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The Holy War Down Under

Continues. And yet they won't call it by its true name:

Five men of Middle Eastern descent were yesterday arrested in Brighton-le-Sands after their mobile phones were confiscated and found to have messages that incited violence. Among the many phones confiscated yesterday one contained a text message which said: "Wake up, wake up oh lion of lebanon. Retaliate, take action ... Show them we have awoken we will meet at Brighton and together exterminate the enemy of Cronulla. Send this to every lion of Lebanon."

Well, at least they're willing to say that they're of Middle Eastern descent. But why can't they use the "M" word? This is about "Arabs." If I were a Lebanese Christian, I'd be outraged, and sending nasty letters to the editor about this broad-brush treatment.

Posted by Rand Simberg at December 18, 2005 07:07 PM
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I do not believe the riots have taken a religious turn yet, though theres a very high danger of it becoming so.

Posted by at December 18, 2005 09:57 PM

Yes, I have heard it blamed on an on going Lebanese gang problem which has grown unchecked in fear of such ethnic and religious sensitivities. Not that one would hear that via the media.


Posted by Pete Lynn at December 19, 2005 01:11 AM

As far as I know, there were incidents where a mob came running out of a mosque shouting "allah akbar" and then going on a rampage in a suburb.

If that is not a "religious turn", then what is?

Posted by at December 19, 2005 06:38 AM

I think the dumbasses will end up wishing they had pulled this on some other continent. The Ozzies aren't Euros.

Posted by Mike James at December 19, 2005 11:12 PM

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