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Has Anyone Over At Democratic Underground ...blamed George Bush for the tsunamis yet? I'm sure it's just a matter of time. Thousands more lives are on his head. Posted by Rand Simberg at December 27, 2004 09:50 AMTrackBack URL for this entry:
http://www.transterrestrial.com/mt-diagnostics.cgi/3301 Listed below are links to weblogs that reference this post from Transterrestrial Musings.
Have not heard that yet, but here goes the thinking, I'll bet... "CNN Reports today that, Mr Bush did not sign Kyoto, which is allowing more global warming, which lets more fresh water enter the oceans from melting glaciers, this fresh water weighs less than salt water, allowing easier tectonic plate sliding and movement, and we now know under ocean earth quakes and landslides caused the tsunami. ALSO lack of funding of Asia's Tsunami Warning System by the USA caused an inordinate number of deaths. After the break, further proof that Bush stole the 2000 election and that Cheney is STILL getting money from Halliburton." "..that is collusion, THIS IS CNN!!!"
I checked those slugs out yesterday, to find out the answer to that very question, Rand. The DUtestable DUmmies were a little slow off the mark, so I was able to stomach the comment headers right up until I came across one that read, "Twelve thousand dead...who do we bomb?" They've had the all night for their bedtime meds to wear off, though, so I fully expect to find some nice, fresh, squishy, steamy DU thought on the topic this morning. Posted by Neuroto at December 27, 2004 10:38 AMToday I heard some caller tell Roger Hedgecock (in for Limbaugh) that man is damaging the tensile strength of the earth's crust by poking highway tunnels through mountains and pumping oil and gas out of the ground. Now, there actually is some incidence of subsidence when large amounts of water are pumped out of the water table, but I'm not aware of any noticeable movement of the ground as a result of crude oil pumping. Anyway, this guy's logic sounded to me like brushing a couple of flecks of powdered sugar off a donut hole and thus causing the morsel to fall apart in your hand. Posted by McGehee at December 27, 2004 11:57 AMTrust Rand to make a partisan comment out of 30,000 dead people. Typical wacko thinking from the idiot in the red corner. Go for it Rand. You're 'da man. Posted by at December 27, 2004 12:15 PMAlready been done. Check out Tim Blair's blog. http://timblair.net/weblog.php?id=P82 More, "we could do more for these poeple if it weren't for GWB", but LLL nonetheless. Posted by kayawanee at December 27, 2004 12:19 PM"Trust Rand to make a partisan comment out of 30,000 dead people. Typical wacko thinking from the idiot in the red corner. Go for it Rand. You're 'da man." Waaah! Here is a fresh red diaper for the widdle wed baby! You are just crying because Rand has you idiots so pegged Mr. Anonymous! Methinks thou doest protest too much!
I certainly did hear complaints about the our "anemic" response on CNN. Definite discussion of George Bush and comments that "We could do more." Posted by VR at December 27, 2004 02:16 PMDo more? It hasn't hardly been a day yet! Some people are so stupid! I guess a it is a requirement to work for the MSM. Posted by Mike Puckett at December 27, 2004 02:33 PMMcGehee, the ground has settled quite a bit where I live in the southern part of the San Joaquin Valley in California, near the Midway-Sunset oil field and the site of the great Midway gusher of 1910, a huge producer for many years. The last time I heard a figure, the water table has been lowered by 900 feet, and that is just the figure I heard a couple of decades ago. Not really surprising, considering that this part of the valley is all alluvial fan down to quite a depth, and there is quite a subsidence problem. I've never heard of anyone forming a grievance committee about it, since everyone knows what the local economy is based on. Wait, I take that back. Once, a quarter century or so ago, the publisher of the Bakersfield Californian passed away, and some relative of his, a progressive lady from Connecticut, came out here to take over publication of the paper. The Californian used to have a "Gushers and Dry Holes" feature on the editorial page, sort of like Newsweek's Conventional Wisdom up and down arrow gimmick. One of the very first "Dry Holes" the paper printed after the Connecticut progressive took over was a paragraph decrying the rise in the price per bbl. of crude oil, and the negative effect it would have on consumers. This prompted a storm of bad-tempered letters to the editor by the paper's readership, pointing out that a rise in the price of crude is a good thing in these parts, owing to the higher production costs associated with getting San Jouquin Valley crude out of the ground, and that higher prices eventually mean higher employment. It was pretty amusing. Nobody's damaging the tensile strenght of the Earth's crust. Maybe we're making the squishy, sedimentary parts, like where I live, settle a little, but it's meaningless on a geological scale. Posted by Neuroto at December 27, 2004 03:54 PM"He's been monitoring it very closely," White House spokesman Trent Duffy told reporters at a briefing here. "He's seen some of the images on television." Kewl! Bush does watch TV. Who knew? Posted by Bush-whacked at December 27, 2004 04:02 PMNeuroto, I think you added one TOO many zeroes there bud. I used to work in the oil patch and its 90 feet of drop in just under a century not 900. I lived in beautiful Taft, CA and worked up and down the valley. I've read the history of the oil patch, so thats why I challenge your 900 feet of drop. If it was 900 feet, the Grapevine would never have existed coming down into Bakersfield. It, instead, would have gone UP to Bakersfield. Now I don't have topographic maps of that area lying around mind you, but 900 feet of drop seems like alot even for Socal and the general San Andreas area. Any geologists, real or play, listening in? Or where do we find topo maps if that area circa 1900 - 1910? Posted by Steve at December 27, 2004 06:20 PMOne DU'er did claim that earthquakes were associated with nuclear testing, and that every two out of three times a nuke is tested someone gets hit with an earthquake. Umm... That must explain all those massive New Mexico earthquakes that I'm never reading about. Posted by George Turner at December 27, 2004 07:13 PMSteve, if you know better than I do, then you better than I do. 900 is the figure some pumper told me back in the early 80's when I was a hand on a crew rebuilding steam generators, and I remember being impressed by the figure. He had it wrong, maybe, or I misremembered it. I didn't say the ground subsided 900 feet, just the water table. I do remember clearly that he said that was the explanation of why trees grew more abundantly at the turn of the century than in our times, it seemed reasonable to me. I stand by my assertion about the subsidence problem, 90 feet or 900. As long as I'm prodding my fitful memory, here's a link to something I found while googling: You've probably already got this bookmarked, but if you don't it's short and sweet. If you'll forgive a nosy question, when did you live in Taft? Posted by Neuroto at December 27, 2004 07:13 PMThe last time I heard a figure, the water table has been lowered by 900 feet, and that is just the figure I heard a couple of decades ago. Do they attribute that to oil pumping or just water pumping? I'd hope the water table isn't sinking into voids left by oil pumping; that would leave a bad taste. ;-) Posted by McGehee at December 28, 2004 04:13 AMAccording to Washington Times (via Drudge), the UN claims are $15 million is not enough. The official from the Netherlands even goes so far as to suggest that it's Bush's tax cuts that prevents the US from giving anymore, and that we should raise taxes because "that's what the people want". I guess the people in the Netherlands want that, because I think 60 million people in the US do not. Further in the story were informed that the largest single national contribution comes from...? The Netherlands? Nope... The USA! Second at $10 million is Australia. As AE Brain points out, its also more than just the financial aid. Posted by Leland at December 28, 2004 07:01 AMOh I expect a lot of people to take credit (or lay blame for this). The Religious Right will blame non-Christian, paganist countries. They will claim that God chose Christmas Day to punish the non-believers. Osama will take credit - surprised he hasn't already. And yes, they are already blaming the tsunami on "Global Warming". Posted by Downtown Lad at December 28, 2004 08:54 AMStinginess is a terrible thing. As a great symbolic gesture I think that 25% of every UN employees' salary should be withheld and donated to help the victims of the disaster until everything returns to a semblance of order again. After all, I KNOW that they want to help. Lets put THEIR money where their mouths are. After all, its the hallmark of PC morality to demand that OTHER people spend their money on doing good deeds. I'm just trying to do my part. I bet the lumpen-illumanati would begin to howl bloody blue murder. Posted by tcobb at December 29, 2004 07:32 AMPost a comment |
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