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Sauce For The Gander

Steven Plaut says that France should offer "land for peace."

First, until this plan is implemented in full, we must insist that the French government acknowledge that there is no military or police solution to the problems of violence in its suburbs, and only through recognizing the legitimacy of the demands of the murderers and rioters outside Paris can the problems be resolved.


And not just to the rioters:

...we all agree that territory must not be annexed by force. Therefore, we can also agree that Germany has a moral right to demand the return of Alsace-Lorraine, for the French aggression in 1945 and its consequent occupation must not be rewarded. ''A full withdrawal for full peace'' should operate here. Further, France must agree to the return and rehabilitation of all ethnic Germans expelled from Alsace-Lorraine after World Wars I and II, as well as all those they define as their descendents.
Posted by Rand Simberg at November 06, 2005 11:50 AM
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Please let this be the end of "Frenchie" France. . .
Excerpt: The unrest in France is becoming ridiculous to say the least. The assertions that the violence is coming from "youths" rather than characterizing the rioters for what they are is an insult to France's citizens and the world at large....
Tracked: November 7, 2005 10:04 PM
EXCLUSIVE: Chirac Reading “My Pet Goat”?
Excerpt: I have come across this shocking bit of evidence that while France burns, Chirac has spent the last eleven days reading the French version of the much maligned … ...
Weblog: Myopic Zeal
Tracked: November 8, 2005 07:03 AM

From what I have read and heard, the rioting is by immigrant youths who are jobless and filled with despair. Perhaps France should send them back to their native land for peace.

Posted by Bernard W Joseph at November 6, 2005 12:00 PM

It isn't immigrant youths from Germany or Poland or Spain that are rioting. They're not immigrants from the USA or Canada or Russia or Britain either. Not immigrants from Israel or Australia or Mexico or Brazil.

When will the French figure out that there is a war on, and what the war is about, and which side they are on?

Probably right after they surrender, I guess.

Posted by Ed Minchau at November 6, 2005 01:46 PM

Brilliant. Thanks for presenting us this.

Posted by Liberty at November 6, 2005 03:44 PM

Yes, the article linked to here is nasty but funny.

Posted by Kurt at November 6, 2005 05:16 PM

What was the french contributuon to the ESA mars orbiter... a presigned declaration of surrender!
(Space content makes it paropriate for this blog)

Posted by Not politically correct... at November 6, 2005 09:16 PM

Give France a little credit...they haven't cut and run yet.....I stress the word, yet.


Posted by Mac at November 7, 2005 06:40 AM

Further, France must agree to the return and rehabilitation of all ethnic Germans expelled from Alsace-Lorraine after World Wars I and II, as well as all those they define as their descendents.
Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me!

I want access to my grandfather's house in Lauterbourg. He fought bravely for his country in WW1, Germany, was wounded in battle and received 2 bronze crosses (equivalent of a purple heart in the US) and was immensely proud of his service up to his dying days. France, when it retook Alsace, expelled him and his family as "enemy aliens". Thus ended nearly 600 years of our family's history in that region.

I demand the right of return!

Posted by D at November 7, 2005 09:02 AM

Well maybe that "$h1t*y little country"
of France will understand that is only
their illegal occupation of Arab land
that stands between them and acceptance
by their neighbors.

The French people should be ashamed of
themselves. They so greiously suffered
under occupation and now have imposed
it for decades on their Arab neighbors.

I think we should boycott all French
Academic institutions that have gained
from their mis-treatment of Arabs.

And their psychological security fence
should go.

"Mr. Chirac ... tear down this metaphor!"

Posted by Ted at November 7, 2005 09:07 AM

A two state solution is the only just solution. French out of the occupied suburbs! No blood for cheeze!

Posted by rjschwarz at November 7, 2005 10:04 AM

No blood for cheeze!

I love it! Interesting to note that there have been virtually no deaths - even when citizens grabbed the "youths" and hauled them off to the police.

This may actually prove that Islam will eventually be compatible with western civ - if this had been Iraq or Iran, they would be killing hundreds.

Posted by David Summers at November 7, 2005 10:21 AM

Uh Oh First Riot Related Death has occured, a 61 year old man trying to put out a trash can fire in his housing project.

Posted by William Herrera at November 7, 2005 12:32 PM

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