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Attack Of The GONGOs

Anne Bayefsky writes about the latest scam that the UN has come up with to institutionalize anti-semitism and support for tyranny.

Posted by Rand Simberg at June 12, 2006 01:36 PM
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Why should this surprise anyone. Since they allowed Arafat to speak in 1974, the U.N. has consistently sided with the Palestians.

The Palestinians are a cause for most of the members because we, the United States, think they should continue to exist. The amazing thing is that everyone seems to have forgotten that several of the Arab countries in the middle east have pushed the Palestinians out of their countries, and into Israel.

Right now the Palestians are fighting among themselves over control of the territories they do have. If Hamas and al Fattah kill each other it uses up their ammo and keeps it from being used against the Israelis.

Posted by Steve at June 13, 2006 05:51 AM

rcuhzste mrflqkt jdqzrekg niac pnzqyaeb lvojzkhsq darj

Posted by gesxlrt krjm at November 11, 2006 01:43 AM

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