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Just A Thought

If Iraq is our Vietnam (an analogy that's flawed on many levels), then Iran is China, without the (yet) nukes and massive army.

I know the press is paying no attention to this, but I hope that the administration is doing something about it. Next country in the Axis, on deck...

Posted by Rand Simberg at April 06, 2004 09:22 AM
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If Iran is "China" by analogy, what are Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt? Frankly, I agree with you, Rand, more than you might think, except I very much doubt we Americans have sufficient power (military / economic / diplomatic) to regime change everywhere that "needs it" to see the neo-con strategy through to victory.

If our plan requires us taking "one bridge too far" for victory, we really would have been better off not trying that strategy in the first place.

= = =

Here is a great blog for folks who want more than the Fox-anitized news feed:

Posted by Bill White at April 7, 2004 10:17 AM

Renyolds is off the deep end.
The point Kenndy was making was that Iraq has destroyed Bush's crediblity - just as Tet destroyed LBJ's.
'Winning' or 'losing' the war are now irrelevent, so far as this point is concerned.

The key to Tet was not that the NVA and VC were tactically defeated - it was that the NVA and VC were able to launch a major, nationwide, offensive after 4 years of LBJ declaring imminent victory.

The key to Iraq was not that the long-term threat of Sadr specifically - it was that order has collapsed after a year of Buch et al. declaring imminent school openings and that the Mission was Accomplished. It is an even worse cockup than WMDgate.

Jim Fallows has a long list of people who can say 'I-told-you-so'

Posted by Duncan Young at April 7, 2004 08:02 PM

I read somewhere that the Iraqi Governing Council is discussing whether to vote to drop all charges against Sadr IF he drops the insurgency.

If the IGC votes to do that, then what?

Posted by Bill White at April 7, 2004 09:04 PM

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