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Far Right? Far Out
Here is a graphic illustration of the absurdity and meaninglessness of labeling everyone on a left-right axis.
It has Glenn in the center, and the only two people further to the right than me are (possibly--it's hard to tell for sure) Susanna Cornett and Iain Murray. I've never done a calibration, but having known him for many years, both on and off the internet, I suspect that my views line up with Glenn's with about a ninety percent correlation (though it's been much longer since I was a Democrat than it's been since he was).
Sorry to disappoint, folks, but I'm not a conservative, regardless of how many people mistakenly call me one.
I'd like to know the methodology (for instance, why two instantiations of Little Green Footballs?), but, as I said above, it doesn't matter, because the whole notion of trying to put people on a simplistic one-dimensional axis has no utility.
Posted by Rand Simberg at June 06, 2003 02:48 PM
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Steven Den Beste has a good alternative to the classic left-right spectrum at
Posted by Karl at June 10, 2003 12:26 PM
Actually, your position on the graph is mostly unrelated to your left/right alignment - it's just based on who links to you.
Posted by Skarl at June 10, 2003 10:57 PM
The libertarian Nolan Chart improves in plotting personal and economic freedom. Wilcox
Posted by D Anghelone at June 12, 2003 10:10 AM
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