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Could Weather Succeed Where The CIA Failed?

There are pictures on the web from Cuba, of the devastation in the wake of Dennis. There are rumors that Fidel isn't accepting foreign aid, out of a false pride and unwillingness to admit to the extent of the damage, and that people are growing angrier. Let's hope that the Cubans can finally rid themselves of the dictator who has ruled them for too many decades.

Posted by Rand Simberg at July 17, 2005 07:31 PM
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Rand -
It may be even worse this time re:assistance. Just about every one of the christian missionaries on the island was thrown out some months back - a lot of aid after hurricanes came from the churches that supported the missionaries, and it's not going to be coming this time.


Posted by Mike Kozlowski at July 17, 2005 08:36 PM

Sadly, it's a popular American myth that an entire country can be held in repressive hostage by a SINGLE evil dictator. We like this myth because it gives us ONE person to focus our anger and hatred on; when in fact, these guys are in power because they have LOTS of help. Saddam was a perfect example of that- his 'helpers' continue to make life miserable for our troops on an hourly basis. If Fidel were to die this afternoon, there would not be much change in Cuba. People living high on the hog in, and because of, his regime will not just thow up their hands and walk away with the loss of a figurehead; and it will take more than a hurricane to remove all of them.

Posted by SpaceCat at July 18, 2005 08:49 AM

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