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Refreshing Honesty

A major television network executive admits that his programming "just sucked."

Posted by Rand Simberg at November 04, 2003 01:33 PM
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Not that this is necessarily the place for it, but now that they cancelled "Lyon's Den", I hope NBC decides to bring BoomTown back to where it began on Sunday nights. Unfortunately, when they decided last-minute last season to renew it, they sent it to Friday night, where Dramas go to die...

Either way, yes, programming sucked. I stick mostly to CBS for the dramas I watch, with the occasional foray to NBC to catch Dick Wolf's masteries. Tuesday night still has nothing worthwhile for me to bother taping while I'm at work.

Posted by John at November 4, 2003 02:51 PM

I don't know whether I should feel superior or completely out of touch, but I recognize NONE of those show titles, and I own a television and get cable. Yeow.

Posted by Raoul Ortega at November 4, 2003 06:44 PM

Neither do I. I rarely watch network television, other than Fox animated series (Simpsons, King of the Hill, Futurama), and Star Trek Enterprise.

Of course, the reason why is that "it sucks..."

Posted by Rand Simberg at November 4, 2003 07:06 PM

Rand watches King of the Hill? LOL!

Posted by at November 4, 2003 07:37 PM

Well, BoomTown was an NBC series last year that was rather interesting, and was on after Law&Order: Criminal Intent. Lyon's Den took its place this year, starring Rob Lowe. I tend to watch the productions of Jerry Bruckheimer (CSI, CSI:Miami, etc) and Dick Wolf (all the Law & Order iterations), and ignore most everything else, unless something looks interesting on the History channel or the Discovery Wings channel.

I work second shift, so I don't have occasion to watch TV actively, I just record shows for later perusal and distraction. With football upon us, start times on Fox Sunday aren't very reliable, so I miss my favorite animated shows on that channel.

As far as Enterprise goes, it's a great series, but there is no UPN on cable in my area, so I have to resort to borrowing copies from others who are more fortunate to be able to record it.

Posted by John at November 4, 2003 08:08 PM

...I actually won a bet re 'Coupling' - I said it wouldn't make it to Thanksgiving. At least the original BBC version has some funny moments, but NBC never had a chance adapting it to US tastes.
I haven't seen ANY of the three networks in more than two years now. The only thing worth watching is Law and Order, and I catch that on cable. With any luck, the networks will spin themselves into the dirt in another decade.

Posted by Mike Kozlowski at November 4, 2003 10:27 PM

i will never understand network TV. the only 2 new shows in the past ten years i actually liked, the tick and family guy were cancelled. it's kind of a good thing, i don't need any new tv shows i like. thanks tv executives!

Posted by driverdave at November 5, 2003 12:40 AM

So far, the only standout new network show I've seen is Joan of Arcadia (CBS, Friday 8PM); family television at very nearly its best.

I don't understand why House Wars (USA, multiple showings) isn't getting more viewers. Besides being a fresh retake on TLC's Trading Spaces, it's got some very watchable contestants--one team features a retired NFL defensive end with two Super Bowl rings, and another team has triplets who were co-Playmates of the month a few years ago.

Posted by Sam at November 5, 2003 12:55 AM

Harrumph, about the only thing I see on network is Monday Night Football, *if* it doesn't turn out to be a walkover, well, that and the occasional OU game...

Posted by John S Allison at November 5, 2003 08:26 AM

On the subject of Enterprise - is it worth me bothering to catch up with Season 3 or should I treat it as a dead duck?

Posted by Dave at November 5, 2003 10:28 AM

My wife and I were watchers of the recently canceled The Brotherhood of Poland New Hampshire. While the akward title may have contributed to its demise, I found the show humorous, serious, and a little disturbing, all at the same time. It was one of a handful that we went out of our way to watch.

I also have to laugh when networks move shows that target a certain audience to a day when said audience is not going to watch. The best oxample i can think of recently was the show Dark Angel. While I was not a viewer, it was obvious to whom the show was targeted. 16-40 year old men. Fox's grand idea, move it from a night that audience would be home to Friday nights. They then wondered why its viewership dried up and went away.

Posted by Ken at November 5, 2003 11:25 AM

I haven't been able to catch Season 3 yet, Dave, but I've heard that it's supposed to be one continuous story line from the beginning of the season until the end, rather than stories strung together with semi-cohesiveness. I've found the series very watchable, for what it's worth, I just haven't had occasion to keep up with it. And, since it's a Paramount product, expect it to run around $100/season once it's released on DVD, like they did to TNG.

Posted by John at November 5, 2003 02:48 PM

John, that's exactly it. An alien species finds out somehow that 400 years from now, humans destroy their homeworld, so they decide to do unto us preemptively. Enterprise is sent into the approximate area of space where they are building a superweapon and, presumably, stop them. So far it's pretty good, IMO. Of course, if you thought Kirk sucked and Picard was just too cool, you probably won't like Enterprise because in many ways it harkens back to the attitudes of the original series.

Posted by Rick C at November 5, 2003 07:50 PM

How can humans destroy the Xindi homeworld when the Xindi already did that to themselves, taking out their sixth member species in the process?

Having a definite theme going has helped the show but its too bad they couldn't be more original. THe series is now a cross between Voyager and the short-lived Babylon 5 spin-off Crusade. They even have the first officer from Crusade's Excalibur as one of the Marines now aboard Enterprise.

Speaking of which, was I the only one taken aback when, in the previous season's finale, the head of Star Fleet declared that it wasn't a military organization? Apparently that changed by the time Kirk was a veteran of an interstellar war with the Klingons, among other conflicts.

Posted by Eric Pobirs at November 8, 2003 08:17 AM

Boomtown was a great show! I can't watch Lyon's Den because to me, it's like West Wing set in a law firm. I even liked the theme song for Boomtown. Yeah eeeyeah doom dee da da da da doom, do da da da da doom, doom da da da da doom... Good stuff and great production values! Donny "New Kid" Wahlburg can act better than his brother!

I couldn't care less about Coupling. The brunette on the show was hot though! The CSI's & the multiple L&O's are good too. Forensic Files, Animal Cop and City Confidential do it for me too!

Anyone else happy that stupid show Friends is ending? I think it's time to kill Fraiser too!

Thanks For Reading,

Posted by Trevor Olson at November 16, 2003 08:34 PM

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