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Weird Bleg

For any Catholics out there (and I don't mean cafeteria Catholics), is gambling a sin? If you went to the Vatican, and asked the Pope if it's OK to lay some money down on the horses, would he say, "go for it"?

Posted by Rand Simberg at July 23, 2005 06:20 PM
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I am not Catholic but always understood that they tend to be very fond of BINGO.

Posted by Mike Puckett at July 23, 2005 06:38 PM

The proceeds from that go to the church. Plus, it requires a little skill (OK, not a lot, but still...)

Again, what would the Pope think about putting money down on the ponies?

Posted by Rand Simberg at July 23, 2005 06:42 PM

He'd better not object to me, else I'll bore him with a story:

Baltimore, 1985. I'm driving home from work when I pass by the Catholic church on Harford Road. There's a sign out front: "Harvest festival. Used books."

I walked into the hall and discovered that the festival part featured a card table and a wheel of fortune being spun by the faddah himself.

Took me for forty bucks, they did.

Posted by Bill Peschel at July 23, 2005 07:09 PM

BTW, your censor wouldn't let me identify the card game being played. It's the one where you're trying to reach "21" without going over.

Posted by Bill Peschel at July 23, 2005 07:11 PM

He'd probably direct you to the catechism, which states...

"2413 Games of chance (card games, etc.) or wagers are not in themselves contrary to justice. They become morally unacceptable when they deprive someone of what is necessary to provide for his needs and those of others. The passion for gambling risks becoming an enslavement. Unfair wagers and cheating at games constitute grave matter, unless the damage inflicted is so slight that the one who suffers it cannot reasonably consider it significant."

Posted by Daniel Schmelzer at July 23, 2005 08:47 PM

Concurring with a previous post.

I actually asked this of my local priest when I was a kid.

General guidelines: Don't gamble with your food|housing|clothing money. Perfectly acceptable to gamble with surplus disposable income.

Posted by bloatboy at July 23, 2005 09:55 PM

My understanding also. Gambling is the same as any other entertainment that costs money; spending the children's milk money on the ponies is right out, but if you can afford the money, not a problem.

Posted by jaed at July 24, 2005 03:42 AM

Gambling isn't a sin. But you shouldn't make gambling the center of your life.

That being said my Grandfather bought a lottery ticket every day of his life. He never won a single thing.

I don't think God believes in Luck.

Posted by Jason Verheyden at July 24, 2005 05:48 AM

I'm driving home from work when I pass by the Catholic church on Harford Road. There's a sign out front: "Harvest festival. Used books."

Posted by Pen at July 25, 2005 01:31 AM

Daniel Schmelzer is exactly right. And if you don't deny the family or someone who's care for whom you are responsible, its your decision. No sin involved. I grew up in Kentucky, the lkand of fast women and beautiful horses. I have seen priests at Churchill Downs on many an occasion, even saw the Bishp there once. So the simple rule is no harm, no sin.

Mike Puckett, on the other hand is being, well stupid!! NOT only Catholics, liked the bingo games when I was growing up, Mike. Personally, I have never played bingo, it never interested me. My grandmother never missed a Tueday night in her adult life that I know of.

The way you put your statement sounds alot like a semi-racist remark.

"I am not Catholic but always understood that "they" tend to be very "fond" of BINGO."

Dude, I am not PC by any means, and anyone who reads my rants here or elsewhere will know that.

But how would that sentence play if the "they" was Jewish, Black, German, or French, AND the "fond"ness was for, in order now, diamonds & gentile blond women, watermelon & tap dancing, conquest & conquest or cheese & surrendering.

It's technically not even recist, I retract my originl statement, on further thought.

It's called stereotyping, so you didn't really "understood", you assumed. And I won't dissect that for you, we are all adults here.

Posted by Steve at July 26, 2005 06:54 AM

Gambling is clearly NOT one of the Seven Deadly Sins. It is stupid and a poor substitute for good sex.

Remember Bill Bennett? He was on clear moral grounds in losing all that money. Made him LOOK stupid and unable to control his impulses but it was HIS money. Now on gluttony, he's not so clean......

Posted by Whitehall at July 28, 2005 07:50 AM

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