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Climate Of Fear

I predict that within a few hours of this becoming a major media story, there will be moonbats at DU accusing the perpetrators of being Republicans, out to make Kerry supporters look bad.

Posted by Rand Simberg at October 05, 2004 02:53 PM
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In fairness, someone did lock the thread. Maybe it was Karl Rove.

Posted by Thief at October 5, 2004 03:46 PM

There's a Roll call vote on Charlie Rangel's Bill to reinstitute the draft being shot down right now on the House floor. You know, the one the D's have sent out thousands of mailings on threatening people with?

Making Kerry supporters look silly here probably _is_ Republican's fault. In the way the kid in the Emperor's New Clothes is at fault.

76-2 so far.

Posted by Al at October 5, 2004 04:26 PM


If I had to guess, that would be Jim McDermott and Charlie Rangel. But I'm not sure of Jim.

Posted by Al at October 5, 2004 04:47 PM

Just saw the vice-presidential debate. Taking a leaf out of the GOP response to the first presidential debate, I will call it a tie (i.e. Johnny Sunshine got reamed). No-one wields a shiv like Darth Cheney. No-one.

Hope that one disappears down the memory hole.

Posted by Duncan Young at October 5, 2004 09:02 PM

Then again, Andrew Sullivan and the respondance of the CBS snap poll think otherwise. I dont see it myself -- Cheney was full of b.s. but it was specific b.s. -- Edwards was reading off the stump speech teleprompter in his head most of the time.

Posted by Duncan Young at October 5, 2004 09:28 PM

>>I predict that within a few hours of this
>>becoming a major media story

Blah bla bla Rand, and on September 4, 2004 you wrote:

Did Someone Say Bounce?

So much for the conventional wisdom that the electorate was "locked in place" and there were no undecideds, and no room for a bounce (which was the MSM excuse for the fact that Kerry didn't get one).

There's no way for the numbers to change this much except for former Kerry voters moving to Bush. I see no sign that Kerry has the ability or strategy to get them back. They say that the voters don't start paying attention until after Labor Day. It looks like they may have started a few days early this year, and they may have finally taken stock of the junior Senator from Massachussetts.


"I see no sign that Kerry has the ability ..."

Ha ha Rand, you're so way off on your predictions that it's actually laughable. You seem to have been blinded by the peculiar and theatrical entertainment at the Madison Square Garden a month ago. The GOP's ultra-scripted extravaganza made it possible for dumbya to look "presidential" in a secure environment, and so was designed to make an impression on undecided voters.

However, on September 30, reality caught up with nr 43. Left without a script, incurious George was at a loss for words to defend his record. Except for a "miracle", he's not going to improve his performance during the two remaining debates. In your excitement regarding "the bounce", you couldn't see this coming, could you? For your own good Rand, stick to space policy analysis.

Now, talking about predictions, I predict that Cheney's dramatic statement and lie, that he never met Edwards (a pre-planned swipe which he forced into to an answer about Israel-Palestine) WILL become a major media story.

Pictorial evidence:

"Cheney Thanked Edwards At the National Prayer Breakfast. Addressing the National Prayer Breakast, Cheney said: “Thank you. Thank you very much. Congressman Watts, Senator Edwards, friends from across America and distinguished visitors to our country from all over the world, Lynne and I honored to be with you all this morning.” [FDCH Political Transcripts, Cheney Remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast, 2/1/01]"

Posted by Canute at October 6, 2004 05:07 AM

Canute, is there some reason that I (or anyone, for that matter) should care what you think?

Most polls I've seen continue to show Bush ahead (particular in terms of electoral votes), and it's too early to assess the results of last night's debate (not that it has anything to do with this post anyway...).

Posted by Rand Simberg at October 6, 2004 05:18 AM

Oh, by the way, congratulations on your 15 minutes of fame on "the Global Test". You should be proud, even the "Corner" made the link to your website.

Posted by Canute at October 6, 2004 05:20 AM

>>Canute, is there some reason that I (or anyone, for that matter)
>>should care what you think?

Rand, I dont mind whether or not you care what I "think". The point I'm making is that your predictions regarding this campaign don't hold water very often. It's as simple as that. Now, if you cannot defend your prediction as of September 4 regarding Kerry -- when you seemed to be so positively jubilant about "the bounce" -- that's your problem.

Posted by Canute at October 6, 2004 05:43 AM

I wasn't particularly "jubilant" about the bounce (except, perhaps, in your mind)--I was simply pointing it out. I don't know what "prediction" it is that I'm supposed to be defending (even on the dubious premise that I've ever claimed infallibility).

I predict that Bush will win, and it likely won't be close. I've believed this for some time (since Kerry was nominated, actually), and little has occured in the interim to cause me to change that prediction. Of course, I could be wrong.

Posted by Rand Simberg at October 6, 2004 05:50 AM

Quote from Canute: "Now, talking about predictions, I predict that Cheney's dramatic statement and lie, that he never met Edwards"

Oh yea cause Edwards is just such a memorible and lovable guy that is just terrible that someone would deny having shook his hand before. **rolls eyes**

Posted by Josh "Hefty" Reiter at October 6, 2004 05:58 AM

>>I don't know what "prediction" it is that I'm
>>supposed to be defending (even on the dubious
>>premise that I've ever claimed infallibility).

You wrote: "There's no way for the numbers to change this much except for former Kerry voters moving to Bush. I see no sign that Kerry has the ability or strategy to get them back."

Wouldn't you agree that this is a "prediction"?

Posted by Canute at October 6, 2004 06:02 AM

>>Oh yea cause Edwards is just such a memorible
>>and lovable guy that is just terrible that
>>someone would deny having shook his hand
>>before. **rolls eyes**

Oh yea, Dick is a hefty liar.

Posted by Canute at October 6, 2004 06:08 AM

No, it doesn't look like a prediction to me. It looks like an explanation for a current situation. But even if it were, I'm still scratching my head wondering why I have to "defend" it. Particularly to you.

Posted by Rand Simberg at October 6, 2004 06:26 AM

Cheney won the debate; but

Edwards beat the point spread.

Posted by BIll White at October 6, 2004 07:00 AM

Rand, You were right in your prediction about the moonbats, getting back to the subject of this post. The AFL-CIO said their coordinated protests, some might say attacks, at Bush-Cheney offices in Orlando and Miami "didn't go as planned". If I could spin a baseball like that, I'd be pitching in the World Series.

Posted by Bill Maron at October 6, 2004 07:09 AM

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