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Almost Back To Normal

For anyone who's been following my server saga over the weekend (too gruesome to go into in detail), I ended up having to blow off my new Moveable Type installation, because it screwed up the numbering on my permalinks. I've reverted to a backup from Friday morning, and rebuilt all posts since then by hand. In the process, all comments and trackbacks on posts since then have been lost, so if you said anything timeless in any of them, or want to get your link back in, have at it.

I've also not bothered to repost the progress reports on getting the blog back up, but briefly, I ran out of disk space on my server on Friday, and fubared my database as a result (MT really should check for the ability to write files before it attempts to write files...). The system was broken to the point that it wasn't possible to post comments at all. All seems to be well, now, however.

Posted by Rand Simberg at June 09, 2003 01:11 PM
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MT is very reliable but if you run out of disk space all hell breaks loose. I feel your pain.

Posted by Dean Esmay at June 9, 2003 09:21 PM

Sorry for your troubles, rejoiced at your return!

Posted by Steve at June 10, 2003 07:49 AM

Unfortunately I chose this medium to express the philosophical breakthrough that would have solved the problem of cheap access to space forever. ;)

Posted by Jay Manifold at June 10, 2003 09:43 AM

Ouch. As Dean said, loss of disk space is a real problem with MT. I keep a pretty close eye on mine for that reason. Fubar is definitely the proper description for what MT looks like after trying to rebuild with no disk space left.

Posted by Kathy K at June 10, 2003 12:10 PM

What's really frustrating is that it isn't a true loss of disk space--just an arbitrary allocation, by my web host. It seems to me it wouldn't be too much trouble to rig up a script to notify you when you're getting close to the limit, or let you go over and just bill you.

Posted by Rand Simberg at June 10, 2003 12:36 PM

Just how close do you have to be to your upper limit? MarsBlog has just gone haywire (can't post, can't post comments, can't even bring up the MT control panel). I still have around 5mb available on my account, though.

I'm baffled. I have no clue what caused the problem or how to even get in to fix it. Nor, for that matter, how to get in to export my posts out so that I could (worst case) zap the whole thing and reinstall.

Posted by T.L. James at June 10, 2003 04:18 PM

ssh into your shell account and see if you can create a file. Or try scping one up to the site. If you can't, that's your problem.

Though it doesn't sound like the same symptoms I have when that happens. I can do everything--it's just that when I do it, it bolluxes up the site. But MT continues to pretend to work properly...

Posted by Rand Simberg at June 10, 2003 05:46 PM ISP initiated a "security upgrade" without telling anyone, blocking out the scgi-bin directory.

My problems first became apparent with comments, which led me to suspect the problem was similar to yours.

Posted by T.L. James at June 10, 2003 08:34 PM

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