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Let's Give Them A Country! Part III

As part of the continuing saga, Gaza is "dissolving into anarchy":

Television scenes reminiscent of those from Beirut’s civil war period showed vanloads of rifle-waving, masked men racing through Rafiah’s streets, while PA police threw up roadblocks and rummaged through taxis and car trunks apparently in search of the hostages.

Hamas and Fatah terrorist leaders appealed over radio and television for those holding the Burtons to release them. Groups holding signs demonstrated in support of Kate Burton and pleaded with her kidnappers to let her go.

No group has claimed responsibility for this abduction which differs from those that occurred before in that no demands have been made for the Burtons’ release.

The meltdown of what law and order did exist as long as Israel administered Gaza is seen by many regional watchers as a harbinger of what will happen in the “West Bank” when Israel deserts that territory too.

Unfortunately, that sounds right to me.

[Update at 1 PM Central]

Here's more:

After the compound was stormed, the EU's observers stationed at the crossing quickly fled the scene in panic while the gunmen prevented vehicles from reaching the crossing. The observers are responsible for monitoring the crossing and enforcing the agreement between Israel and the PA on live camera transmissions of border activity.

The armed men refused to heed demands by PA officials to leave the compound, and the EU workers left out of fear for their lives. "Our monitors are now in the Kerem Shalom military base [in Israel]. When the situation is clear, and these people leave, we will go back to our work," said EU spokesman Julio De La Guardia. He said the PA police advised the observers to leave the crossing.

They bravely ran away. And you mean they fled to that "shi**y little country Israel"?

Do tell.

Why didn't they go to that well-known bastion of democracy, freedom and security, Egypt?

Posted by Rand Simberg at December 30, 2005 10:56 AM
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Stephen Den Beste predicted exactly this and suggested it was part of Sharon's reasoning for pulling out of Gaza. Left without the stabilizing force of the IDF, Gaza and the West Bank would descend into anarchy or civil war, showing the world the true face of the Palestinian state.


Posted by Bob at December 30, 2005 11:13 AM

The meltdown of what law and order did exist as long as Israel administered Gaza is seen by many regional watchers as a harbinger of what will happen in the “West Bank” when Israel deserts that territory too.

"Deserts", notice. Not "ceases the occupation of", not even the neutral "withdraws from". The negative terminology, implying that Israel ran out on a duty to Gaza, is a harbinger: as this goes on, it will be all Israel's fault for "deserting Gaza and the West Bank".

(I think this is the flaw in Den Beste's reasoning: anarchy and civil war won't be interpreted as due to the flaws in Palestinian or Arab political culture, but as the result of yet another Israeli malfeasance.)

Posted by jaed at December 30, 2005 05:21 PM

(By the way, you might want to check your comment filter. That comment wouldn't go through with my blog in the URL field due to: "Your comment could not be submitted due to questionable content: bl*gsp". [substitute an "o" for the asterisk])

Posted by jaed at December 30, 2005 05:23 PM

Yup. I've been getting a lot of spam from people who set up blogs on Blog spot. I may allow it again in the future, but I'd recommend getting a real URL for your blog, if you're serious.

Posted by Rand Simberg at December 30, 2005 05:29 PM

"Gaza is 'dissolving into anarchy'"

I've got the popcorn concession.

I'm gonna clean up! ;-p

Posted by Barbara Skolaut at December 30, 2005 05:47 PM

Isn't anyone scared that this will turn into a quagmire? Seems a little squishy to me...

(OK, and why does the word afra1d trigger the filters?) I hate Spam!

Posted by David Summers at December 30, 2005 06:26 PM

And I heard Al Quedia is setting up a popscicle stand there too Barbara! You might not like your neighbors.

Posted by Mike Puckett at December 30, 2005 07:18 PM

"Why didn't they go to that well-known bastion of democracy, freedom and security, Egypt?"

Probably because the Egyptians have a bigass fence, complete with mines and snipers, between them and Gaza.
Funny how the UN didn't see fit to protest that fence....

Posted by Toren at December 30, 2005 09:07 PM

I think you misunderstand there, Mike.

I've got the popcorn concession here - for those of us watching the entertainment. ;-p

Posted by Barbara Skolaut at December 30, 2005 11:44 PM

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