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Mars simulation weirdness

Via WorldChanging, an item about a NASA sponsored simulation of Mars colonization that's being sat on instead of released. I don't see why there is a need to do much of anything active to release it other than just slap it on a web server, but then again, I'm not a NASA official. Who the hell knows what calculus leads to this sort of thing. From the article linked in the WorldChanging post it sounds like most likely somebody had an overly ambitious plan to release it on CD, and once the money dried up they didn't come up with an alternative. If anyone reading this has free server space and is willing to host the game, I'd suggest contacting Professor Henry directly and offering to distribute the game. Double bonus if you distribute source as well. My bet is that if source is released the very first hack will be to add hostile aliens and weapons.

Posted by Andrew Case at August 21, 2004 11:28 AM
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I suspect the reason is simple. This was a micro-budget project by a group of student programmers. Even if they did a fantastic job, it is unlikely it is a polished, finished program. It would probably take far more support to run it properly than NASA is willing to give. No matter how often or loudly you say "There's No Support!" people will ask questions, especially from an "official" source. If you don't provide support, some of them will complain very loudly ("You made it! You should support it!"). It is easier just to let it die quietly. If it is any good at all, I wouldn't be surprised it it shows up sometime, unofficially.

Posted by VR at August 21, 2004 07:42 PM

"My bet is that if source is released the very first hack will be to add hostile aliens and weapons."

Probably so but could just save the time and go buy a copy of Doom 3. Its all about finding weapons and killing aliens on a Mars colony.

Posted by Hefty at August 23, 2004 05:18 AM

NASA could partner up with one of the big game development companies to release the game, maybe using their share of the profits to fund research into colonization. At the very least, sell the rights.

I'd totally buy this game, BTW.

Posted by Thief at August 23, 2004 03:49 PM

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