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Blackhole Sun In this month's Journal of Fusion I am told by Prof. Manuel of U. of Missouri-Rolla, you can read about evidence for a neutron star at the center of our very own sun kicking off nuclei to power it instead of via hydrogen fusion as we thought. There is some controversy about Manuel's theory. If true, they might have to change the name of the journal to Journal of Fission. Posted by Sam Dinkin at March 03, 2006 01:25 PMTrackBack URL for this entry:
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Fission creates antineutrinos (from decay of neutrons to protons in the fission products). There are stringent limits on the rate of emission of antineutrinos from the sun that limit the contribution of fission to (IIRC) at most .1% of the total solar energy output. But anyway, if a neutron star existed in the center of the sun, the energy output would not be from 'kicking out nuclei', but from the release of gravitational energy as matter fell onto the neutron star (making the sun a so-called Thorne-Zytkow object) as well as from fusion in the gas around the neutron star. The energy release would be at the Eddington limit (at which the radiation pressure gradient balances the pressure of incoming matter), which would be many times the actual solar luminosity. There's little controversy over that theory, any more than there's controversy over the 'flat earth' theory. Both are obviously wrong. Posted by Paul Dietz at March 3, 2006 02:56 PMI agree. There's something wrong. The evidence that the authors cite for evidence of their theory all are provided by papers coauthored by O. Manuel, one of the authors of the current paper. There should be independent verification of the claims. This looks like some attempt to rationalize a steady-state theory. Thanks, Paul, for your comments. 1. You are correct in the 1st paragraph in stating that fission a.) creates antineutrinos, and b.) little of the Sun’s energy. However, “stringent limits on the rate of emission of antineutrinos” are NOT available for antineutrinos produced in the Sun by the decay of neutrons into hydrogen atoms: n --> H + anti-neutrino + 0.782 MeV That seems to be the source of the hydrogen that pours from the Sun (and other stars) in the solar wind. In a talk presented in Dubna, Russia in 2003, we noted the need to measure these low energy anti-neutrinos (Energy Our overheads are here: http://web.umr.edu/~om/abstracts2004/manuel.pdf The manuscript was published in Physics of Atomic Nuclei, vol. 67 (2004) pp. 1959-1962 and is available here as an arxiv document: http://arxiv.org/pdf/astro-ph/0410168 2. You are wrong in the 2nd paragraph of your comment in stating that “if a neutron star existed in the center of the sun, the energy output would not be from 'kicking out nuclei'”. The Sun’s central neutron star ejects neutrons, which quickly decay to hydrogen ions that are accelerated upward toward the solar surface by deep-seated magnetic fields. Most of H+ are consumed by fusion during this upward journey, producing about 35% of the Sun’s energy. The H+ ions that reach the solar surface make up the bulk of the solar wind. High precision mass data for the 2,850 known isotopes provide overwhelming evidence for repulsive interactions between neutrons. See “Neutron repulsion confirmed as energy source”: http://web.umr.edu/%7Eom/abstracts2003/jfe-neutronrep.pdf 3. The ‘flat earth’ theory is as obsolete as the theory of solar neutrinos that oscillate into something else before they reach our detectors and the model of a ‘hydrogen-filled Sun’. Experimental measurements of solar neutrinos, solar wind, solar flares, and solar luminosity all lead to the same conclusion: The Sun and other stars are magnetic plasma diffusers that selectively move lightweight elements and the lighter isotopes of each element to their surfaces. H+ ions from neutron decay are the carrier gas that maintains this mass separation. Here are two papers that summarize the Sun’s origin and operation: http://web.umr.edu/~om/abstracts2005/The_Suns_Origin.pdf With kind regards, There's no controversy. This is nonsense. Manuel says the sun is mostly iron with a mini neutron star in the center. It doesn't match observation (helioseismology and neutrino observations among other things). Manuel has coauthored a paper with Michael Mozina, a fellow who has basic misunderstandings in thermodynamics and average density (!) among other things. Michael proposes that the sun has a solid iron surface based on wild interpretations of TRACE and other images. For instance, he assumes that dark areas on a high contrast image of the sun are literally shadows. There was was painfully long discussion of this on the Universe Today forum. Here are some links (although it doesn't look like html is allowed anymore): http://www.bautforum.com/showthread.php?t=23048 This and the following post (scroll down)sumarize some of the issues: http://www.bautforum.com/showthread.php?p=495444#post495444 Posted by VR at March 4, 2006 01:36 AMHi VR, Let's focus on the experimental data. If you find flaws in my interpretations or if you have better interpretations for the observations, please post them. I will not call your interpretation "nonsense". The finding of short-lived radioactive isotopes and unmixed products of stellar nuclear reactions in meteorites gave the first hint that: "the entire solar system may have condensed primarily from a single local supernova." For example the data shown in Table 1 of "Strange xenon, extinct superheavy elements, and the solar neutrino puzzle" [Science 195 (1977) 208-210] shows that all primordial He and Ne was trapped in mineral sites of the Allende meteorite that contain "strange" Xe, or Xe-2 (enriched in Xe-136 by about a factor of 2, i.e., 100%). http://web.umr.edu/~om/archive/StrangeXenon.pdf Meteorite minerals like FeS that trapped "normal" Xe, or Xe-1 (like here on Earth), trapped no He or Ne. Meteorite minerals like diamond (C) trapped "strange" Xe with primordial He and Ne. How do you explain this observation (Table 1)? Our conclusion: He, C and Ne came from the outer layers of the supernova that formed the solar system. Elements like Fe and S were made deep in the interior of the supernova where fusion reactions destroyed all light elements. "We regard the iron cores of the inner planets, the iron meteorites, and the core of the Sun as likely condensation products from the supernova core." Subsequent measurements on meteorites, the solar wind, solar flares, and planets supported our 1977 conclusion. Seven of those measurements were cited in our 2002 paper at the SOHO/GONG Conference on Local and Global Helioseismology [ESA SP-517 (2003) pp. 345-348] http://web.umr.edu/~om/abstracts2002/soho-gong2002.pdf 1. There two distinct types of xenon (Xe-1 and Xe-2) at the birth of the solar system (See Fig 1). 2. Primordial Helium accompanied Xe-2 ("strange" Xe) and not Xe-1 ("normal" Xe) when meteorites formed (See Fig 2). 3. Jupiter's He-rich atmosphere contains Xe-2 ("strange" xenon) http://web.umr.edu/~om/abstracts2001/windleranalysis.pdf (See p. 346) 4. Lightweight (L) isotopes in the solar wind are enriched relative to heavier ones (H) by a common fractionation factor (f), where: log (f) = 4.56 log (H/L) (See Fig. 5 and discussion on pp. 346-347.) 5. When element abundances in the photosphere are corrected for the above empirical equation, one finds that the interior of the Sun consists mostly of Fe, O, Si, Ni, S, Mg and Ca, the same elements as that comprise 99% of ordinary meteorites (See p. 347). 6. The statistical probability that this agreement is fortuitous is less than 1 in 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 7. Energetic solar flares bring up material from the interior of the Sun, by-passing several stages of mass fractionation. Lightweight isotopes are less enriched in solar flare ejecta, and the "Wind" spacecraft found that lightweight elements are less enriched in solar flare ejecta by several orders-of-magnitude (See Table 1 and discussion on p. 347). Please tell us how you explain these observations. With kind regards, While it's not clear to me that the different isotope distributions of xenon came from the same supernova (seeing that the Solar System must have passed through many supernova nebula and perhaps passed through a sufficiently dense one), let's assume that it is. This isn't evidence that the Sun is haboring a neutron star, but merely that the Solar System was very near a supernova, which is supposed (as I understand it) by some current theories of Solar System formation. I still have some questions. Why didn't a supernova originating where the Sun is now, drive away the rest of the material of the Solar System? Why does the Sun have the profile (age, solar output, isotope distribution) of a regular star not a star with a neutron star at the core? Why do we see little variation in solar neutrino emissions? With a neutron star at the core, I'd expect orders of magnitude variation as material settled on the surface of the neutron star as a sort of mini-soft gamma ray burster (minus the gamma rays which wouldn't make it to the surface). And why do we see neutrinos that are consistent with the standard solar model (now that SNO has revealed some are converted into other neutrino flavors) in which the energy is coming from ordinary fusion? And how does a putative neutron emitted by a neutron star actually get emitted? The surface of a neutron star doesn't have free neutrons. Free neutrons only exist at depth, where there is sufficient density and sufficiently many degenerate electrons to prevent neutron decay. If anything, accretion onto the neutron star would be causing protons to be undergoing conversion to neutrons, not the other way around. But if a neutron did get emitted, how does it survive for minutes required for it to decay, instead of being immediately captured on other nuclei (a process that should take a small fraction of a second in the conditions at the center of the sun)? If this neutron star is initially surrounded by iron, you'd get neutron capture and beta decay of a wide variety of heavy nuclei, much like from fission products. Posted by Paul Dietz at March 5, 2006 06:17 AMHi Paul, Neutrinos do not oscillate, although our goverment spent millions of dollars to fund studies that would support this misconception. What is, ... is. That cannot be changed by funding decisions. Watch for "back-pedalling" on this discovery. Most H+ ions are consumed by fusion during their upward journey from the Sun's core. This explains a.) the observed solar neutrino flux, We predicted that the number of solar neutrinos observed would be somewhat less than 38% of the number expected if H-fusion alone powers the Sun. The measurement yielded 35% of the number of solar neutrinos expected, in excellent agreement with our prediction. However, the researchers decided their measurement was close enough to 33% to declare that neutrinos oscillate between three (3) types. As mentioned above, there will be "back-pedalling" on this discovery. For more detailed information on our model, please see this paper from the Proceedings of the 2003 Workshop on Neutrino Oscillations: http://arxiv.org/pdf/astro-ph/0410460 With kind regards, You didn't explain how those neutrons survive long enough to decay without being captured. Do the calculation! If a free neutron has an absorption cross section on the nuclei in the solar core of 1 millibarn (a very conservatively low nuclear cross section), a free neutron in the solar core will on average last less than 1 microsecond before undergoing nuclear capture. Less than 1 neutron in a billion would decay before being captured. I urge you to seriously consider the possibility that you've become the victim of a serious mental illness. Schizophrenia, for example, can manifest itself in fixation on bizarre, contrafactual theories such as yours. Neutrinos do not oscillate, although our goverment spent millions of dollars to fund studies that would support this misconception. What is, ... is. That cannot be changed by funding decisions. This is just conjecture one way or another. But it does appear to me that a neutrino with a slight mass would fit observation. And current observations haven't ruled that out. Second, what differentiates the Sun from other stars. Unless you're claiming that most stars (or at least most massive stars) have a neutron star at the core, then what evidence sets the Sun apart from these "normal" stars? Another thing that bothers me here is that apparently there aren't any intermediate objects in your theory. We have either naked neutron stars or the fully cloaked ones like the Sun. Even when you have a neutron star orbiting a nearby giant star, it doesn't accumulate a stellar envelopment, but apparently more an accretion ring. Come on, Paul. This page is not about your mental health nor mine. Focus on the seven experimental observations listed above and published in the Proceedings of the 2002 SOHO/GONG Conference on Local and Global Helioseismology [ESA SP-517 (2003) pp. 345-348]. http://web.umr.edu/~om/abstracts2002/soho-gong2002.pdf It's okay if you can't explain those data. But it's not okay to try to divert attention away from experimantal observations that show the model of a Hydrogen-filled Sun is as obsolete as the flat Earth theory. Hydrogen (the lightest of all elements) accounts for 91% of the atoms at the surface of the Sun. Helium (the second lightest element) accounts for 9% of the atoms there. The 81 heavier elements together account for only about 0.2% of the atoms at the surface of the Sun. Mental illness is not required to see a trend here, especially if one knows that balloons filled with Hydrogen or Helium tend to rise upward. With kind regards, It's okay if you can't explain those data. Hey, I don't have to explain any observations. I only have to point out how your theory is wrong. It is up to you to counter each and every criticism, which you have not done and cannot do. If I, who am not a physicist, can see the problems, then imagine what real physicists must think. But it's not okay to try to divert attention away from experimantal observations that show the model of a Hydrogen-filled Sun is as obsolete as the flat Earth theory. Hey, I'm talking about the fatal defects in your theory, mister. If the standard solar model is also flawed it won't make your bullshit smell any sweeter. Posted by Paul Dietz at March 5, 2006 06:02 PMNeutrinos do not oscillate, although our goverment spent millions of dollars to fund studies that would support this misconception. What is, ... is. That cannot be changed by funding decisions. And your evidence for this is? Because it doesn't agree with your iron sun model? Please . . . Actually, that isn't new. Manuel came up with this model before the SNO results. Now that this and other experiments indicate oscillation and the flux is consistent with P-P fusion for the observed luminosity, Maneul would prefer to wave it away. Manuel asked many of the same questions on the UT thread I noted earlier. Those were discussed (for instance, his assumptions in the relevance of a meteorite's composition to the bulk composition of the sun). There were many questions he didn't answer, as well, such as the physics and detailed calculations showing how you get an iron sun with a (possibly) solid surface and a mini neutron star in the center that just happens to match the luminosity, mass and volume of the star we see.
Thanks, Paul. You got the message right! New measurements will tell whether or not neutrinos oscillate. I predict that there will be "back-pedalling" on the discovery that solar neutrinos oscillate. Would you like to go on record opposing this prediction? With kind regards, Oliver, I think often when we have committed many years to an idea, it I went to the website VR cited and read, certainly not all of If you don't know, you should say you don't know. That may be If you don't understand an area you should be forthright in What I would focus on if I where you is what you do know, What I found most interesting by the way and which I found no the assertion in your paper of a repulsive force between neutrons. It's well known that the two neutron system (the 'di-neutron') is not bound. There have been many experiments looking for this animal (as well as the tri-neutron, the tetra-neutron, etc.) with no success. There are some nuclei, called 'halo nuclei', which have a tightly bound core with some neutrons in a more extended halo. In some of these, such as 6He and 11Li, the two neutrons in the halo are bound to each other in this sense: if one of the neutrons is removed, the other neutron is no longer bound to the core. The force between nucleons is not a simple central force like electromagnetism. Posted by Paul Dietz at March 7, 2006 04:40 AMPaul, Do you have any thoughts on that chart of 2,850 nuclides in the As you point out the interactions between nucleons are harder to I don't by the way want to give the impression that I have any Has anyone taken this relationship and applied it to neutron then there should be staggering amounts of energy buried in the repulsion between all these neutrons. Which, of course, is more than compensated for by the gravitational binding energy of the neutron star as a whole. Part of the gravitational energy released during the formation of the neutron star went into compressing the nuclear matter against inter-nucleon repulsion (and converting electrons + protons to neutrons, as well as compressing the remaining electrons into a relativistic degenerate state). The idea that a neutron star can somehow release energy by emitting neutrons is dubious in the extreme -- the neutron star, absent some phase transition like conversion to quark matter, should already be in a lowest energy state. Posted by Paul Dietz at March 7, 2006 06:26 AMPaul, Yes. But I was wondering if in our models of neutron star I understand that we already assume nucleon repulsion, and Is the data in figure 3 in the paper above in fact already well Hi Mark and Paul, You are right. The main issue NOW is the repulsive interaction between neutrons. But we only arrived at that after several decades of puzzling experimental observations, from 1960 until now. Paul correctly notes the staggering amounts of energy buried in the repulsion between all these a.) Neutron emission releases 1.2-2.4% of M as E We slowly arrived at this conclusion after decades of puzzling experimental findings (listed below in approximate historical order): 1. [1960's] Why was there so much short-lived radioactivity in material when it started to condense to form the solar system about 5 Gy ago? 2. [1970's] Why are isotopes of the same element, made in different regions of a star by He-burning, the r-process, the s-process and the p-process still unmixed when the first meteorite grains formed? 3. [1970's] Why are these nucleogenetic isotope anomalies linked with chemical gradients in the solar system? (E.g., six or seven different classes of meteorites and planets each have characteristic levels of O-16 from He-burning.) 4. [1970's] Why are light elements like H, He and C tightly linked with certain isotopes of heavier elements like Xe-136 in the material that formed meteorites? 5. [1980's] Why are lightweight isotopes of several different elements in the solar wind enriched in the manner expected if each element underwent nine (9) stages of mass fractionation in reaching the surface of the Sun? (E.g., in xenon the lightweight isotopes from Xe-124 to Xe-136 are each enriched by 3.5% per mass unit.) 6. [1980's] When element abundances at the solar surface (photosphere) are corrected for this empirical mass fractionation, why does it indicate that the interior of the Sun consists mostly of the same seven elements that comprise 99% of the material in ordinary meteorites - Fe, O, Ni, Si, S, Mg and Ca? 7. [1980's] Can this be a coincidence? Only if you believe in magic! The chance of that is less than 1 in 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 8. [1980's] Why do iron sulfide (FeS) inclusions of meteorites have element and isotope abundances like those in Earth and Mars? 9. [1990's] Why do diamond (C) inclusions of meteorites have element and isotope abundances like those the Galileo mission found in Jupiter? 10. [2000's] What is the source of solar neutrinos, solar luminosity, and solar wind hydrogen (Yes, the Sun is generating and throwing away billions of metric tons of H each year) if the Sun is made mostly of Fe, O, Ni, Si, S, Mg and Ca? Question #10 led us to the study of the systematic properties of all 2,850 known isotopes and the conclusion of repulsive interactions between neutrons. With kind regards, Posted by Oliver Manuel at March 7, 2006 08:17 AM Hi Mark and Paul, You are right. The main issue NOW is the repulsive interaction between neutrons. But we only arrived at that after several decades of puzzling experimental observations, from 1960 until now. Paul correctly notes the staggering amounts of energy buried in the repulsion between all these a.) Neutron emission releases 1.2-2.4% of M as E We slowly arrived at this conclusion after decades of puzzling experimental findings (listed below in approximate historical order): 1. [1960's] Why was there so much short-lived radioactivity in material when it started to condense to form the solar system about 5 Gy ago? 2. [1970's] Why are isotopes of the same element, made in different regions of a star by He-burning, the r-process, the s-process and the p-process still unmixed when the first meteorite grains formed? 3. [1970's] Why are these nucleogenetic isotope anomalies linked with chemical gradients in the solar system? (E.g., six or seven different classes of meteorites and planets each have characteristic levels of O-16 from He-burning.) 4. [1970's] Why are light elements like H, He and C tightly linked with certain isotopes of heavier elements like Xe-136 in the material that formed meteorites? 5. [1980's] Why are lightweight isotopes of several different elements in the solar wind enriched in the manner expected if each element underwent nine (9) stages of mass fractionation in reaching the surface of the Sun? (E.g., in xenon the lightweight isotopes from Xe-124 to Xe-136 are each enriched by 3.5% per mass unit.) 6. [1980's] When element abundances at the solar surface (photosphere) are corrected for this empirical mass fractionation, why does it indicate that the interior of the Sun consists mostly of the same seven elements that comprise 99% of the material in ordinary meteorites - Fe, O, Ni, Si, S, Mg and Ca? 7. [1980's] Can this be a coincidence? Only if you believe in magic! The chance of that is less than 1 in 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 8. [1980's] Why do iron sulfide (FeS) inclusions of meteorites have element and isotope abundances like those in Earth and Mars? 9. [1990's] Why do diamond (C) inclusions of meteorites have element and isotope abundances like those the Galileo mission found in Jupiter? 10. [2000's] What is the source of solar neutrinos, solar luminosity, and solar wind hydrogen (Yes, the Sun is generating and throwing away billions of metric tons of H each year) if the Sun is made mostly of Fe, O, Ni, Si, S, Mg and Ca? Question #10 led us to the study of the systematic properties of all 2,850 known isotopes and the conclusion of repulsive interactions between neutrons. With kind regards, Posted by Oliver Manuel at March 7, 2006 08:17 AM Hi Mark and Paul, You are right. The main issue NOW is the repulsive interaction between neutrons. But we only arrived at that after several decades of puzzling experimental observations, from 1960 until now. Paul correctly notes the staggering amounts of energy buried in the repulsion between all these a.) Neutron emission releases 1.2-2.4% of M as E We slowly arrived at this conclusion after decades of puzzling experimental findings (listed below in approximate historical order): 1. [1960's] Why was there so much short-lived radioactivity in material when it started to condense to form the solar system about 5 Gy ago? 2. [1970's] Why are isotopes of the same element, made in different regions of a star by He-burning, the r-process, the s-process and the p-process still unmixed when the first meteorite grains formed? 3. [1970's] Why are these nucleogenetic isotope anomalies linked with chemical gradients in the solar system? (E.g., six or seven different classes of meteorites and planets each have characteristic levels of O-16 from He-burning.) 4. [1970's] Why are light elements like H, He and C tightly linked with certain isotopes of heavier elements like Xe-136 in the material that formed meteorites? 5. [1980's] Why are lightweight isotopes of several different elements in the solar wind enriched in the manner expected if each element underwent nine (9) stages of mass fractionation in reaching the surface of the Sun? (E.g., in xenon the lightweight isotopes from Xe-124 to Xe-136 are each enriched by 3.5% per mass unit.) 6. [1980's] When element abundances at the solar surface (photosphere) are corrected for this empirical mass fractionation, why does it indicate that the interior of the Sun consists mostly of the same seven elements that comprise 99% of the material in ordinary meteorites - Fe, O, Ni, Si, S, Mg and Ca? 7. [1980's] Can this be a coincidence? Only if you believe in magic! The chance of that is less than 1 in 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 8. [1980's] Why do iron sulfide (FeS) inclusions of meteorites have element and isotope abundances like those in Earth and Mars? 9. [1990's] Why do diamond (C) inclusions of meteorites have element and isotope abundances like those the Galileo mission found in Jupiter? 10. [2000's] What is the source of solar neutrinos, solar luminosity, and solar wind hydrogen (Yes, the Sun is generating and throwing away billions of metric tons of H each year) if the Sun is made mostly of Fe, O, Ni, Si, S, Mg and Ca? Question #10 led us to the study of the systematic properties of all 2,850 known isotopes and the conclusion of repulsive interactions between neutrons. With kind regards, Posted by Oliver Manuel at March 7, 2006 08:18 AM Hi Mark and Paul, You are right. The main issue NOW is the repulsive interaction between neutrons. But we only arrived at that after several decades of puzzling experimental observations, from 1960 until now. Paul correctly notes the staggering amounts of energy buried in the repulsion between all these a.) Neutron emission releases 1.2-2.4% of M as E We slowly arrived at this conclusion after decades of puzzling experimental findings (listed below in approximate historical order): 1. [1960's] Why was there so much short-lived radioactivity in material when it started to condense to form the solar system about 5 Gy ago? 2. [1970's] Why are isotopes of the same element, made in different regions of a star by He-burning, the r-process, the s-process and the p-process still unmixed when the first meteorite grains formed? 3. [1970's] Why are these nucleogenetic isotope anomalies linked with chemical gradients in the solar system? (E.g., six or seven different classes of meteorites and planets each have characteristic levels of O-16 from He-burning.) 4. [1970's] Why are light elements like H, He and C tightly linked with certain isotopes of heavier elements like Xe-136 in the material that formed meteorites? 5. [1980's] Why are lightweight isotopes of several different elements in the solar wind enriched in the manner expected if each element underwent nine (9) stages of mass fractionation in reaching the surface of the Sun? (E.g., in xenon the lightweight isotopes from Xe-124 to Xe-136 are each enriched by 3.5% per mass unit.) 6. [1980's] When element abundances at the solar surface (photosphere) are corrected for this empirical mass fractionation, why does it indicate that the interior of the Sun consists mostly of the same seven elements that comprise 99% of the material in ordinary meteorites - Fe, O, Ni, Si, S, Mg and Ca? 7. [1980's] Can this be a coincidence? Only if you believe in magic! The chance of that is less than 1 in 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 8. [1980's] Why do iron sulfide (FeS) inclusions of meteorites have element and isotope abundances like those in Earth and Mars? 9. [1990's] Why do diamond (C) inclusions of meteorites have element and isotope abundances like those the Galileo mission found in Jupiter? 10. [2000's] What is the source of solar neutrinos, solar luminosity, and solar wind hydrogen (Yes, the Sun is generating and throwing away billions of metric tons of H each year) if the Sun is made mostly of Fe, O, Ni, Si, S, Mg and Ca? Question #10 led us to the study of the systematic properties of all 2,850 known isotopes and the conclusion of repulsive interactions between neutrons. With kind regards, Posted by Oliver Manuel at March 7, 2006 08:18 AM Is the data in figure 3 in the paper above in fact already well known and accounted for and assumed to apply to neutron stars? The equation of state of nuclear matter is not all that well understood, particularly at the very high density, low temperature conditions in the center of a neutron star. However, we can say with confidence that the net energy of a neutron star -- which includes both the nucleon-nucleon repulsive energy and the gravitational binding energy -- is negative. Were this not the case, the star would explode on a timescale of O(diameter/speed of sound), which would be less than a millisecond. This is true regardless of the details of the internucleon potential. Sorry, Paul. Two of your conclusions seem to be incorrect. To understand neutron emission from a neutron star, you may want to read up on the emission of 4.1 MeV alpha particles (He nuclei) from the nucleus of U-238. This experimental fact would be impossible, according to your reasoning since the Coulomb barrier is much higher than 4.1 MeV. But it happens anyway. The half-life of U-238 is 4.5 billion years, not zero as you mistakenly conclude for the time required for a neutron star to explode. Time is required for an alpha particle to penetrate the Coulomb barrier. Likewise, time is required for a neutron to penetrate the gravitational barrier around a neutron star. In fact, the half-life for the neutron star at the core of the Sun is probably close to that of the U-238 nucleus. But it is not zero, and it is not infinite. Therefore, you CANNOT "say with confidence that the net energy of a neutron star -- which includes both the nucleon-nucleon repulsive energy and the gravitational binding energy -- is negative." That is another way of saying its half-life is infinite. It is not. That is why fragmemtation fills the cosmos, making: Repulsive interactions between neutrons powers the universe, and neutron decay is the source for Hydrogen that pours from the surface of the Sun and other stars. In 2000 we extrapolated nuclear mass data out to Z/A = 0 and Z/A = 1 (i.e., we extrapolated out to homogeneous or infinite nuclear matter) in showing that the masses of all the isotopes can be explained in termes of: a. Attractive n-p interactions, and In March 2001, we used that information to explain "The Sun's origin, composition, and source of energy" at the 32nd Lunar & Planetary Science Conference: http://web.umr.edu/~om/lpsc.prn.pdf Recently Lunney, Pearson, and Thibault also concluded that useful information can be obtained by extrapolating nuclear mass data "... out to homogeneous or infinite nuclear matter (INM)" which "... has a real existence, being found in the interior of neutron stars" [Rev. Mod. Physics 75 (2003) p. 1042]. With kind regards, Prof. Manuel: If I were to gradually lower a neutron onto a neutron star, there would be release of its gravitational potential energy, right? Imagine that we collect this energy as it is released, so the neutron is gently deposited on the star's surface. There may then be subsequent rearrangement and energy release as the star relaxes to a new state of equilibrium. If I understand correctly, you are imagining that the star could then spontaneously emit a neutron that would escape to infinity. We'd be back to where we started, with a net production of energy. This would violate conservation of energy. When uranium fissions, you need some kind of nuclear decay to create the new nuclei that are in a lower energy state. Where do you get that in a neutron star fission event? What is the upper limit on the size of a neutron star in our sun (and why not in every sun?) When uranium fissions, you need some kind of nuclear decay to create the new nuclei that are in a lower energy state. Actually, what drives fission is electrostatic repulsion. The uranium nucleus has lots of positive charges close together; the electrostatic repulsive energy of the two daughter nuclei is less. Contrast this to a neutron star, where the long range force, gravity, is attractive, not repulsive. Merging two neutron stars results in a body that is more tightly bound, not less. Posted by Paul Dietz at March 7, 2006 07:37 PMProf. Manuel, I read one of your papers and I have some questions for you: From here: http://arxiv.org/ftp/astro-ph/papers/0511/0511379.pdf In this paper, by O. Manuel, Micahel Mozina, and Hilton Ratcliffe, the caption to Figure 2 states: Fig. 2. A "running difference" image of the rigid, iron-rich structures beneath the photosphere in a small part of the Sun's surface revealed by the TRACE satellite using a 171 A filter[10]. How is TRACE (Transition Region and Coronal Explorer) managing to image anything below the photosphere? What is your specific evidence that this image is from below the photosphere, instead of in the corona? How do you manage to have such hot (about 1,000,000 degrees) Fe ions below the photosphere? How do a scattering of hot Fe ions indicate a "solid iron-rich surface"? Posted by VR at March 7, 2006 11:07 PMA correction of the last line (unfortunately, I can't edit) - that should be "rigid iron-rich surface" instead of "solid . . ." I should also add another question: How, at these temperatures, would you have a rigid iron-rich surface? Posted by VR at March 7, 2006 11:09 PMSam, the maximum neutron star mass is thought to be somewhat over 3 solar masses. One of the problems brought up in the UT/BAUT thread, though, is that a solar neutron star would have be a very low mass neutron star, and it isn't clear how such a low mass neutron star would form. Some of the other major issues were the neutron emmision problem that Paul has mentioned, stability problems of an ironclad neutron star, opacity, helioseismology, and neutrino flux, energy spectrum and directional data. Without getting into detail, they all fit a hydrogen fusion burning star composed of hydrogen/some helium/much less other elements. An iron sun would have mass and luminosity issues even if we didn't worry about the energy source. Posted by VR at March 7, 2006 11:34 PMI did a little searching and according to this paper: http://aanda.u-strasbg.fr:2002/papers/aa/full/2001/08/aah2358/aah2358.html the minimum mass for a neutron star would be between .88-1.28 solar masses. Even the lower value would cause serious problems for the solar neutron star model. Posted by VR at March 7, 2006 11:48 PMIf a .88 solar mass neutron star was left alone for a while (a pretty heroic assumption if it was in the middle of a 1 solar mass sun), would it fizz, shine and get smaller, or just stay the same? And what are the products when two neutron stars spin together that are too big to coalesce into another neutron star? Black hole? Or does the event lead to a big enough energy release to shoot off a little neutron star and a big neutron star at escape velocity from each other? Posted by Sam Dinkin at March 8, 2006 02:59 AMIf a .88 solar mass neutron star was left alone for a while (a pretty heroic assumption if it was in the middle of a 1 solar mass sun), would it fizz, shine and get smaller, or just stay the same? It would cool by emission of photons and neutrinos. There may be emission of gravitational radiation if it is vibrating or rotating too fast. And what are the products when two neutron stars spin together that are too big to coalesce into another neutron star? Black hole? A significant fraction of their mass is emitted as gravitational radiation and as neutrinos after the neutron stars have tidally heated each other. If insufficient mass is radiated, they will collapse into a black hole. I'd expect some additional mass to be radiated from the fireball as electron/positron pairs, photons, and some baryons, but not as a smaller neutron star. Posted by Paul Dietz at March 8, 2006 05:07 AMPaul, Sam and VR: Why cite calculations on neutron stars that ignore repulsive interactions between neutrons? The n-n interaction inside the nucleus is either repulsive, or it is not. If it is repulsive, as we concluded several years ago, then neutron stars will probably not collapse into black holes. Then all the astronomical observations attributed to black holes must be re-evaluated. So let's resolve this central issue, and then let the other pieces fall into place: IS THE NEUTRON-NEUTRON INTERACTION IN THE NUCLEUS REPULSIVE? With kind regards, If it is repulsive, as we concluded several years ago, then neutron stars will probably not collapse into black holes. This displays ignorance of the physics of gravitational collapse. Repulsion stores energy, which has mass, so beyond a certain point it can't prevent collapse into a black hole. Viewed from another angle, even if repulsive interactions prevent the density from being over a certain value, then there is a radiu at which a sphere of that density has escape speed greater than light. Even a sphere of (say) ordinary matter at 1 gram/cc will be a black hole if you make it big enough. Viewed from yet another angle: make a body large enough and the speed of sound in its material will have to be greater than the speed of light to prevent collapse. Posted by Paul Dietz at March 8, 2006 07:27 AMAh, still more "new physics." Prof. Manuel, I really would like an answer to the question of how TRACE would be getting an image from beneath the photosphere. This appears to be a misunderstanding of rather basic solar physics, and a profound misinterpretation of the image in question. By the way, in your view, what are the optical properties of the photosphere? Posted by VR at March 8, 2006 12:58 PMstability problems of an ironclad neutron star, This is another good one. If the matter directly above the neutron star is degenerate, then it is just part of the neutron star's crust. This cannot be an extended atmosphere going beyond the radius of a neutron star. If it isn't degenerate, then something else is holding it up. If radiation pressure is holding it up, then this means there's more upward than downward flow of radiation (if not, there's no radiation pressure gradient and no net force), which means a net flow of energy away from the neutron star. The amount would be given by the Eddington luminosity, which is proportional to the mass of the neutron star. This would be around 20,000 times the luminosity of the sun for even a small neutron star. Obviously, this is ruled out. So, the material above the neutron star's surface has to be held up by particle pressure. But the gravitational acceleration near the neutron star is so strong that the temperature will have to be in the billions of degrees, hot enough that pair-produced electrons and positrons would have to dominate the plasma (which would depress the average mass of particles in the plasma; otherwise even this temperature is insufficient to have a scale height on the order of the neutron star radius). This also means the surface of the neutron star will be extremely hot, and will radiate fiercely in neutrinos. Maintaining this temperature in the face of the neutrino radiation will require accretion onto the neutron star, and the lifetime of the system as a whole will be limited before all the surrounding matter is accreted or ejected. Posted by Paul Dietz at March 9, 2006 06:45 AMPost a comment |
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