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Well, Now We Know We now know why the Paper Formerly Known As The Paper of Record has waited so long to report on Senator Kerry's Excellent Southeast Asia Adventure. They had to gather enough chaff to thoroughly obfuscate the issue. Reading this piece, it's clear that the primary motive is not to report all the available facts, but to put up a solid phalanx against anyone standing in the way of John Effing Kerry becoming the next president. I'm sure that bloggers with much more time than I will dissect it line by disingenuous-and-one-sided line. And so the media suck up to the Democrats, and associated decline in its credibility, continues. [Update on Friday morn, and ignoring the brouhaha in the comments section] The dissection begins. And Patterico lays off the LA Times momentarily to go after the Gray Lady as well: The article accomplishes something that I would have thought impossible just two days ago. It makes the L.A. Times's coverage of the Swift Boat Vets look (almost) like responsible journalism. That's gotta hurt. Posted by Rand Simberg at August 19, 2004 08:45 PMTrackBack URL for this entry:
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"John Effing Kerry" That's why I don't link to this site from NASA Watch. You spend far too much time on things that have zip to do with space.
Fine, Keith, whatever. At least my site allows links to specific space-related posts, without forcing people to link to a general website that makes them wander through the whole thing to find a specific post, that disappears when it scrolls off the bottom and can never be found again. At least if I put up an interesting space post, you can link to it directly from NASA Watch, without having to put your readers through the indignities of discovering my opinions about various politics and politicians. I can't do the same with yours. Yet I occasionally link to you regardless, because you often have good stuff, regardless of the inconvenience to my readership. It would seem that what you're saying is that you're unwilling to link to any of my posts that may be of interest to your readership, simply because you disapprove of my political views. As I said, whatever. Maybe some day, as a pioneer pseudoblogger, and one to be admired, you'll actually join the blogosphere... Posted by Rand Simberg at August 19, 2004 09:42 PMNASA Watch is being upgraded - well beyond simple blogging usability - but certainly not because of your requests/complaints - but for other reasons. None the less, you devote far too much time to things non-space oriented for me to link - since visitors can easily find all of your personal, blatantly partisan and biased, non-space rantings. Don't get me wrong, ranting is certainly to be encouraged, but I limit myself to space ranting. You don't. As for the utility of NASA Watch - our (constantly growing) traffic is measured in millions of page views - so I must be doing *something* right. As for "the inconvenience to my readership." Why not save them the problems and don't link.
Just what "problems" are you saving them from by not linking to a specific interesting space-related post, Keith? Is someone holding a gun to their head to click links to other portions of the site, in which they might find opinions that you find abhorrent? I fail to see how you're doing your readership any favors by boycotting my site (or my articles on other sites, like TechCentralStation or National Review) completely. But thankfully, it's a free world, and (for now) free net. Posted by Rand Simberg at August 19, 2004 10:22 PMEarth to Rand: The bulk of your posts have nothing to do with space. I limit my online efforts to space. "abhorrent" is your word. I never used it. I see you have leaped into armwaving mode. All the more reason to not link to your posts. "But thankfully, it's a free world, and (for now) free net." Yup. On my sites I get to chose who to link to - or who not to link to. You get to do the same.
The bulk of your posts have nothing to do with space. Which is probably true as of late, but not necessarily in general. In any event, it's irrelevant, since you don't have to link to "the bulk of my posts." If there's a specific one that is relevant to space, and to your readers, you can link to it, and (unlike your site) they won't be inconvenienced by having to look at "the bulk of my posts" unless they choose to. I'm glad you're going to do a site update, regardless of whether or not it was due to any kvetching on my part. I'll look forward to being able to guide my own readership to specific posts at NASA Watch without their having to dig for it and hope it still exists weeks later, assuming that's a feature that you'll be incorporating. I continue to wish you good fortune with your site. I think that it provides a valuable service. Posted by Rand Simberg at August 19, 2004 10:44 PMIn fairness, Rand does advertise his site as "Infinity (space I presume).....and beyond!" I guess this is the beyond. Helping us see beyond the propoganda in the once-respectable print media. Posted by Mike Puckett at August 19, 2004 10:49 PMRand: Your website is an utterly biased Libertarian/Republican policy site sprinkled (far less of late) with space stuff. Some of it is downright hateful and unimaginative. So long as it stays that way links will be minimal - if not non-existant. Again, with regard to your complaints about how NASA Watch is structured. I get millions of page views. Do you? Posted by Keith Cowing at August 19, 2004 11:11 PMWell, Keith, I'll bet Rand's penis is four inches longer than yours. Oops...but seriously, pops, you should chill. You look like an idiot. Anyone over 14 knows a guy doesn't get angry at someone he really thinks is becoming some dumb irrelevant mumbler. It's obvious you're only making such white-knuckled clenched-sphinctered comments because you think Rand is having some kind of serious influence in a direction you don't like. Maybe he's dissing your guy for Prez or something and, like, scoring hits. But anyway you look like a doofus. I've never read your site, so your comments here are my first introduction to what you have to offer. Um, you sound like you should pop a Valium. Not a good impression, at all. Sorry. Rand, you could chill out a little bit, too. I mean, don't get started thinking you should give a goddam whether 3 or 0.3 million people read your site. Write what you believe and what you know. Your regulars think that's just fine. Besides, you start caring as much as Keith here about whether you're widely adored or not and before you know it you're just like all the other Faustian media whores who'll spread their cheeks for anyone at all if it'll get their name in big liights. Like we need more of that. Posted by George R. R. Bush at August 20, 2004 01:46 AMI'm certain if Rand put the word 'Nasa' page title he'd be getting a few more hits also. Mcdonalds proudly proclaims billions and billions served yet if you've eaten there you'd know there is really not much to be proud of beyond that. It would be one thing if Rand was on Nasa Watch begging to be added as a hosted link. Then, one could critique away, "Since you asked I would add you but....." However, seems odd that someone would go over to another site and start stirring up the coals over the content. Posted by Hefty at August 20, 2004 06:03 AMWOW! I'd never taken a look at the NASA Watch website. Now that I know it's run by an a$$h0le, I never will. Note to Keith: more is not better, better is better. Rand, keep ranting. Like you, I'm sick and tired of being accused of everything from bad faith to baby-killing because I'm conservative. Your ideas about the space program only make sense in the larger political and economic context. Besides, Andy Case posts enough "uncomfortable" stuff to keep everyone honest here. Posted by slimedog at August 20, 2004 06:24 AMAt least Rand and I use our own names when we post and don't hide behind fake names. Posted by Keith Cowing at August 20, 2004 06:51 AMRand and Keith, Here's another unsolicited evaluation from the peanut gallery: I personally respect both of you, and it pains me to see you two grown men go at it like this. This blog has taken a decidedly political turn, true enough. That's to be expected, or at least it shouldn't be surprising, given that the general election is bearing down on us. I personally have begun to view a great deal of my own life in political terms because of the dangerous circus in the MSM. Kind of a Cirque Du Soleil with long knives. Space will still exist on November 3, 2004. Philosophically, I'm not sure that condition will also apply to this country. I'm sure that the "Space" tone will return here in renewed vigor when the election is settled, so I respectfully suggest patience. Both of you are pioneers and are prolific outlets for things people do indeed need to know. Please keep doing your most excellent work! Posted by J. Craig Beasley at August 20, 2004 07:20 AMI'm sick and tired of being accused of everything from bad faith to baby-killing because I'm conservative. I'm tired of it too, and I'm not a conservative... Posted by Rand Simberg at August 20, 2004 07:31 AMKeith Cowing argues with everybody, so it's not worth getting upset about. You would be hard-pressed to find an example of him having a civilized discussion with anybody that did not quickly degenerate into name-calling and chest-thumping about how popular NASAWatch is. Posted by at August 20, 2004 07:40 AMRand, Write about anything you like, I'll keep reading. I like the space stuff... but I also like the satire... the analysis, Etc... and I overlook any flaws that really take nothing away from the good job you do. Yours is a daily read for me. Oh, is there an election coming up? is the media blatantly biased for the worst kind of political stooge? Some people see it and some people don't. I just wish the people that don't would just go fishing on Nov. 2nd. Posted by ken anthony at August 20, 2004 08:09 AMRand has mentioned on multiple occasions that this is a blog about space POLICY, and not space in general (see his comments about non-commentary on the Mars landers for one.) As a blog about space policy, and not space in general, I'm not surprised that there is political commentary on TTM. In fact, policy will be intertwined with politics for the forseeable future, it's just the nature of things. That said, once you get into more centralized and focused blogging, such as space policy, and not space in general, your audience will shrink considerably. And, since Rand isn't relying on advertising to keep his site alive, I'm not sure he really cares about visit numbers, as long as some people are reading and interested in what he has to say. For me, personally, permalinks are VERY helpful. There are occasions in which I'll go for a week or two without reading a blog, and if there are links to other articles, I can find those article if they're permalinked (or even daily linked). I'm not surprised that there are "a million page views a day" if people have to navigate all over the site to find what they're looking for. Either way, this reminds me of the bickering between mechanics on my car enthusiast e-mail lists. It's just more frequent over there than on here. I, for one, won't stop reading TTM any time in the near future. If Rand starts going the way of Bill O'Reilly, I'll probably stop reading, but I don't see that happening yet. As far as NasaWatch, well, I've visited when Rand's linked to it. My only other bookmarked blogs are GeekPress and The Bleat. Posted by John at August 20, 2004 08:31 AMWell, now we know why NASAwatch doesn't have open comments-- it makes sure that no one can go to Cowling's site and leave little steaming piles the way he did in this first posting here. Posted by Raoul Ortega at August 20, 2004 08:49 AMAmazing, Keith Cowing posts a critical comment on another bloggers site and then doesn't seem to understand the loyal readership chiming in. Keith didn't have to post anything, just stop linking if that's what he wants to do. No comment was needed. But, considering he worked for Jerry Brown, I guess he couldn't let it go without saying something. Posted by Bill Maron at August 20, 2004 09:07 AMI post several times with my full name I just put in my handle cause its shorter Gee, Keith, why do you spend so much time worrying about what Rand writes? Just don't visit Transterrestrial Musings and I am certain you'll feel much better. Posted by T.L. James at August 21, 2004 01:12 AMPost a comment |
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