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An End To High-Power Model Rocketry?

I don't know, but the news isn't good. Tripoli just lost its suit against ATFE, and the agency will be allowed to classify ammonium perchlorate compound propellant as an explosive, which will be a significant damper on the hobby, since hobbyists will now have to get a federal Low Explosives Users Permit (LEUP).

This kind of bureaucratic stupidity is the reason that I'm not thrilled with the Bush administration, but there's no reason to think that a Kerry administration would be any better.

The only way this can be fixed now is with legislation, but that's unlikely to happen in an election year.

[Thanks to emailer Bruce Brazaitis for the heads up.]

Posted by Rand Simberg at March 26, 2004 04:39 PM
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So what exactly keeps people from baking their own ACPC? I ask because there is one part in the article that says that black powder is included in the ruling also, and I know that can be made with items purchased at a Home Depot. Also, I guess I just wanted to make it clear where it says that you could fly G impulse motors, couldn't you just strap several of those together? I was watching a amatuer rocket competition and one rocket had several hundred D motors under a rather large rocket that managed a few hundred feet. Would this ruling even impact that sort of construction?

Posted by Hefty at March 27, 2004 03:10 AM

You see a Black powder firearms buff can keep something like 200lbs of powder, but a rocketry buff legally cannot have it without a LEUP. As alot of rocket buffs pointed out that having someone next door with 200lbs of APCP proppellant grains is alot safer.
Clustering APCP motors is a bit more problematic most high power clusters ingnite a core motor first and the outboards ignited by using thermalite fuse(which you need a LEUP to possess)or air starting them with electric matches and a timer.
The real kicker is the regulation of motor storage and transport. There is no clear standard of how they need to be stored. This brings up the problem of asking your local fire department for permission to store "explosives" in say a residental area. Currently I could order motors from a dealer and have them shipped UPS (H&I impulse class)Bigger motors had to be shipped FedEX airport to airport. Most people using big motors would but them from dealers at the field.
Making your own AP motors is whole new ball of wax. It is as much an art as a science. Still if you have a motor weighing so much you have explosives. Still there are hybrid motors and liquids. The Feds do seem to have a bee up their rear about hydrogen peroxide but I noticed they have LOX at the local welding yard.

Posted by Bruce at March 27, 2004 05:37 AM

Before you could buy good high-power premade solid rocket engines people WERE making their own - and there were a lot of accidents. I seem to remember G. Harry Stine was big on this, and was thrilled when the industry took off. Accidents dropped WAY down. Expect more accidents, and no effect on terrorism. This time, Bush WILL be - even just by ignoring the issue - partly responsible.

Posted by VR at March 27, 2004 10:18 PM

The ATF is letting you guys off easy, I have to pay $200 and get fingerprinted and anally probed just to own a rifle with a 9 inch barrel. And it is a long and drawn out anal probing at that.

Posted by Mike Puckett at March 28, 2004 12:37 PM

And I think the powder magazine limitation on black powder is 50lbs IIRC

Posted by Mike Puckett at March 28, 2004 12:38 PM

The problem is institutional more than political

The ATF is no ones friend and hasn't been for a long long time. The long spell under the Clinton administration only made the ATF worse.

I hope Bush will reign in the ATF, but that takes time. Real changes in the bureaucracy aren't achieved until the second term of office.

Posted by Brad at March 29, 2004 02:25 AM

I'm a big fan of Bush, but he's wrong this time. Model rockets have no guidance systems, making them terrible weapons.

Posted by bob at April 30, 2006 06:54 PM

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