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See No Evil, Speak No Evil

The mullahs must be getting worried as July 9 approaches--they are cracking down on the internet. The blogosphere should kick around some ideas for work arounds.

Posted by Rand Simberg at July 01, 2003 02:24 PM
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"The mullahs must be getting worried as July 9 approaches--they are Posted by Rand Simberg at 2:24 PM!"

Anyone have the image of Rand Simberg, clad in superheroic regalia, soaring through the air and smashing Iranian mullahs into posts?

...So it's just me, then...

Posted by Just John at July 1, 2003 02:37 PM


I've fixed it. Anyway, my mullah-bashing superoutfit is at the dry cleaners...

Posted by Rand Simberg at July 1, 2003 02:50 PM

A massive list of anonymous proxies for accessing the web un-filtered may be found at

Browsers such as the Singapore developed MyIE2 also make it much easier for users to switch proxies if/when the one they are using becomes blocked.

They can filter all they want, but the Internet WILL route around the damage. Post those 2 urls to Iranian blogs, they should be able to run with it from their!

Posted by David Mercer at July 1, 2003 08:17 PM

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