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How Much Can We Believe?

...all of the horror stories out of New Orleans for the past week? Michelle Malkin has some questions about the validity of much of the reporting, with links.

Posted by Rand Simberg at September 06, 2005 06:58 AM
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What's eating you, Randall?
Excerpt: So now black hurricane victims in New Orleans are resorting to cannibalism. So he says. Or so he says it is reported. And this is in the Huffington Post and all. I'm not a gamblin' man, but--if I were, you
Weblog: Forward Biased
Tracked: September 6, 2005 06:34 PM

As I watch more of the coverage on CNN I notice that they tend to keep reguritating the same pictures and phrases over and over again. Then, as new material comes streaming in that someone relates to the meme of whiskey, devastation, and anarchy they just put another comma at the end of the sentence and add to their tirade. They are showing less and less live shots and keep showing the same footage from Tuesday and Wednesday over and over. It seems they have gotten their collection of money shots and they will continue to cash them in as long as possible.

However, in one instance of live feed shot on the city the camera was following a guy treading through the water carrying stuff under his arm. The news commentator, as always, was eager to describe the situation, "as you can see people are still stranded in the corpse laden, toxic slime, flood waters just trying to find away to survive..." Right as he says this the camera person pans over to 2 friggin' hot blondes and a guy in the backyard of a house, sitting in an above ground swimming pool, relaxing on floaties drinking a beer. Once they realized that they were being filmed they immediately jumped up and down in the water, smiling and shaking what they got, waving to the camera with great enthusiasim. The screen went immediately blank and the the commentator said, "Well there were a few people there...." Then he kinda trailed off as the screen went blank and the stock footage of people holding their babies up screaming to the camera was rolled.

Posted by Josh Reiter at September 6, 2005 08:52 AM

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