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It's A Clash, All Right
...but I get tired of hearing the phrase "clash of civilizations." There's nothing civilized about fundamentalist Islam. Wafa Sultan agrees:
Wafa Sultan: The clash we are witnessing around the world is not a clash of religions, or a clash of civilizations. It is a clash between two opposites, between two eras. It is a clash between a mentality that belongs to the Middle Ages and another mentality that belongs to the 21st century. It is a clash between civilization and backwardness, between the civilized and the primitive, between barbarity and rationality. It is a clash between freedom and oppression, between democracy and dictatorship. It is a clash between human rights, on the one hand, and the violation of these rights, on other hand. It is a clash between those who treat women like beasts, and those who treat them like human beings. What we see today is not a clash of civilizations. Civilizations do not clash, but compete.
Host: I understand from your words that what is happening today is a clash between the culture of the West, and the backwardness and ignorance of the Muslims?
Wafa Sultan: Yes, that is what I mean.
Posted by Rand Simberg at May 24, 2006 02:42 PM
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Transterrestrial Musings.
I grew up learning that "Ignorance is no excuse" and I was at just about that time where corporal punishment was anathema unless, there is reason (I always made sure there was reason.)
I also aged, reaching near maturity when I was taught that "religion is no solace" because during that short period of time when I found religion I was punished for realizing that forgiveness is a failed academic strategy, ESPECIALLY when the method of education is wrong.
I aged more and I joined the Marine Corps, and I realized, "individuality, is only cherished when you are right, and you will suffer along the way" THATS A FACT! and my greatest problem was reconciling my indoctrination of school, and my required independance of the oath of enlistment. I took the latter FAR more serious, and it was difficult to find the middle ground (the whole "too big for his britches" kinda thing)
I learned later, that the best way to humiliate your opponent isn't to offer humiliation, but rather. . . .to be RIGHT!
Islam is not a religion it is a political doctrine of hatred. the old testament after the first 5 books, the books of "moses" are also, the gospels of christ are as well, but they are a conquest by other means.
Islam is the only living doctrine of eternal oppression that this world offers.
Islam is fundamentaly evil, and even those who are not fundamentalists are if not evil, they will quickly become the sources of evil acts.
I'm an Atheist, but every religion that is NOT Islam, can co-exist without slaught, Islam cannot.
It cannot.
Islam is a political doctrine like communism, fascism, national socialism, and absolute dictatorship.
As an atheist, who has flirted with apology, I say that that is all true.
Posted by Wickedpinto at May 24, 2006 10:59 PM
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