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An Honorable Man Has Died

RIP, Lloyd Bentsen. I'm glad he never became vice president, though.

Posted by Rand Simberg at May 23, 2006 09:06 AM
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Having heard some of the Democrat talking heads today, you would have thought Bentsen had created the office of Vice-President, as oppossed to having LOST the office as Dukakis' running mate. The really bedazzling matter is confirmed by the article linked here. How is this possible...

True to his Tory Democratic roots, Bentsen was an unabashed advocate of his state's oil industry and an early proponent of cutting corporate and capital gain tax rates.

..but Mr Bush is vilified for being an oil guy and for those same tax cuts?

I guess the talking heads have the ability to talk, out of both sides of their mouth.

Posted by Steve at May 23, 2006 01:49 PM

Bentsen also thought nothing of asking his political cronies to find his son a desk job in the Texas National Guard during Vietnam -- not a competed for, hard and dangerous job like jet pilot, but a paper-pushing job that had to be found by shoving aside some other kid trying for it. And Bentsen's political buddies thought nothing of it, either -- never any complaints.

Posted by JimO at May 23, 2006 01:56 PM

"And are they not all honorable men?" That's the line your headline brought to mind. Not sure if that's what you intended, though, or if my native cynicism is showing...

Posted by Stewart at May 23, 2006 04:24 PM

I am sure the occasion of his memorial service will provide another platform for the dhimmis to vent their spleens.

Posted by DanNY at May 23, 2006 08:23 PM

He was a better man than quayle, and in truth a better man than bush. The real problem, is that he was also an infinately superior man to his running mate mondale, who was just plain a joke.

Posted by Wickedpinto at May 23, 2006 10:04 PM

Did I say mondale?

I meant dukakis.

I was thinking of another panzie tueked liberal who didn't know how the rest of america worked.

Bentsen was a more dominant figure than any of the other 3 is what I meant by "better man" I meant it in terms of the chosen goal, bush and dukakis (both military men, bush more so, but service is service) are good men, but I think that had bentsen stood back for a political season and ran in clinton's stead, he would have stood a chance WITHOUT a perot.

Posted by Wickedpinto at May 23, 2006 10:08 PM

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