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The Left Side Of The Satellite Dish

Debbie Schlussel writes about the politically correct program directors at XM satellite radio.

Posted by Rand Simberg at December 30, 2005 10:40 AM
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This article elucidates something that I have suspected of XM for a long time. I am something of an "expert" on Satellite radio I suppose, and one of the few people who have BOTH XM and Sirius radio. I got Sirius as soon as it came out. I admit, it was in expectation of Howard stern someday as I listened to Stern when he was in the Twin Cities market and I missed it. But I was intrigued at the prospect of the music channels being commercial free and offering more of what I like. In my case that is Hard rock and heavy metal for the most part. Sirius actually offers four music channels that I regularly listen to: Hard attack, Hair nation, Octane and Faction. It also has NFL, which I am an avid fan of. I ended up with XM this summer because it was pre installed in my Chevy Tahoe. My intention from the beginning was to get Sirius installed, but then I realized that I would have to get a new tuner and a new installation including the satellite receiver. i thought that maybe I could then have XM in one car and Sirius in the other since I had already paid for sirius for a year. What I have found is that in the music department, Sirius is far better. At least for me. I suspect that others would find the same for the simple reason that most of XM's music programming is simply too eclectic. Not between stations, but within stations. For example, their "heavy" station serves everything from metalcore, to hard rock, to punk, to death metal. Their "metal" station plays mostly bands that I don't even remember from the 80's, and it really doesn't fall in the category of "metal" As for the talk, there is one redeeming quality of XM and that is the Opie and Anthony show, which is a guilty pleasure for me. Opie and Anthony held a contest to find another radio show to follow theirs and they ended up picking the "ron and fez" show, which is absolutely terrible and should be on their liberal station, which gets endlessly promoted on the oand a show and other talk stations. This is because they spend nearly every show bashing President Bush and behaving as a typical snarky, smarmy leftist new yorker would...completely out of touch with mainstreet USA. Anyway, it is for that reason that I have kept XM, but I ended up getting Sirius installed in the Tahoe as well.

Sirius is simply better in music, in talk, and in sports. XM has baseball, which I am not into, and their talk stations are replicated on Sirius, but sirius simply has better options to boot, and more choice, especially for conservative listeners.

I find myself worried about how much money sirius has commited to Stern, and also how XM has better positioned themselves in the auto market. I want sirius to stay. I believe in satellite radio's future and it would be a shame if that medium becomes dominated like the MSM has by another liberal organization.

Posted by Jim P at December 30, 2005 08:44 PM

"For example, their "heavy" station serves everything from metalcore, to hard rock, to punk, to death metal. Their "metal" station plays mostly bands that I don't even remember from the 80's, and it really doesn't fall in the category of "metal""

FWIW, I don't consider Hair Metal to be metal. It dumbed down and killed metal for a generation. If it had started and stopped with Motley Crue, it would have been fine If I want girls, girls, girls, I will listen to ZZ Top or some other genre of Rock which covers this aspect.

I am a NWOBHM fan myself, I would rater listen to a true Metal band that bases its songs on "The Charge of the Light Brigade, Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, or Frank Herberts Dune and so on if you know what I mean.

Posted by Mike Puckett at December 30, 2005 11:04 PM

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