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Two Cults In One

Speaking of Thomas James, he has an amusing tale from the Mars Society Conference.

[Update a few minutes later]

I was about to do a radio interview with a German radio station about evolution and intelligent design when I posted this, so I didn't get a chance to finish the thought with a similar supporting anecdote of my own.

I have a dear old friend (who will remain nameless) who is also a victim of the Mac cult. He swears by his Mac, and professes hatred of PCs and a mystification about why anyone would buy them when they could have a Mac. But when he shows me things on it, there are invariably problems with it that, if it were my machine, would cause me to toss it into the sea in frustration. Yet he seems almost blind to it, even as he asks for help in doing things that it won't let him do.

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 17, 2005 03:51 AM
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I think the mantra is "all computers suck, just in different ways".

For me, a Mac (I try hard to refer to it as 'my laptop') is a better choice; crashes less often than my last set of Win32 laptops and I can do more.

Posted by Brian Dunbar at August 17, 2005 06:00 AM

My wife is a Wintel person; I am an Apple fan. And with all due respect to Mr. Simberg, her machine has had far more problems than my own. But she always solves the problem---so no big deal. Remember the Bill Gate's definition: a "bug" is actually an "undocumented feature."

I'm always amused by the "Mac Fanatic" claims. Sure, I prefer the Apple system. But I have never criticized someone else for using a Wintel system...but the Wintel folks seem to feel quite justified in attacking Apple users.

Funny thing: the two systems are converging in appearance and abilities. It's what you are used to, and what you like.

Posted by Mark Martin at August 17, 2005 08:55 AM

I witnessed the Mac-heavy Mars Society Conference. As a non-proselytizing Mac user, I cringe when I see people wear their computer as a badge of...something. We have Macs in the house because it's what I know and can most easily fix. When I had the choice at work, I chose a Mac, but now a PC sits on my desk.

As Thomas James called me, Tom "The non-intrusive Mac user" Hill

Posted by Tom Hill at August 17, 2005 10:07 AM

Mac criticism from a guy who has had to post here several times asking for help in managing and configuring his systems...

Okay, whatever.

Posted by Raoul Ortega at August 17, 2005 10:25 AM

It wasn't Mac criticism (this particular person doesn't always have the latest, or compatible, Mac stuff, which is one of the reasons he has so many problems)--it, like Thomas James' piece, was Mac fanatic criticism. I'm actually indifferent to Macs myself. As Brian said, all computers such, just in different ways.

Posted by Rand Simberg at August 17, 2005 10:37 AM

I really miss the original MacIntosh(the box and CPU, not the OS). I smile anytime I see a picture of one of those(I haven't seen a real one in years. I think they look so cool. I am a WINTEL person as far as OS's are concerned, but if they brought back a special edition of the Mac in it's original box I would buy it in a heartbeat.

Posted by Jardinero1 at August 17, 2005 02:22 PM

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