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Hurricane Blogging But who knows for how long? It turns out that the Residence Inn that we're staying at has broadband, but I didn't find out about it until a couple hours ago. Then I discovered that I hadn't packed any ethernet cables with my laptop... So after a trip back to the house between feeder bands (with an additional delay to cover up one door that we missed earlier), I'm on the air, until the power or bandwidth give out, whichever comes first. As anyone who's been following the storm knows, the damned thing slowed down to nine MPH today, so landfall is coming later than anticipated. We haven't seen much yet, except a couple feeders, with (fortunately) no tornadoes. It still looks like it's heading somewhat north of us, and the Cape is still in danger. We're still in the target area, at the extreme southern end, as far as being hit by the eye. If it hits north of us, it will be a blessing (for us) because most of the heavy winds will be off-shore, and there won't be as heavy a surge (flooding of the house was the biggest concern, and one that we could do nothing about, other than wrapping it in whatever they put Han Solo in). But the door that we belatedly shored up was on the west side of the house, so we decided to buttress it a little more. I'm anticipating an interesting twenty-four hours, with (at a minimum) steady tropical-force winds hitting sometime before morning, increasing to hurricane force throughout tomorrow, with eyefall on the land sometime during the day or evening. Earlier is bad, because that means it will hit farther south (us). Later is better, even though it prolongs the agony of the decibels and groaning structure. We're in a comfortable hotel room, built fifteen years ago, but if the storm hits here dead on, it will be the biggest one it's ever seen, even though the intensity has dropped off to a Cat 3 (it may increase once it's done scouring the Bahamas, in anticipation of slamming the Treasure Coast--lucky us). We're enjoying a meal (possibly our last nice one for a while) of grilled salmon and Caesar salad and champagne (the place has a kitchen). We're hoping that the hotel will hold out all right, but the worst case is that we all huddle in an interior bath (four of us, with no windows) for the few worst hours, screaming above the winds howling through the broken windows. Obviously, I hope (but don't pray--I still don't know to whom to do that) that it doesn't come to that. Oh, and to commenter "John" in the previous thread? I rarely use language like this in my blog, but fuck you. With sandpaper. Posted by Rand Simberg at September 03, 2004 05:17 PMTrackBack URL for this entry:
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Rand, this link is for "John" Bush opens up DOUBLE DIGIT lead. http://www.time.com/time/press_releases/article/0,8599,692562,00.html Posted by Mike Puckett at September 3, 2004 05:54 PMStay safe and take care. Great news about Bush's lead! Posted by Asher Abrams at September 3, 2004 06:52 PM"Obviously, I hope (but don't pray--I still don't know to whom to do that) that it doesn't come to that." I copied the following from another blog that quoted a Russian re the terrorist massacre: "'Like most that grew up in the USSR, I am an atheist. But tonight, I will pray for them. If I pray long enough perhaps I will stop crying.' You know, Texas has had two major hurricanes in the last 24 years, as compared to one major, one a sliver shy of major, in Florida, in three weeks, andn Tropical Storm Ivan will probably cross Cuba as a hurricane September 15 and hit south Florida, again.
Riots in Miami. Contested elections. OK, sure, technically, Texas has more tornadoes than any other state, but Oklahoma has more per capita and more per square mile. Of course, Florida also leads the nation in lightning, alligator and shark fatalities. Texas has no state income tax, and the parts of Texas not in the Mountain Time Zone don't have wildfires or earthquakes. Makes you wonder, if there is a Western Hemisphere Promised Land, no? Posted by Ed Moran abu Been Drunk in Florida at September 3, 2004 09:18 PM"Makes you wonder, if there is a Western Hemisphere Promised Land, no?" There is, its called Burkes Garden Virginia. Posted by Mike Puckett at September 3, 2004 09:29 PMGlad you're doing well, Rand. Hope you all escape the worst of it. Ditto on your message to John. Posted by Barbara Skolaut at September 3, 2004 09:32 PMI'm still hanging in here in Melbourne. Getting windy now with the latest storm bands coming in. Power is going to be iffy at best starting ... NOW. Bye. I'm in Orlando, and we're alternately dead square in the path and off to the side. Damned thing is moving so slowly... Posted by Slartibartfast at September 4, 2004 06:10 AMThe Western Hemisphere Promised Land is by definition in the Mountain Time Zone. I'll bet Rand still votes there. Posted by McGehee at September 4, 2004 07:07 AMFrances had weakened from earlier in the week to a Category 2 storm from a Category 4 on the five-step scale of hurricane intensity, but remained dangerous. Authorities told Floridians to get under cover and stay there. "We don't want to have people lose their lives because of abject stupidity," Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said.Slow-Moving Frances Begins to Pound Florida You don't often see a politician talking about his constituents like that. Check out the Melbourne Nexrad picture. Meanwhile, NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Bush emerged from the Republican National Convention with an 11-point lead over Democrat John Kerry, according to a Newsweek poll released on Saturday, the second straight survey showing him ahead by double digits. Bush Has Double-Digit Lead on Kerry - Newsweek Poll Posted by Bill Woods at September 4, 2004 01:09 PM ekhtjbia akoxsrig tylwrmid anidcusx iphc rxst rwneca Posted by myfw dfyk at November 10, 2006 07:00 AMekhtjbia akoxsrig tylwrmid anidcusx iphc rxst rwneca Posted by myfw dfyk at November 10, 2006 07:00 AMGreat boys Post a comment |
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