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Back In FL

Sorry for the light posting, but I flew back from CA yesterday, and had a bunch of stuff to do here, having been gone for over two weeks. The countertops are being installed today, and I'll be dealing with Home Depot over issues with the cabinet installation, and having debris hauled off, and possibly even getting the sink plumbed.

And we get to leave for the airport at 4 PM for a weekend trip to St. Louis for a sister-in-law's birthday party.

You might want to go read about useful leading indicators in Iraq, though (and no, number of car bombings aren't among them).

Lots of other good stuff in the blogroll to the left, as well, and as usual.

Posted by Rand Simberg at May 19, 2006 05:09 AM
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You need to go to City Museum while in STL.

Posted by Clay at May 19, 2006 08:22 AM


Wow, thanks for digging that up.


Posted by Dennis Ray Wingo at May 19, 2006 08:57 AM

Nice piece.

I am fortunate to have Amir Taheri's columns featured on the op-ed pages of The New York Post. When one compares his sober assessment of Middle East events with those of reporters "cocooned in hotels in Baghdad," one begins to wonder if Heinlein was on to something in his The Number of the Beast.

(Sorry about the tangent, Rand. But although I read it long ago, I can't help but ask if anyone else found it below par for RAH.)

Posted by only jo at May 19, 2006 01:20 PM

Oh, Rand...Amir Taheri just got caught red-handed fabricating out of thin air that story about the Iranian government forcing non-Moslems to wear yellow stars, which the NY Post and the National Post have now been forced to retract. Not exactly surprising, since he's associated with the Benador Associates propaganda firm:

Posted by Bruce Moomaw at May 28, 2006 03:18 PM

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