, because they have control of all white people who are all in their hearts RACISTS!!

DISCLAIMER: I wrote this but do not agree with what I wrote. I wanted these statements to be made early in the comments so we could move on to the humorous comments about these stories. Actually I think young black men dropping their pants while running from the police IS VERY funny; mostly because I am a racist.

Posted by Steve at June 22, 2006 04:55 AM

The canned application was from a white kid.

Posted by john hare at June 22, 2006 05:25 PM

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