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More Of This, Please

The UCLA Alumni Association is fed up with nutty professors. Alumni associations actually have a lot of power in the war to take back academia from the radical left, but they have to care, and exercise it.

[Update on Monday evening]

As Jane Bernstein points out in comments, if you read the fine print, it's not the UCLA Alumni Association--it's another group (probably less official) called the Bruin Alumni Association. Kudos to them anyway.

Posted by Rand Simberg at January 09, 2006 05:51 AM
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Wrong association.

The UCLA Alumni Association is called, remarkably enough, "The UCLA Alumni Association," and its website can be found here.

The author of that website certainly does not speak for this UCLA alumna.

Posted by Jane Bernstein at January 9, 2006 01:00 PM

The site says "a project of the UCLA Alumni Association" and provides links, Jane.

And the author certainly speaks for this UCLA alumus. When I was a student in the 70s, the radicals and their organizations hounded, intimidated and attacked any conservative professors who were stupid enough to come to their attention. Turn abouts fair play, I say.

Besides, the odds that they'll be disciplined or lose their jobs as classroom propagandists are about as remote as Ward Churchill singing the "Star Spangled Banner" on national TV.

Posted by K at January 9, 2006 01:22 PM

K, it says "A project of the Bruin Alumni Association" - not the same thing. Scroll to the bottom and read the tiny print (curiously rendered as a graphic rather than text). "(not) affiliated in any with.. the University of California, the University of California Los Angeles, or the UCLA Alumni Association."

So it looks to me like one of those special interest alumni groups with a particular ax to grind, like the Concerned Alumi for Princeton, for example.

Disagreements aside, Go Bruins.

Posted by Jane Bernstein at January 9, 2006 03:42 PM

Yep. It's this guy.

Thanks for the correction above, Rand.

Posted by Jane Bernstein at January 9, 2006 10:50 PM

Sadly it seems, other than exposing a list of nutty professors, nothing tangible will result if I read this correctly. I certainly share the sentiments.

Posted by ken anthony at January 10, 2006 07:07 PM

And it looks as if this is going to be over soon, thank goodness, as the exposure in the LA Times yesterday, combined with an especially lively thread over at DailyKos has exposed this sort of McCarthyism. But you read it here first!

Posted by Jane Bernstein at January 19, 2006 08:33 AM

And it looks as if this is going to be over soon

How is an LA Times article and a discussion at Kos going to "make it over soon," Jane?

As long as parents are paying thousands of dollars to have nutty professors fill their kids' heads with nonsense, things like this will continue to be exposed.

Posted by Rand Simberg at January 19, 2006 09:46 AM

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